January 5, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 11 JEFFREY’ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES Trolley and Storage Battery. ------- HAULAGE CAPACITIES from 20 to 500 TONS. .- THE HAULAGE WITH A FUTURE. Hugh Wood & Co. Ltd., 65, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE & CARDIFF. Telegrams—“ HUWOD, FEN, LONDON.” Telephone—AVENUE, 1545. Vq .. V. ;.?bur locod’^vive with'_53'Ar6-'B’31^.bn Cells. ■ ■i 4 ton “JEFFREY” Storage Battery Locomotive in Mine. f V i. 15 iroiiclad Uxldc.^ixu ,-ffc *■ i q.i L -'LL ■ r I! s Wr . A' . i • I Charging Station for “JEFFREY” Storage Battery Locomotives. evidences this 70,000 that i better electric HAILWOOD COMBUSTION greater light, guished. than 50 interested i details has attained this these advantages. he interested i effect in your i HA»LW0bD'5 / Greater gas=detecting cheaper than an elec