54 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 12, 191.7. ______________ __________________________________ INDEX TO ADVERTISERS With Telegraphic Addresses. 61 99 53 Ackroyd and Best Ld..... ..............Lamps, Morley............ Allen, Alfred, and Son Ld...........Allen, Lower Gornal ................ Allen, W. G., & Sons (Tipton) Ld....Allens, Tipton............. Anderson, Boyes and Co. Ld........Electric, Motherwell .............. Appleton and Howard.................................................................... Aqueous W orks & Diamond Bock Boring Co. Ld... .Aqueous, London Armytage and Jones Ld...................Armejons, Sheffield __...... Arnold, Wm., and Co___...........Arnold and Co., Barnsley ___ Association of Private Owners of Bailway Bolling Stock....................... Auld, David, and Sons Ld...........Reducing, Glasgow ...............__;.. Avery, W. & T., Ld.................Artry, Birmingham ......................... Avonside Engine Co. Ld............Loco, Bristol ................................ Baird, J. W„ and Co._____..............Baird, West Hartlepool ........ Baker, John, and Sor. ................................................................. Baldwin, James, and Co............Baldwin, Engineers. Keighley Barimar Ld.............................. Bariquamar, Beg, London ... Barns, W., and Son................Perforation, London __.....................__ Barr, M., and Co. Ld...............VincO, Glasgow ...._________________________ Bayliss, Jones and Bayliss Ld. ......Bayliss, Wolverhampton... ..... Beiliss and MorcomLd.............Beiliss, Birmingham............ Bennett, Wm., Sons & Co. Ltd......Fuse, Camborne ..................... Bennis, Ed., and Co. Ld............Bennis, Little Hulton ................ Bever, Dorling and Co. Ld..........Foundry, Bradford .................... B’ham By. Car. & Wagon Co. Ld.....Carriage, Smethwick, B’ham Blakeborough, J., and Sons .......Blakebo. ougha, Brighouse;.. Blakeley (Firth), Sons & Co. Ld.....Blakeley, Onur ch Fenton ... Bonecourt Waste Heat Boiler Co. Ld... Bonecourt, Vic, London ... Boving & Co. Ltd__________________Jenorten, Westcent, London Bradley Pulverizer Co..............Equestrian, London....... Bridge, David, & Co. Ld............Coupling, < astleton, M’ter... Briquette Machinery Ld...... ...........Briquette, Leeds.... ...... Bristol & South Wales By. Wag. Co....Finance, Bristol........... British Electric Transformer Co. Ld. Transfundo, Hayes, Middx. British Everite andAsbestilite Works Ltd..... Felber, Manchester British Explosives Syndicate Ld.....Cordite, Glasgow ......... British Insulated & Helsby Cables Ld. ...Insulator Prescot....... British Bopeway Engineering Co. Ld. Boxhauling, Fen, London... ... Broadbent, Thomas, and Sons Ld...Broadbent, Huddersfield. Bromell Patents Co.Ld. ...r........Ingenuity, Glasgow .... Brooke, George_____...................Ortho, Cardiff __........ Brown, W. B.,and Co. (Bankhall) Ld... Vires, Liverpool........ Bruce Peebles & Co. Ld............ Peebles, Edinburgh __............... Bumsted and Chandler Ld..........Bags, Hednesford ...... Bumside, George_____________Bumside, Shiney Bow, Durham. Bute Works Supply Co. Ld._______...Gething, Cardiff........ Butterley Co. Ltd____________'...........Forge, Ironville.......... Cambrian Mining School ...........Mining School, Forth .... Cambrian Wagon Co. Ld..............Buffers, Cardiff ............. Carbic Ltd_________________________Carbicitis, Cent, London. •• Ceag” Miners’.Supply Co.Ld ____Georgorum,London ___..... Chapman, Wm., & Co. .............. ........Chapman, Nottingham.... Ohorley Bailway Wagon Co. Ld.....Wagon, Chorley................ Clarke, Chapman and Co. Ld........Cyclops, Gateshead ............. O.M.A. Correspondence School ................................. Coan, B. W..........................................Krankases, Isling, London... Coates and Co. (Sheffield) Ltd.................. ...........................Cover iii Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld.....Solvay, Sheffield.............. 91 Consulting Patent Agency (1880) ...Cepators, Kincross, London — Cooke, Wm., and Co. Ld............Cooke, Sheffield __...................... — Oopp^e Co. (Great Britain) Ld......Evcopp^e, Westcent, London — Corlett Electrical Engineering Co, Ld.... Corlett, Wigan....... Cotton Powder Co. Ld..............Tonita, London ........................ ..... Coulson, M., and Co. Ld......Coulson Ld., Spennymoor Cousland, Alex., and Son ............................................. Coventry Chain Co. Ld.............Chains, Coventry ...... Oradock, George, and Co. Ld........Cradock, Wakefield.... Cresswells’ Ld.....................Asbestos, Bradford .... Curtis’s & Harvey Ld. ...Gunpr., London, & Curtis’s, London...... Daglish, B., and Co. Ld............Daglish, St. Helens .....Coveri Davenport Engineering Co. Ld.....Humidity, Bradford __............. Davidson and Co. Ld...............Sirocco, Belfast ________ Davidson, J. S., and Son.,..................................... Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld____Davis, Derby _____________ Deane, Ed. & Beal Ltd.............Superstruct. Peck, London Denison, S., and Son Ld____________Weigh, Leeds ,,___________ Diamond Blower Co. Ltd..............Flueblower, Cent, London... Diamond Coal-Cutter Co.............Diamond, Wakefield....... Dixon, Geo. N.,and Co.............Tenacity, Liverpool __................... Dixon, S., and Son Ld........ ...........Brass, Leeds __............. Du Croo and Brauns ...............Ducrobra, Vic., London... Earle, G. and T. (1912) Ld...........Cement, Hull ......Coveri Electric Hose and Rubber Co. Ld. ...Elechose, Vic, London . Elliot, George, and Co. Ld..........Elliot Co., London .............. ............. Evans and Dodd ................ Dodd, Cannock............................. Evans, D. Llewellin..,...............Brattice, Cardiff__ __ Evans, Joseph, & Sons (Whton. Ld.).. .Evans, Wolverhampton . Fairbanks, Morse and Co. Ld........Fairminded, London.... Fastnut Ld........................Fastnut, Cent., London . Fell, C. A..........................Fell. Dronfield.......... Fletcher, George, and Co. Ld, __....Amarilla, Derby.............. Foot, Rowland G„ and Co. . Francois, Albert..... Frood, Herbert, Co. Ld. ......... Frost, Albert, and Co. .. Galloways Ld........... 76 76 76 98 66 76 95 76 100 99 93 102 76 53 91 103 64 53 58 54 66 76 98 .104 ... 76 ... 53 ___ 66 Cover ii ... 76 ... 53 ... 99 ... 76 54 62 101 98 55 99 93 59 “ Perfecta ” Boiler Circulator Ld. .Persarco, Vic, London .... 65 Perolin Co. of America ............Perlmco.Harles, London ...Coveriv Phillips, Charles D......................Machinery, Newport......__... — Plowright Bros. Ld..........................Plowright Bros., Ches’field 65 Porteous, E. Clive, Ld..............Movable, Manchester ..... 102 Porteus, George ...................Elevator. Leeds,.................. 100 Power Plant Co. Ld. .....................Roc, West Drayton ____..... .., — • Pratchitt Brothers...............Pratchitt’s, Engineers, Carlisle 95 Princeps and Co...................................Princeps, Sheffield.............