December 22, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1247 HlllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliHIIIIIIIHIIII1 “KEEP your SEATS!” HEYWOOD & BRIDGE’S PATENT BROOKE’S Patent Valve Receater 2 z < Q f— a. o □ u z 2 LU □ a. E < UJ c/i p z CQ E z a QU z □ 2 a o o z 3 QU The Tool that cannot produce an ‘Eccentric’ Mitre. PISTON GUIDES FIT ALL SEATINGS. .. SEND FOR PARTICULARS TO - GEORGE BROOKE, Cardiff. Hilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'HlIllllllllilllllilllllllllllllllllliln IS I i FfFl GEORGE BURNSIDE, Burnside’s Safety Boring Apparatus. U sed most success fully in tapping old Mine Workings. for Catalogue. Rock and Stone Drilling Machines: Dr lls to any Size. Also Eye Guards for Pit Ponies. Boring Tool Works, Shiney Row, Fencehouses, CO. DURHAM. Friction Clutches and Haulage Installations For Collieries, Mines, Quarries, &c. Specially designed to meet working conditions. Over 20 years’ experience is at your service. Our Clutches may be applied to existing pulleys or wheels without removal from pit. Send for Descriptive Catalogue—Free. DAVID BRIDGE & CO. LTD., Haulage Works, CASTLETON, MANCHESTER. * A TmhT SMALLMAN patent HAULAGE CLIPS. Hew Model: Nine Sizes. Patented 1902, 1906 and 1910. A vs t omati o Detacliinenv. The 1911 lever has large lateral stops and a wedge-shaped head. Drop-forged shells (two sizes), levers (four sizes), catches and couplings. illustrated Catalogue. Clips can he had without catches. Patentee and Sole Manufacturers— JAMES W. SMALLMAN. Nuneaton. England. Walter Scott Ltd. Leeds LEEDS STEEL WORKS England MANUFACTURERS OF BRITISH STANDARD ROLLED STEEL JOISTS, CHANNELS, TRAMRAILS AND PERMANENT WAY RAILS, go. Example of 10 in. x 6 in. • 42 ib. R.8. Joists carved for Framework to Roadway. Pit Head Frame. Erected in Works kk for inspection. / * / * t '&.J * \ ❖ V k?® a ROLLED STEEL JOISTS for PIT PROPS, FRAMEWORK TO ROADWAYS. &c. STRUCTURAL STEELWORK FOR BUILDINGS, &c. Mild Steel Blooms, Billets, Slabs, Tinbars, Rounds & Flats. Rolls cut for Special Sections and to approved quantities Books of Sections and other information on application. GOODALL, CLAYTON & Co. Lo LEEDS. Telegrams :— “ Vertical, Leeds.” Telephone:—1982, Leeds. Ml MAKERS AND ERECTORS OF SCREENING PLANTS, PICKING BELTS, SCREENS, PITHEAD GEARS. BUNKERS, ROOFS, STEEL STRUCTURAL WORK, &c. GAS RETORT INSTALLATIONS, CONVEYING PLANTS. Representatives:—H. L. CHESTON, Clarendon House, Boston Spa, Yorks. W. OGDEN DAYSON. 1, Mount Street. Swansea, for South Wale*.