December 29, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. iii The largest manufacturers of Electrical Machinery in Scotland. BRANCH OFFICES: LONDON : Hastings House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C. MANCHESTER:_____________30, Cross Street. NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE: - - 90, Pilgrim Street. PEEBLES BRUCE Special Designs conforming to the Home Office Rules, for Collieries and other installations. PEEBLES Peebles Standard Vertical Spin die D.C. Motor. Manufacturers of all sizes, classes and types of Electrical Machinery for Collieries, Iron & Steel Works, Rolling Mills, &c., including:— DYNAMOS ALTERNATORS A.C. & D.C. MOTORS BALANCERS BOOSTERS CRANE MOTORS MOTOR GENERATORS ROTARY CONVERTERS MOTOR ... CONVERTERS (Peebles-la Cour Patents). & CO- LTD., Engineers, : EDINBURGH AGENCIES ALL OVER THE : : WORLD. : TELEPHONES : - • < 1867 - 8Central TELEGRAMS & CABLES: - “Peebles, Edinburgh.” CODES USED : Western Union, A.B.C. 5tb Edition, New Business, and Private.