__ — Protector Lamp and Lighting Co. Ld....Protector, Eccles ....Coveriv Pryor, Edward, and Son ...........Pryor, Sheffield ........... 102 Pulsometer Engineering Co- Ld. ....Pulsometer, London........ 89 Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld.....Pulsometer, Beading ................ 89 Pyrene Co. Ltd................ Pyrenextm, Westcent, London... — Beddaway, F., and Co. Ld...........Anchorage, Manchester ... — Reavell and Co. Ld.................Reavell, Ipswich....................__......... — Benton, B. M., and Co..............Benton, Sheffield __...................__ 104 Benton, Holdsworth & Co. Ld____ ...Belting, Sheffield ......... 103 Richardsons Westgarth and Co. Ld....Richardsons, Hartlepool ... — Riddel and Co.................................Ridel, Glasgow __.......... 104 Bigley, William___..........._________Bigley, Bulwell ...........53,54 Roburite and Ammonal Ltd.........Roburite, Cannon, London... — Rolling Stock Company_____...........Rolingstok, Darlington ... 53 Boyles Ld...........................Elyor, Cadishead ............................_____ — Bussell, John G............. ..................Dogspike, Wishaw......... — Russell, John, and Co. Ld...........Alma, Walsall................................. 53 Sankey, Joseph, and Sons Ld.......Sankey, Hadley __.................... — “Scandinavia” Belting Ld..........Scandinavia,London........ — Scholefield, Bichard...............Brick, Leeds ............................__ — Scott, Walter, Ld..................Bessemer, Leeds........... 93 Scottish Tube Co. Ltd_____________Scotubeco, Glasgow ....... — Sectional and Plastic Boiler Covering Co.■ .._____.______________ 98 Shelton, Iron, Steel and Coal Co. Ld....Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent.... 102 Sheppard and Sons Ld..............Sheppard, Bridgend........................ 97 Shore, T., and Sons........... ..............Pumps, Stoke-on-Trent ... 101 Siebe, Gorman and Co. Ld........ Siebe, London.;............ — Simon-Catves Ld..........................Simcar, Manchester..... 66 Simplex Conduits Ld. ........ Economy, Birmingham ... 65 Simpson, James, and Co. Ld. __.............................._______________ __ — Smallman, J. W............... Smallman, Nuneaton....... 98 Southern, T. A., and H. W. Halbaum...Southern, Cardiff......... 76 South Wales Institute of Engineers______ ’................. 100 Speirs Ld...................................... Sptiresque, Glatgow ..... 53 Spencer and Co. Ld_________________ Spencer, Melksham _______ 66 Spencer. James, and Co________Spencer, Hollinwood ______ 97 Standard Piston Ring and Engineering Co. Ld....Ocean, Sheffield ... 55 Staniar, John, and Co. ..........Gauze, Manchester __ 98 Stanley, W. F., and Co. Ld..........Turnstile, London......... 65 Stead, J., and Co. Ld* _________,___Steadfast, Sheffield ....... — Stewarts and Lloyds Ld. _________Lloyds, Birmingham _____ 95 Stewarts and Lloyds Ld. ........Lap weld, Glasgow......... 95 Sullivan Machinery Co. .........Mikewal, London ..... 61 Summerson, Thos., and Sons Ld.........Summerson, Darlington.... — Sutcliffe Bros_______..................Sutcliffe Bros., Hyde....... 55 Sutcliffe, Bichard _____..............Sutcliffe, Horbury........... — Tangyes Ld__________________.....................Tangyes, Birmingham..... — Taylor, S; T., and Sons _____.........Compo, Scotswood......... 100 Teale, W. E., and Co. Ld.............Teale, Swinton, Lancs...... 91 Theedam, E. C., Ld. __................Theedam, Dudley......... — Thomas, E., and Williams Ld. ...Lamps, Aberdare ......... — Thompson and Co_______..................Spiegel, Wigan __................. — Thompson, John __...................Boiler, Wolverhampton ... 