1280 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. December 29, 1916. Safety in Coke Ovens. K. M. Burr. “ Coal Age,” Oct. 28, p. 709. (From paper read before the Natl. Safety Council.) Ammonia from Coal. T. J. Drakeley. “ Sci. and Art of Min.,” Dec. 2, p. 196. Mechanical Discharge for Vertical Retorts. ” Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Dec. 1, p. 676; 2 fig. New Coal Washery, Coke Ovens, and By-Product Plant at Risca Colliery. “ Iron Coal Tr, Rev.,” Dec. 1, p. 663; 20 fig. “ Gas Wld,” (Coking section), Dec. 2, p. 17; 13 fig. The “ Southport ” Debenzolising Plant, ” Gas Wld.,” Dec. 23, p. 560; 1 fig. The Volatilisation of Naphthalene in Gas and Air (NaphthMin verdanipfung in Gas und Luft). —. Schlumberger. “J. Gasbe'l.,” Oct. 28, p. 551. Determination of Benzol in Coke Oven Gas (Ein Beitirag zur Benzolbestimmung im Koksofengas). —. Schwenke. “ J.. Gasbel.,” Nov. 11, p. 573. Recovery of Benzine and Motor Oil by Heating Brown Coal Products Under Pressure (Gewinnung von Benzin und Treibol durch Druckerhitzung von Pro- duckten aus der Braunkohle). Fischer and Schneider. “ Braunk.,” Nov. 10, p. 291; Nov. 17, p. 299. Some Points in Connection with the Recovery of Benzol. J. A. Wilson. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 1, p. 1058. (Paper read before the Coke Oven Mgrs. Assocn.) Tightening Coke Oven Doors. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 8, p. 1111; 2 fig. Refractory Materials in South Yorkshire. Prof. W. G. Fearnsides. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 15, p. 1159. (From paper read before the Midld. Inst. Min. Civ. and Meeh. Engin.) Oil Washing and Debenzolising Plant at Gorleston. E. F. Keable. “ Gas Wld.,” Dec. 23, p. 557; 3 fig. XXIY.—Fuels, Testing, etc. The Use of Low-Grade Fuel. “ El. Rev.,” Dec. 15, p. 667; 5 fig. The Action of Solvents on Coal. “ JI. Soc. Chem. Ind.,” Nov. 30, p. 1136. Firing with Coke (Ueber die Verheizung von Koks). “ Z. Bayer. Rev. V.,” Nov. 15, p. 169. Fuel Difficulties. E. A. McKenzie. “ Colliery Guard.,” Nov. 24, p. 1006. (Pres. Addr. to Instn. El. Engin., Manchester section.) XXV.—Steam Engines and Boilers : Gas Engines. The Internal Combustion Engine. D. Clerk. “ JI. Soc. Arts,” Dec. 1, p. 42. (Paper read before the Royal Soc. of Arts.) Semi-Diesel Engines. “ Pract. Engin.,” Nov. 30, p. 255; 5 fig. The Willans Line for Steam Turbines. “ Eng.,” Dec. 1, p. 521. Tests of Carbon Dioxide Recorders. J. F. Barkley and S. B. Flagg. “ U.S. Bureau of Mines Bull. 91.” “ Eng.,” Dec. 15, p. 578. The Specific Heat of Superheated Steam. “ Eng.,” Dec. 15, p. 590. A Method of Determining the Density of Flue Gases. J. A. Smith. “ Eng.,” Dec. 15, p. 600; 1 fig. (Paper read before the Victorian Inst, of Engin.) Pulverised Fuel Installation for Stationary Boilers. H. Barnhurst. “Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Dec. 8, p. 705. (From paper read before Amer. Soc. Engin.) Piping for Steam Generating Plants from ia Safety Point of View. “ Lehigh Empl. Mag.,” Nov., p. 228; 7 fig. Tests of Carbon Dioxide Recorders. J. F. Barkley and S. B. Flagg. “ Eng.,” Dec. 15, p. 578. (From U.S. Bureau of Mines “ Bull. 91.”) Evaporative Tests in 1915 (Verdampfungsversuche im Jahre 1915). “ Z. Bayer. Rev. V.,” Oct. 31, p. 161. Firing with Coke and Coke Breeze (Die Verfeuerung von Koks und Koksgrus). —. Lepsien.