December 29, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1261 IBBBBBB IBBBBBBI IBBBBI IBBBBI IBBBBI ■■■HSSSSbbbbbbbbbbbbbi lllf<,',1IIBIf«lllllliai IBM---------------------- IBBBBBBBBBBI IBBBBBBBBBBI IBBBBBBBBBBI IBBBBBI_ ■BBBBBSBBBBBFBBBBBBI MBBBBBBBBBBBBBB IBBBBBI ■BBBBBBBBBBfliB^J'BBBBBI IBBBBBBBBBBBBBS^^BBBBr, IBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBI IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI -------1111111111 IBBBBI----------- —icrcrzTTrrrrTnBBi 11 1 * IV 11III IBBFR^BBBBBBBBBBBBB ct "kJ srBTrFrrunrwBBi l.-dl WII k^J iLk”l ’ BBI _JBBBBBC—— IBBBBBBBflBBBBBaiBBBBBBBBBBBi ________IBBBBKIBBBBBBBBEWBBBBBBBrBBI IBBBBBBBBBBBBB IB’ZXTTT’mi □BB’-^=T3: l»l IBBBBBBBBBBBBB ■’1 *AWJk-:>r»J IBB.”'."/-I BBI IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRBBBBBBBBBBBBBI IfiSfiBEEfiEEEEfiSSSSfiSEBEEBfiEISfiSfifiEEES^ IbbbbbbbbbbbbFbbbbbbbbbb!"I ibbbBbbbEbi IBBBBBBBBBBBBI BBBBBBBBBBB II IKBBBBBBBH IBBBBBBBBBB IB? BBBBBBBBBBB II II IBBBBI- IBBBBBBBBBBI IBIBI IBBBBBB'— - " ———■ IBBBBBBBBBH IF'-------- iniiiiiiiifiimiiiifiiainimiHni IBBBF jBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB IBBFZ^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBFBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB _____________IBF^BBBBBBBBBBBFBBBFjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB IBBBBBBBBBBBBB4BBBKJBBBBB"'.rlF>B.SaBIIBBBIIBBBBB !3Sil3»5««F>^rB’gr.FlF^F^rBF4FBV^F^B'5JBBiBBBBBBBBBB _____________lBBBBBBrBBBBBBr- BBBBBBBBBBBB _____________IBBBBBF JFBF^BFZJBBB''BBBBBBI IBBBBI ABBBBB'JBBBBBBr»BBBBBBF ABl IF>>BBBr^ir''JBBI Bl •’■^BBBBB'BBBBBB. ZBBhBBBF/iBBBv JBMBBF^Br ACBBBBBI ibr«ib» Tar r ir PLOWRIGHT BROS. LTD., Brampton Iron Works, Chesterfield. Speciality— COAL SCREENING. CONVEYING 4; ¥ iti a SECTION OF SCREENING PLANT AT BENTLEY COLLIERY, DONCASTER. Simplex Conduits, Limited, GARRISON LANE, BIRMINGHAM. 113-117, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 6, White Horse Street, Leeds. 16, Corporation Street, Manchester. 96, Whitechapel, Liverpool. 72a, Waterloo Bridge, Glasgow. 14, Heathfield Street, Swansea. 61-65, High Street, Newcastle. 4, Westgate Street, Cardiff. 10 & 11, Denmark Street, Bristol. 1, Crimon Place, Aberdeen. CONSIDERABLY OVER 100 PLANTS H WORK IN BRITAIN COLONIES. Estimates and Designs on application. Agent for South Wales: A. LEIGHTON STEVENS, 15, Fields Road, Newport, Mon. G% TO 3% SAVING IM FUEL, on 1 2^ TO ^5% MORE STEAM K I 1 gi B-Wife®-'- ' 4 t. L rsKFEciA” CIRCULATOR 39, Victoria Street, London, S. W. ANNALS OF COALMINING & THE COAL TRADE. By Post, 25s. 9d. By ROBERT L. CALLOWAY. Price 25s. net. The Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Asbestos Corrugated Sheets FLAT SHEETS. COMBINED SHEETS. ROOFING TILES. immediate Delivery from Stock. E. CLIVE PORTEOUS, Ltd, Manufacturers, 46a, Market Street, MANCHESTER. ELECTRIC PLANT ^ACCESSORIES TELEP 2978 (TWO LINES) TELEG THOR” CABLES & SWITCHES CARBON &• METAL LAMPS. HASLAM & STRETTON,U® ll.WINDSOR PLACE. . . CARDIFF. . . PATENT “MAC” VALVE. Figure 8200—Inside Sci?ew Figure 8205—Outside Sca’O'w I Suitable for the Highest Steam Pressures. Fitted with 3 Platnam Metal Renewable Valve and Seat. All parts interchangeable. All joints made by metallic contact, thereby obviating the necessity of using jointing material. By removing the cover the seat and valve are withdrawn, enabling new parts to be in- serted in about a minute’s time, and without the neces- sity—as with ordinary valves —of removing the valve body from its fixed position. The Renewable Valve and Seat is made of Hopkinson’s “Platnam” Metal which is suitable for superheated steam and bad waters. There are many valves with renewable valve and seat upon the market, but under modern conditions and high pressures do not last any length of time owing to the deterioration which takes place on the valve and seat, and consequently the renewing of the parts is a frequent occurrence. We have tried our “Platnam” Metal under severe conditions, and have every confidence in recommending it to work under high temperatures. The “ MAC ” valve has been designed to adopt this metal for the renewable valve and seat. Upwards of 500 tons of Standard Steel Castings kept in stork. He ran give immediate delivery of iron and steel Calves. Illustrated Catalogue Post Free on Application. J. HOPKINSON & 0s Ls Huddersfield, Makers of Patent Safety Boiler Mountings and Valves For High Pressure Superheated Steam, High-class Exhaust and Water Sluice Valves for Condensing Plants, &c., Automatic Exhaust Valves, Reducing Valves, Steam Traps, &c., &c. Depots & Showrooms—London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Oldham, Blackpool, Paris & Petrograd. No. 374. _____________________—_ BBBBBBSimWHHSmE«ffi^SK.^3KBBBBHBBSSM