55 Thornton, A. G., Ld................Drawing, Manchester ..... 95 Gar dam, Harry H., and Co. Ld.......................... Gas Distribution Ltd. __............Gasdistlin, Nuneaton ......... Gillott, John, and Son ...............Gillott, Barnsley ...Cover i, 104 Gilman, Frank ............ Glover, Wm. Jas., and Co. .. Goodall, ClaytOn and Co. Ld. Goodwin and Co____________ Gosforth Foundry Co. Ld. ... Greenwood and Batley Ld. .. Guilbert-Martin ............... ...................... Haden and Co........»....... Hadfields Ld........................ Haggie Brothers Ld. __...... Haggie, B. Hood, & Son Ld. Hamon Brothers ............ Hanley, A____________................................................. Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld.........Hardvnick. Sheffield ... Harling, W. H____......................Clinograph, London... Harris and Mills ___.................Privilege, London..... Harvey, G. A., and Co. (London) Ld....Cheaper, Char, London ... Haslam and Stretton Ld............Thor, Cardiff.......... Hathorn, Davey and Co. Ld. .........Hathorn, Leeds....... ................. Hawthorn, Leslie and Co. Ld........Locomotive, Newcastle-on-T Hay, H. E. ...................... ..........Kernamat, London ....... Head, Wrightson and Co. Ld....Teesdale, Stockton-on-Tees ....... Henderson and Glass.....................Vulcan, Liverpool ....... Henley’s (W. T.) Telegraph Works Co. Ld. ...Henletel, Ave, Ldn. Heyde (John Bennett) & Co..........Benhey, Mane tester..... Heywood Airtight Damper Co. Ld. ...Dampers, Gomersal, Leeds... Higgin Ltd..;................................................................... Hill, W. W., Son, and Wallace Ld,...Polish, Manchester ....... Hirst, A., and Son Ld...............Crescent, Dewsbury....... Hodgson, E. W.. and Co............Metalmen, Sheffield ..... Hollingdrake, H„ and Son Ld, ...Hollingdrake, Stockport Cover iv Holmes, J. H», and Co..............Holmes, Newcastle-on-Tyne 93 Hopkinson, J., and Co. Ld. __..........Hopkinson, Huddersfield ... 65 Horsfield, J. and J., Ld.............Vulcan, Dewsbury......... — Howell and Co. Ld..............................Howell, Sheffield .......Coveriv Hudson, T., Ld. __..........;...............Hudson, Coatbridge....... — Humble, Stephen...................Stephen Humble, Westmin’r 53 Hurd Coalcutter & Engng. Co. Ld...Cutterbar, Glasgow ....... 102 Isca Foundry Co. Ld....... ..............Isca, Newport, Mon......Cover i Jeffrey Manufacturing Co........ Huwood, Newcastle-on-T..... 59 Jenkins, W. Ji, and Co. Ld________...Jenkins, Betford _____ — Jennings and Co. Ld...._________......Stairs, Bristol ___________ 95 Johnson and Phillips Ld...........Juno, Charlton, Kent ...Coveriv Johnson, Wm., & Sons (Leeds) Ld,...Bonksley, Armley......... — Keith, Jamesj & Blackman Co. Ld. ...James Keith, Fleet, L’nd’n __ — Kennicott Water Softener Co. ...Watertanks, Wolverhampton Cover i Kenydn, William, and Sons Ld...;....Kenyon, Dukinfield .............. Kern and Co.____________________________________________________ Knight & Partners Ld. .............Fuelkin. London _____..................... Koppers Coke Oven & Bye-Product Co....Kochs, Sheffield ....... Lancashire and York. Wagon Co. Ld...Wagon, Heywood __........... Lancaster and Tonge Ld............Pistons, Manchester........................ Latch and Batchelor Ld. ...........Latch, Hay Mills ........................... Lawrence Patent Water Sterilizer Co. Ld. ...Sterility, London.... ... Lawson, John, and Sons....................................... Lewellyn Machine Co......... ...............Llewellins. Bristol......... ........... Lewis, Edwin, and Sons ______...........Lewis, Wolverhampton ...... Lewis, William, and Son ...........Robert Lewis, Bilston ..... Lincoln Wagon and Engine Co. Ld....Wagon, Lincoln ...........; Locker’s Wagon Co. Ld.............Lockers, Chesterfield ..... Longbotham, B. H., and Co. Ld.....Engineer, Wakefield....... ......... Lowmoor Co. Ld; __...............Ironwks, Lowmoor, Bradfd. Luhrig Coal & Ore Dressing Appliances, Ld....Nettoyage, L’nd’n Mann’s Steam Cart & Wagon Co. Ld..Canning, Leeds .............. Maritime Coaling Administration...Sterility, London......... Marple and Gillott Ld...............Ferric, Sheffield ......... Matthews & Yates Ld...............Cyclone, Swinton, Lancs.... Mavor & Coulson Ltd...............Prodigious, Glasgow...................... MaxaLd............;...........................Bunslak, Cent. London ___ Middleton, Bobertj and Co..........Hydraulic, Leeds __.......__ Midland Counties Reinforced Concrete Co....Midcrete, Birm’ham Miners’ Safety Explosive Co. Ld_____Scattered, Pari, London...... Mining Engineering CO. Ld. ____.....Meco, Sheffield __________Coveri - — — . 53 101 ....Glover, St. Helens...... ....Vertical, Leeds ......... _____Bill, bheffield............ .Gosforthi Foundry, Dronfield, ....Greenwood, Leeds.......__ ....Photophore, London..... ....Haden, Patricroft...... ....Hadfield, Sheffield.... ....Haggie, Gateshead............... ............................................. ....Haggie, Newcastle-on-Tyne.. 104 .... 104 .... 63 ... 59 .... 54 ... 104 . Cover i 100 53 102 102 87 76 98 104 55 60 55 98 57 76 54 53 66 101 102 53 104 53 101 76 104 93 101 53 Moy, Thomas, Ld.................______Moy, Peterboro’.... ............. Nalder Bros, and Thompson Ltd. ...Occlude, Kinland, London ... National Time Recorder Co. ......Natrecord, Friars, London Naylor, J. H_____________________________________________________ Neil, J. & J., and Co. .............................Torrid, Glasgow^........... New Explosives Co. Ltd.............Detonator, Ave., London ... Newton, Chambersand Co. Ld......Newton, Sheffield ... ~ Nobel’s Explosives Co. Ld. ________...Nobel, Glasgow ...... North CentraljWagon Cd. Ltd...____Norcenco, Botherham i Nortons (Tividale) Ltd...____________Screening, Tipton .... Ormerod, Edward ......................Ormerod, Atherton, Man’ter Osbeck and Co. Ld_________...Osbecks, Newcastle-on-Tyne I Oxley, Thos., Ld.... __________Ironical, Sheffield.......... 57 ! Patent Lightning Crusher Co. Ld. ...Agenciackr, 1 ondon ...... ...... . 100 Pearn, Frank, and Co. Ld. i..... Pumps, Manchester......Coveri ............ ______________________________ 57 j Pearson, S., and Son Ld. ___________Sonraep, Vic, London.................. — .Friction, Chapel-en-le-Frith ... 62 Pearson’s Elec. Miners’ LahlpCo.Ld...Pelectlyto,Bochurch, Ldn. 55 ...Alfro, Sheffield _____; 100 Peckett and Sons Ld...........................Peckett. Bristol __ ......100,104 .....Galloway, Manchester__...... — I Peebles (Bruce) & Co. Ld.___..............Peebles, Edinburgh ........ .. 76 56 76 100 100 76 57 .Cover iii 99 ...... 58 102 99 76 104 Tipton Tub and Tube Co. .......................................Coveri Treasure, J. B., and Co................Treasure, Liverpool ......98 “ Trefor ” Boring & Sinking Co. ______________________................................... 55 Trier Bros. Ld. ......... Viscosity, London_____............................... — Trussed Concrete Steel Co. Ld.......Kahncrete, Vic, London ... — Turbon Patent Fan Co. Ld___________Fan, Llanelly ..............