* “ Z. Dampfk. Betr.,” Oct. 27, p. 337. New Patents Relating to Boiler Firing (Neue Patente auf dem Gebiete der Dampfkesiselfe'uerung). —. Pradel. “ Z. Dampfk. Betr.,” Oct. 27, p. 339; illus. Trials with a Stierle Boiler, with Reference to Heat Transmission (Versuche an einem Stierle-Kessel mit Betrachtungen fiber den Warmedurchgang). —. Kammerer. “ Z. Bayer. Rev. V.,” Oct. 31, p. 164; Nov. 15, p. 171; illus. Theoretical Principles for the Indirect Production of Artificial Suction Draught (Theoretische Grundlagen ffir die mittelbare Erzeugung kfinstlichen Saugzuges). —. Pfotenhauer. “ Z. Dampfk. Betr.,” Nov. 10, p. 321; Nov. 17, p. 361; illus. Experiences in Building and Running High-Duty Boilers (Erfahrungen im Bau und Betrieb hochbean- spruchter Dampfkessel). —. Mfinzinger. “ Z. d. Ing.,” Nov. 11, p. 933; Nov. 18, p. 956; illus. XXVI.—Compressed Air. Hydro-Compressors (Hydrokompressoren). —. Heirich. “ Z. Kompr. Gase,” Aug., p. 109; illus. XXVII.—Electricity. The Parallel Operation of Electric Power Stations. J. S. Peck. “ Electr. Rev.,” Dec. 1, p. 611; 5 fig. (From paper read before the Instn. of Electr. Engin.) Economic Power Generation and Distribution. “El. Rev.,” Dec. 15, p. 668; 5 fig. (From a paper read by S. Insull before Amer. Soc. Meeh. Engin.) Electrical Experience at Collieries. C. Jones. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Dec. 15, p. 721; 17 fig. (Paper read before the Natl. Assocn. of Colliery Mgrs. and Assocn. of Min. El. Engin. joint meeting.) Alternating-Continuous Current Transformer (Wechsel- strom-Gleichstrom-Umformer). —. Wrobel. “ El. u. Masch.,” Nov. 12, p. 549; Nov. 19, p. 562; illus. Tests with Oil Switches (Oelschalterversuche). Stern and Biermanns. “ E. T. Z.,” Nov. 16, p. 617; illus. Electrical Experience at Collieries. C. Jones. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Dec. 22, p. 763; 1 fig. (Paper read before Natl. Assocn. Colly. Mgrs.) Economic Application of Electricity to Mining. J. H. Pease'. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 1, p. 1072. (From paper read before Ipswich (Queensld.) and District Min. Inst.) XXVIII.—Surface Transport and Storage. The Walsall Extensions. “ Electr. Rev.,” Nov. 24, p. 563; 7 fig. (Coal handling plant at Birchills gener- ating station.) Coaling Locomotive Engines. F. George. “ Cassier’s Eng. Mthly.,” Dec., p. 379; 8 fig. Conveyance and Loading of Blast Furnace Coke with Mechanical Appliances (Ueber die Verladung und Forderung von Huttenkoks mit mechanischen Forder- mittel). —. Dietrich. “ St. u. E.,” Nov. 2, p. 1053; illus. Steam v. Electric Cranes (Dampf- oder elektrisches Kronen?) —. Giese. “ El. Bahnen,” Oct. 24, p. 305; Nov. 4, p. 317; illus. Modern Transport Appliances for Goods in Bulk (Modenie Transportanlagen fiir Stuck- und Schfitt- gfiter). —. Hoester. “ Fordertechn.,” Oct. 15, p. 156; Nov. 1, p. 161; illus. Goal and Shipping—X. : Ports and Coal Supplies in South America. F. J. Warden-Stevens. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 8, p. 1107; 4 fig. XXX.—Mining Laws, Royalties. Mining Legislation and Mining Economics in the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg (Berggesetzgebung und Berg- wirtschaft im Grossherzogthum Luxemburg). Dr. M. Ungeheuer. 134 pp. Luxemburg, 1916 : Victor Bfick. . . COASTWISE SHIPMENTS IN NOVEMBER. According to the returns issued by the Commissioners of H.M. Customs and Excise, the following quantities of coal were shipped coastwise from the United Kingdom during November:— From Total cargo. Total bunker. 1915. 1916. 1915. 