1270 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN December 29, 1916. CONTESTS. Editorial Articles :— page The Consular Service........................ 1271 Physical Properties of Coal ................ 1271 Articles .— New West African Coal Field ................. 1263 Reorganising Statistics..................... 1264 The Stresses in Cast Iron Tubbing Segments.. 1264 Coal Trade in South Africa in 1916.......... 1265 List of Approved Safety Lamps ............... 1265 Refractory Materials........................ 1266 Sprinkling Car for Mine Use................. 1266 Mechanical Coal Cutting..................... 1266 Useful Coupling Hook ....................... 1267 First-Aid and Mine Rescue Contests.......... 1267 The German Coal and Iron Trades............. 1268 New Miner’s Carbide Lamp ................... 1268 The Weathering of Coal ..................... 1269 Gas Analysis in Mine Fires ................. 1275 Obituary.................................... 1276 Labour and Wages............................ 1277 Mining Industry and Military Service ....... 1277 Coastwise Shipments in November............. 1280 The Freight Market ......................... 1280 Open Contracts ............................. 1280 Publications Received ...................... 1281 Abstracts of Patent Specifications Recently Accepted................................ 1281 The Coal and Iron Trades...................1272—1276 The London Coal Trade ...................... 1275 The Tin-plate Trade......................... 1276 Indian and Colonial Notes ..................... 1277 Notes from the Coal Fields .................... 1278 Monthly List of Recent Coal Literature......... 1279 Coal, Iron and Engineering Companies .......... 1281 Miscellanea :— French School of Mines Improvement Committee —Spain Seeking a Coal Substitute ........ 1265 A Queensland Coal Mining Romance—Cumberland Coal Trade Conciliation Board............. 1268 Partnership Dissolved—Refractory Materials . 1280 Grimsby Coal Exports—Calendars for 1917—The Dearth of Wagons ......................... 1281 Hull Coal Exports .......................... 1282 ADVERTISEMENTS. Offices for ADVERTISEMENTS and PUBLICATION— 30 A 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address—“Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London/* Telephone—1354 Holborn CONTRACT ADVERTISEMENTS : Prices for SPECIAL POSITIONS on application. Prices for ORDINARY POSITIONS Single Column (3 inchest wide) : For 52 insertions 2s. 6d. per jnBertion for each ” 13 „ 3s. 6d. 5 in<* ln dePth- Double Column (6 inches wide), double the above rates. Three Columns (9 inches wide), three times the above rates. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS Advertisements are inserted on the last white page or leader page at the following rates :— One insertion ... 10s. Od. per inch per insertion. Three insertions ... 9s. 6d. ,, ,, Six insertions... 9s. Od. ,, ,, A reduction of 25 per cent, is allowed on advertisements of second-hand machinery. Situations Vacant and Wanted : One Penny per word, minimum 2s. 6d. (which must be prepaid). Can be received up to TEN o’clock on Friday morning. (A Classified List appears on page 1284.) SUBSCRIPTIONS. The Colliery Guardian, published at 2.30 p.m. on Friday, can be supplied direct from the Publishing Offices, post free for twelve months, at the following rates :— United Kingdom ............ 26/- (23/6 in advance). Canada .............. 28/- (25/- do. ). Foreign and Colonial ... 