__ — Turner, E. W. & Co; Ld______...............Timber, Bloxwich .......... 91 United States Metallic Packing Co. Ld.,..Metallic, Bradford ...Coveriv Universal Mining School_____________________.......................................... ‘ 76 Vivian’s Boring Co_____;.............. Vivians, Parkside, Cleator Moor — Waddle Patent Fan & Engineering Co. Ld....Fan, Llanelly......Coveri Wake, John F. ____..... ................. ....’..Wake, Darlington ___________ — Walker Brothers (Wigan) Ld. ______Pagefield, Wigan _______ —; Ward, Thos. W., Ld...........................Forward, Sheffield __........76,104 Wells, A. C., and Co. .............................Unbreakable, Kiccross, London , 63 Watson, Jas. B., and Sons______________________________________ 104 Wellington Tube Works Ld.........Vigilantia, Tipton __...;.Cover iv Westminster Tool and Electric Co,...Westolelco, Cannon, L’nd’n — Whittaker, C., and Co. Ld. .......Bricks, Accrington __......Coveri Wigan Wagon Co. Ld. .........Wagon Wigan.....;................................... 53 Wild, M. B.i and Co. Ld.__...........Hauling, Birmingham .............. 63 Wildsmith, Jonas________________________________________ 104 Willcox, W. H., and Co. Ld..........Willcox, Southwark St. ......... 101 Witton Fire Brick Co. Ld.........................................._______________________ — Wood, Hugh, and Co. Ld.... Huwood, Newcastle-on-Tyne __................ 59 Wood, John, and Sons Ld............Haulage, Wigan............. 103 Woodite Co...................... Woodite, Mitcham __ — Wootton Brothers Ld. Wootton, Coalville......... 91.............. Worsley Mesnes Ironworks Ld.......Engines, Wigan ....... 55 Wright, J. & E , Ltd.._____________Universe. Birmingham .... 93 Yeadon, Son and Co. ______________....Yeadon, Leeds......... 76 Youngs...................................................Oldens, Birmingham...........__ — Where the Numeral is absent the Advertisement does not appear in the present issue. Classified List on Page 92. THE Corlett Electrical Engineering Co. Id. T’phone— ZE IM .. T’gram— 63 Wigan. “ • “Corlett, Wigan.” Contracts Dept. - Ref. C.D. Manfg & Repairs Dept. - Ref. W.D. Stores Dept. - Ref. S.D. Uf n /Liquid Starters, Startin fw.U. / (jear minjng Switches y and Distribution Gear, / Armature Repairs. GUILBERT-MARTIN, 9, Edmund Place, ALDERSGATE, LONDON, E.C. Telephone—2799 Central. Telegrams—“ Photophore, London.” CLASSES Showing through the water a broad, rich, red line, thus ren- dering the level very distinct. A large stock always on hand. Cqt/ce CLRSSCS For high pressure, and to withstand extreme variations of temperature. Are not affected by draughts or sea-spray. All glasses have fire-polished ends of a deep claret tint. THE KOPPERS’ PATENT BYE-PBOOUCT COKE OVEMS AND NEW SYSTEM OF RECOVERING THE BYE-PRODUCTS GIVE RESULTS WHICH HAVE NEVER BEEN EQUALLED BY ANY OTHER SYSTEM, _______________ See large advertisement appearing in alternate issues of this Journal. _______________ All communications to be addressed to— THE KOPPERS’ COKE OVEN & BY-PRODUCT CO., 301, Glossop Road, Sheffield. Tel. No. 1935; Tel. Address—“ Kochs, Sheffield.” CURE Leaking Valves by using the SIMPLEX PATENT VALVE- RESEATER. SIMPLE. RELIABLE. CHEAP. FOR ALL VALVES UP TO 15 INCHES. Write for List. BROMELL PATENTS C° L° 62, Robertson St., Glasgow; 12, Bath St., Liverpool. e> BUILDER OF RAILWAY WAGONS OF All DESCRIPTIONS FOR CASH OR PURCHASE LEASE FOR 3,5,7or IO YEARS. CONTRACTOR FOR MAINTENANCE&-REPAIRS OF RAILWAY ROLLING STOCK WAGONS LET ON SIMPLE HIRE