1916. Bristol Channel ports North-western ports North-eastern ports Humber ports Other ports on east coast Other English ports J Tons. 146,437 202,017 522,736 96,193 3,715 3,220 Tons. 107,399 202,764 410,974 48,710 1,306 2,085 Tons. 9,911 49,100 37,114 10,085 15,870 2,353 Tons. 9,905 44,167 17,128 7,727 10,272 3,097 Total from England and Wales | 974,318 773,238 124,433 92,296 Ports on east coast of Scotland i Ports on west coast of Scotland 44,914 120,194 37,171 129,587 10,954 23,111 7,265 17,516 Total from Scotland 165,138 166,758 34,065 24,781 Irish ports i — I — 3,425 3,984 Total from United Kingdom i 1,139,456 939,996 | 161,923 121,061 The destination of cargo shipments was as follows :— To ports in England and Wales Scotland.......... Ireland ........... Nov. 1915. Nov. 1916. Tons. Tons. 751,726 ... 554,375 44,135 ... 30,995 343,595 ... 354,626 THE FREIGHT MARKET. As might have been expected, in view of the Christmas interlude, there has been very little outward chartering this week. Business has been rather more brisk on the north- east coast than at South Wales. At the former centre, coasting transaction© have been based on the unchanged rate of 16s. to London from the Tyne. The Baltic has been done at an increase of from 4 to 5 kr. to Gothenburg. The Cape Verds islands are weaker. The unrestricted Mediterranean is easier, at 46s. 6d. to Gibraltar, and 77s. 6d. reported to have been agreed upon for Port Said. North French coke freights are rather variable, with Calais and Dunkirk stronger, but with the “ Range ’’ from 2s. 6d. to 6s. 6d. reduced. Lisbon has been fixed in favour of ship owners. At South Wales, the River Plate has been arranged for at a reduction of 2s. fid. to Buenos Ayres. Barcelona, from Cardiff, is steady, but Gibraltar has receded by from 2s. 6d. to 5s. Other directions show no change. Homewards, the River Plate is quoted for United Kingdom delivery at 145s. from up-river ports. From the United States, 16s. 6d. remains the rate for wheat cargoes to French ports, with 2s. more for West Italy. For coal, Virginia is able to secure tonnage for the River Plate even at 75s. Net form quotations are represented by 145s. from Gulf to France. For cotton from Savannah to Liverpool, 300s. has been paid for a handy vessel. Far Eastern business is maintained at about 230s., Bombay to United Kingdom, with kernels from the Madras Coast to French ports quoted at fully 300s., and Saigon-Haiphong indicating 265s. for rice to the same destinations. The Mediterranean is firm, Carthagena to Baltimore with ore having been fixed for at 30s. Tyne to Aalborg, 2,000 , 46 kr.; Calais, 500, 42s. 6d., coke, three voyages; 500, 45s. 6d., coke; Dunkirk, 400, 46s., coke; 500, 42s. 6d., coke, three voyages; 500, 45s. 6d., coke; Drammen, 900, 33 kr.; 600, 33 kr.; Gothenburg, 1,800, 37 kr.; 2,000, 36 kr.; Gibraltar, 2,500 , 46s. 6d.; London, 1,600 and 1,000, 16s.: Lisbon, 1,800, 52s. 6d.; North French Range, 500, 42s. 6d., coke; Port Said, 6,800, 77s. 6d., reported; Seville, 2,200, 55s., option coke, 70s.; St. Vincent, C.V., 2,000, 45s.; 4,500, 42s.; West Italian port, 5,800, limitation rate. Cardiff to Buenos Ayres, 55s. ; Barcelona, 3,000 , 60s.; Carthagena, 3,200, 60s.; Cape Verds, 4,700, 42s. fid.; 1,600, 42s. 6d.; Gibraltar, 3,000 and 2,200, 50s., 500 ; 5,000, 45s., 500; Huelva, 1,200, 47s. 6d., early January; 2,300 and 1,600, 45s.; Lisbon, 3,100, 50s., 500; 2,800, 50s., 500; 1,500, 50s., 400; 1,500, 50s., 500; River Plate, 6,800, 62s. 6d.; 1,000, 52s. 6d.; Valencia, 2,700, 57s. fid. Swansea to Corcubion, 700, 50s. Clyde to Gibraltar, 1,350, 52s. 6d. Fowey to Philadelphia or Baltimore, 5,000, 22s. 6d., china clay, Jan.; 23s. 9d., china clay, Jan. Hull to Copenhagen, 2,100, 44 kr.; Genoa, 5,800, 64s. 6d. Humber to Genoa, with options, 5,800, 64s. 6d., or other scheduled rates. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Leeds, January 6.—The Leeds Corporation invite tenders for the supply of steam coal (small -nuts, slack, or similar material) to the Electricity Department during the half-year ending September 30, 1917, or the year ending March 31, 1918. Conditions of contract and forms of tender may be had on application to the Electricity Department, 1, White- hail-road, Leeds. Tenders, in sealed envelopes, endorsed “ Electricity—Tender for coal,’’ must be delivered to Sir Robert Fox, town clerk, at Pearl-buildings, East-parade, Leeds, on or before Saturday, January 6. The Corporation do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any of the tenders sent in. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Aldershot, January 2.—1,000 tons small pea or bean coal. Forms from electrical engineer, Laburnum-road, Alder shot. Chester, January 2. — Coal for the Guardians. Forms from G. S. N. Hull, 161, Foregate-street, Chester. Grimsby, January 1.—Steam coal (12 months) for Corpor- ation departments. Particulars from the borough surveyor, 170, Victoria-street. Leith, January 3.—6,000 or 12,000 tons washed singles (six or 12 months) for the Electricity Department. Forms from the town clerk. Southam, January 2.—Coal and coke for the Guardians. Forms from C. W. E. Webb, Market-hill, Southam. York, January 1.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from the clerk, 1, Museum-street. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. Bury (Lancashire), January 2.—Castings.—Iron cast- ings (12 months) for the Bury and District Joint Water Board. Forms from the waterworks manager, Parsons-lane. Hornsey, January 8.—Stores.—Iron and steel, etc. (one or three years) for the Town Council. Forms from the borough engineer, Town Hall, Southwood-lane, Highgate. Wigan, January 8.—Wagon.—For 30 horse-power motor tower wagon. Particulars from the general manager, Cor- poration Tramways, Market-place. The Loudon Gazette announces that the following joint stcek companies have been-struck off the register :—Colliery Promotions Limited, Dereham Iron Works Limited, New Park Colliery Company Limited, New Petrol Recovery Pro- cess Limited, Treorky Colliery Company .Limited, Welsh Rope Company Limited. Partnership Dissolved.—The London Gazette announces dissolution of the partnership of L. T. Keel (who continues) and F. Embleton, trading as the Colliery Supply Company, merchants, Clayton-chambers, Newcastle. Refractory Materials. — A meeting of manufacturers of refractory materials, which was held a few days ago in the Chemistry Theatre of Manchester University, decided to form an association representative of the trade. Secretaries were appointed to represent the new7 society in the manufac- turing areas in Wales, Scotland, Yorkshire, Stourbridge, and other districts. The new organisation is associated with the English Ceramic Society. A provisional committee was appointed to meet at Newcastle-on-Tyne on December 20, in order to formulate a scheme for the election of officers, to consider what modifications of the rules of the Ceramic Society are necessary to suit the requirements of the special refractory section, and to appoint a place for the next general meeting of the section. At the Newcastle meeting it was decided to hold the next general meeting of the sec- tion early in the new year at Leeds. Dr. J. W. Mellor, of Stoke-on-Trent, is to read a paper on “ The Spalling of Magnesite Bricks.’’