THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. December 22, 1916. 1205 wen type of building. On have been erected. more unsightly buildings Send for Handbook and learn of its utility. It's all in the rigid Rib. Colliery .Builclingi Illustration shows the Sharlston Colliery Co.’s Pit Head Buildings erected on this principle. The nature of the ground in colliery districts necessitates account of ground trouble many unsightly structures of timber and corrugated iron There is no longer any need for this. A building erected with Hy-Rib and structural steel not only gives the desired lightness, but is far more attractive in appearance. Hy-Rib is a Ribbed Steel Lath which needs supports at I Oft. centres only, and readily takes 2 in. of cement plaster. Its use ensures the most rapid permanent con- struction possible, the building costs little or nothing for maintenance and is superior in every way to the usual type of building. THE TRUSSED CONCRETE STEEL C° LTO 64, CAXTON HOUSE, WESTMINSTER, S.W. HUi. 64,000 ordered & supplied in last 18 months. Approved by both British and French Governments—that’s the Sterling record of the Hailwood . . Combustion Tube Lamp. * Gives 1| to 1| C.P., it is cheaper and more reliable than an electric lamp— and it has gas de- tecting properties, too. 113 Hailwood Combustion Tube Lamp is the ideal lamp for the miner. Because of the scien- tific principles upon which its construction is based, it is not readily smoked up, may be tilted without being extinguished, and is easy to clean. You will never be satis- fied with another lamp after you have seen the clear white light of the Hailwood. Our Circular gives the details. Send for a Copy. Ackroyd & Best L" BEACON WORKS, MORLEY, YORKS.