30/6 (27/6 do. ). When foreign subscriptions are sent by Money Orders, payable through the Post Office, advice should be sent to the Publishers. Offices for Advertisements and Publication :—30 and 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address, “Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London.” Telephone—1354 Holborn. Established 1866. PATENTS, DESIGNS, and TRADE MARKS. TT ARRIS AND MILLS, Chartered Patent Agents, 34 and 35, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. Telegraphic Address—" Privilege, London.” Tel. No.—Holborn 2763. ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE OWNERS OF RAILWAY ROLLING STOCK. Formed in 1891 for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Private Owners. Applications for particulars and terms of membership may be seat te the SECRETARY, Clarence Chambers, Gloucester. The Oldest Diamond Drill Company. Established 1872. BORING for J^TNERALS. .raw AMD CXBTAnm. CTLINDBICAL ** COBBS." THE AQUEOUS WORKS AND DIAMOND ROCK-BORINC Co. LTD. Guildford St. ( York Road, Lambeth, London, s.e. Besides numerous other Important Contracts, completed (in 1897) the Deepest Boring in the United Kingdom to 3,500 ft. Great Experience in Boring for WATER. The Cambrian School of Mines, CEMETERY ROAD, FORTH, GLAM. Principal: WILLIAM THOMAS, M.Inst M.B., F.G.S., M.R., Society of Arts. Tutors—Staff of Highly Qualified Instructors in all subjects. an University Training at Your Own Home. Instruction and Lessons by Post for Mine Managers, Surveyors, Electricians, and Mine Inspectors. Since the coining into force of the New Mines Act 579 Students of this School have been qualified as First and. Second-class Mine Managers. 87 students have passed the Home Office Surveyors’ Exam.; 30 students are now Mines Inspectors. 4u passed. First-class Electrical Engineers. Candidates for the above write without delay for free Syllabus, and book of Previous Examination Questions. (Dept. C.) CAMBRIAN MINING SCHOOL, PORTH, Clam. Briquette Machinery Ltd., Charmouth Street, LEEDS. Machinery for Briquetting Peat, Lignite, Coke, Coal, Iron, Copper, Nickel, Cement; Also Sawdust, Waste Cereals, Offals, Sewage. PATENT COAL DRIER. The U.M.S. LESSONS BY POST. The best Mining Education. Unapproachable Successes. 52 H.M. Inspectors are U.M.S. Men. — Syllabus free. — THE UNIVERSAL MINING SCHOOL C® 50, Connaught Road, Cardiff. C.M.A. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL (Founded by T. A O’DONAHUE, F.G <, F S I.). Complete Courses of Postal Tuition suitable for Home Office Mining Exams Free byllavus from Secretary, C.M.A. SCHOOL, Leigh, Lancs. YEADONS’ LATEST PATENTED BRIQUETTE MACHINERY, For Coal, Coke, Iron and other Ores. YEADON, SON & CO., Engineers, LEEDS, Have a World-wide Reputation, and 38 Years* Experience. They have supplied MORE BRIQUETTE PLANTS than any other firm in this country. RAILS. RAILS. ALL SECTIONS AND ACCESSOBIES. Also quantity F.B. suitable for bearers. Sleepers. Timbers. Switches and Crossings. Buffer Stops. Locomotives. Cranes. Wagons. ARMYTAGE & JONES Ltd., Sheaf Street, Sheffield. STEEt Rails Roof Rars Pit Props Arches For COLLIERIES V V and WORKS. THOS W. WARD Ltd., Albion Works, SHEFFIELD. TRY US. -------- NOW READY, Colliery Manager’s POCKET BOOK, ALMANAC and DIARY, 1917. 4k8t>ln Yeaax* of Publication. Designed especially as a handy work of reference for the use of COLLIERY MANAGERS & OFFICIALS, each successive issue is thoroughly revised in accordance with the most recent Colliery Practice. CLOTH, 2s. 6d. LEATHER, gilt edges, 3s. 6d. CALF, gilt edges, 5s. Postage, 4d. extra. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Geo. N, Dixon & Co.9 43, Castle Street, Liverpool, Auctioneers and Valuers, COLLIERIES, Brickworks & Mining Plant. Auctioneers & Valuers to the Engineering Trades. KNIGHT A PARTNERS Ltd. 27, Old Queen Street, Westminster, S.W. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. SALES conducted in all parts of the Kingdom. COAL, IRON & STEEL SHARES. WILLIAM CHAPMAN & COMPANY Stockbrokers. (established since 1851). Cavendish Buildings, Wheeler Cate, HOTTINCHAM. Special Business in Coal, Iron and Steel Shares. Lists, reports, &c., will be forwarded, regularly oh application. MARITIME COALING ADMINISTRATION Coal Bunkering Arrangements. Parliament Mansions, Victoria Street, Westminster, England. PITWOOD, COGWOOD, SLEEPERS, Round English Timber, or cut to any size, all kinds. Also Pitch Pine and. Oregon Logs, and Half Logs, second-hand, (nearly as good as new), 4 ft. to 30 ft. long. Short from 3s. per cube, long from 3s. 6d. per cube. Also other new and second-hand Timber, Boards, &c., at Bristol, Swansea, Porthcawl, Hull, and Leicester. Prices, carriage paid, on application for any kind timber or manufactured woodwork. JENNINGS & CO. Timber Merchants, General Woodworkers, 825, Pennywell-rd., Bristol, & other branches U.K. D. Liewellin. Evans 120, BUTE ST, CARDIFF. PROPRIETOR OF THE Cardiff Brattice Cloth Company, AGENT FOB Nobel's Explosives, Maps of British Coalfields. Showing the Position of Collieries with regard to Railway Communications, Canals and Shipping Ports. Scale 3 miles to an inch. (1) Scotland. (2) North of England (3) South Wales. (4) North Midlands. (5) South Midlands. In sheet .................................... 4s. each. Mounted on Cloth, Rollers and Varnished ... 6s. ,, Mounted on Cloth, and in Titled Cloth Case .. 6s. ,, Published jointly by THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., and Messrs. W. & A. K. JOHNSTON, 30 & 31, Furnival Street, London, E.C. For Sale, Air-compressor, by Walker Bros., Wigan, capacity 3,000 cubic ft. per minute, 60 lb. air pressure. Further par icuhrs and price to Box 6634, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival street, Holborn. London. E.C. Wanted, thoroughly experienced COLLIERY SURVEYOR (ineligible). Must be good draughts- man and understand mechanical drawings.—Apply, stating age, wage and full particulars of experience, to ABBBPEBGWM OOLI.1BBIBS CO., Glynneath, Glam. \\7 anted, for Colliery in South of V V England, thoroughly well qualified MECHANIC. Must be well up in electricity, including high-tension alternating current. No one engaged on Government work need apply —Bom 6635, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, FurnivaLstreet. Hol torn, London, E.C. ELECTRIC PLANT FOR SALE. One very fine 100-kw. “ Balancer ” GENERATING SET, Beiliss enclosed engine coupled to two dynamos, 250/300 volts. One very flue 110 B.H.P. Belliss-Crompton GENERATING SET, 340 amperes. 220 volts d.c. One 150-h.p. GENERATING SET, by Hall, of Oldham, comprising enclosed engine coupled to dvnamo, 500 amperes, 70 volts. One 45-kw. LIGHTING SET, 220 volts. Ore 10 kw. LIGHTING SET, 220 volts. BIDDBL A OO., 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., Can offer FOR SALE the following SINKING PLANT which has just completed sinking at the new pit of the Manvers Main Colliery Company Ltd. Pair CAPSTAN ENGINES, cylinders 9 in. by 12 in., with worm drive geared 80 to 1, and two drums. Two EVANS SINKING PUMPS, one 21 in. by 12in. by 24in., and one 21 in. by 10 in. by 24 in. Quantity PUMP HANGING CHAINS. MONKEY GUIDE, 6ft. 6 in. centres for 1| in. rope, with connecting chains, &c. C.I. BRICKING SEGMENTS for 16 to 18 ft. pit. Large SINKING WATER BARREL. WADDLE TYPE SINKING FAN, direct coupled to a.c. motor, 550 volts. SIDE and END-TIP WAGONS. Three 12 ft. HEADGEAR PULLEYS, with shafts, pedestals. &c. Price and full particulars from— R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., Wakefield. Telephone—44 Wakefield. Telegram.—"Engineer,Wakefield.”