iv THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. December 29, 1916. illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli *4 & ■ 'V * ' - - ' ' V I* ' ' jl ■ : PACKING s STEAM TRAPS The Finest in the World. Fitted on Britain’s Largest Liner R.M.S. “AQUITANIA.” ALWAYS BRITISH. The United Statee Metallic Packing Co. Ltd., Soho Works, BRADFORD, Yorks. LONDON: 116, Fenchurch St^; LIVERPOOL: 15, Fenwick St.; GLASGOW: 52, St. Enovh Sq.; BOLTON: 15, Mawd- sley St.; NEWCASTLE: 2. Collingwood St.; SWANSEA: Pembroke Bldgs.; and Belfast, Hull, Bristol, Cardiff, &c. ELECTRICITY IN MINES SECTION OF TWIN CABLE WITH SWITCH WIRE. Mining Cables specially constructed in accor- dance with the Coal Mines Regulation . Act. Erection undertaken with skilled supervision when desired. & Bitumen Shaft Cables, Trailing Gables, In-bye Cables, Telephone & Signalling Cables, Fire-resisting Cables, &c. Overhead Transmission Lines erected complete, for High and Low Tension supply. Transformers & Switchgear. The Most Perfect and Economical SAFETY LAMPS. PROTECTOR LIOHTINQ CO. LTD., ECCLES. ENGINE GOVERNORS Immediate Delivery FROM STOCK. Refer List H. H. Hollingdrake & Son Ltd., STOCKPORT. Tel. 25. C.I. BULKHEAD OR SCONCE FITTING. Lighting IMEaterial. Illustration opposite is taken from one of our lists, giving a wide range of Watertight Fittings, &c. BRANCH OFFICES, SHOWROOMS AND STORES : BoilerMetalTreatment Birmingham Cardiff Glasgow- London Manchester Newcastle- on-Tyne Portsmouth 206, Corporation Street Central 7321 9, Park Place Cardiff 1937 159, West George Street Central 2391 12, Union C-urt, Old Broad St., E.C. Central 2207 251, Deansgate Central 4174 44b, Blackett Street Central 1691 Telephones: Telegrams: “ Selbac.” “ Selbac.” “Megohm, “Juno.’ “ Selbac.” “Selbac.” Cleveland Road, Gosport Gosport 166 Portsmouth 1354 Johnson AND Phillips f Charlton. London.S.E. Wellington Tube Works LIMITED. Works: GREAT BRIDGE, STAFFORDSHIRE. Telegrams : “ VIGILANTIA, TIPTON.” Lonpoy OFFICES : 46, QUEEN .VICTORIA ST., E.C. FOR ALL PURPOSES FLANGE \JOINTEO TUBES DOUBLY SECURE UP TO B 12“ Removes Scale Mechanically. Stops Pitting and Corrosion. Used in over 35,000 Boilers. WRITE FOR FREE TRIAL OFFER. The Perolin Co. of America, Regent Works, Disraeli Road, WILLESDEN. GAS, WATER, AND STEAM TUBES AND FITTINGS. BOILER TUBES. Printed and Publuhed by the Propaetaca, Tmr* Coixai wr Gvamui Company Lnnrra, 30 A SL, Fasaml Street, Holbom, Londaa, K.C. Friday, December 29, 1916.