1178 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN December 15, 1916. EXPORTS OF COAL. COKE. AKO MANUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM Daring November and the Eleven Completed Months of 1914, 1915 and 1916. November 1916. November. Coal—Through- All coal. Coal— -Small. ! and-through Coal— -Large. All eoal. To (unscreened). (Quantity (tons). Value («£). Tons. 1 Tons. £ Tons. £ 1914. s 1915. 1916. 1914. 1915 1916. Russia . — — ; — — — — ; 1,773 1,001 — 1,080 990 Sweden 5,260 8,144 33,426 51,605 ! 96,625 148,309 ! 378,524 214,014 135,311 238,021 184,065 208,058 Norway. 38,465 46,679 | 22,848 37,659 I 105,390 163,723 1 177,735 165,480 166,703 100,317 137,548 248,061 Denmark 23,190 31,001 40,986 54,012 ' 104,517 174,097 i 252,457 173,384 168,693 159,961 143,059 259,110 Germany — — — I — ; — — — — __ Netherlands 3,629 4,538 97,203 107,778 35,481 47,447 : 65,628 154,703 136,313 37,742 112,013 159,763 Belgium — — — ! 997 — — 518 — — France . 421,921 448,823 419,225 449,626 ; 443,634 627,010 ■ 1,036,949 1,388,211 1,284,780 640,045 1,213,466 1,525,459 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 12,336 13,168 9,429 9,669 i 42,050 58,541 96,152 66,861 63,815 65,783 58,199 81,381 Spam.... 31,231 32,511 76,478 96,500 i 120,051 182,850 100,781 166,847 227,760 67,760 142,199 311,861 Canary Islands 2o 65 1,706 1,706 ' 14,597 17,693 31,949 23,317 16,328 25,064 21,110 18,864 Italy .... 19,385 23,492 84,211 98,401' : 356,817 496,030 603,161 443,432 460,413 404,311 404,564 617,923 Austria- Hungary — — — — i — — — — — — — Greece .. 450 789 5,047 4,764 ; 2,893 5,354 23,783 12,280 8,390 19,125 14,123 10,907 Koumania — — — — . — — — — — — — Turkey .. *415 *683 1 — — *2,353 5,000 — — *2,768 — — 5,683 Algeria 19,118 18,840 13,014 13,240 17,563 22,757 44,039 53,620 49,695 29,167 45,090 54,837 Portuguese West Africa — — 4,326 5,376 15,635 17,887 1,502 36,046 19,961 1,277 30,931 23,263 Chile 138 347 — — 331 975 3,776 7,248 469 2,883 7,211 1,322 Brazil .. 1,997 3,300 — — 1,111 1,555 63,350 23,322 3,108 53,349 22,637 4,855 Uruguay — — 3,578 4,473 ; 4,933 7,617 14,826 29,012 8,511 11,805 26,901 12,120 Argentine Republic 2,598 3,992 10,685 14,223 ! 39,780 50,016 152,775 129,004 53,063 128,165 124,853 68,231 Channel Islands 134 171 2,778 4,067 ! 3,809 5,085 13,475 7,719 6,721 9,078 7,437 9,323 Gi braltar 7,681 7,707 ' 15,713 16,716 ; 20,848 34,027 20,493 37,730 44.242 13,100 32,387 58,450 Malta .. 2,015 1,497 ; ; 2,919 4,379 I 2,900 2,967 9,514 5,113 7,834 6,261 4,502 8,843 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 5,095 6,887 ■ 21,749 21,832 ’ 57,784 76,864 94,412 103,388 84,628 70,160 91,231 105,583 Aden and Dependencies — ■ — i 7,653 9,238 — 15,006 7,653 — 13,488 9,238 British India ! . — — . — — 750 900 11,423 686 750 8,650 651 900 Ceylon .. — — 1 — — — — 4,807 4,757 — 4,252 4,103 — Other countries ; 6,347 7,105 4,351 6,342 29,445 41,731 75,879 40,590 40,143 58,824 39,873 55,178 Anthracite 57,672 80,849 188 325 86,423 131,148 171,823 182,637 144,283 151,270 241,664 1 212,32? Totals Steam 523,999 554,503 252,097 286,678 1,412,544 2,016,027 2,342,868 2,380,866 2,188,640 1,545,041 2,070,946 1 2.867,208 Gas 769 782 530,931 614,095 12,327 17,977 532,569 515,468 544,027 319,476 388,261 632,854 Household 565 806 — — 15,183 21,261 126,499 57,867 15,748 82,595 55,989 22,067 Other sorts 18,425 22,799 86,456 101,270 473 693 106,401 165,933 105,354 58,316 125,771 124,762 — — : — — — — . Total 601,430 659,739 869,672 1,002,368 1,526,950 2,197,106 3,280,160 3,302,771 2,998,052 2,156,698 2,882,631 3,859,213 Total (November 1915 849,535 677,666 889,203 688,556 1,564,033 1,516,409 — — — — — — Total {November 1914) 859,527 439,008 670,838 400,562 1,749,795 1,317,128 — — — — — — Coke . — — — — — — 100,202 110,946 121,842 75,742 149.924 235,323 Manufactured fuel Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel - — — — — — 46,737 3,427,099 55,585 3,469,302 104,663 3,224,557 39,319 2,271,759 63,277 3,095,832 158,588 4,253,124 Eleven months of 1916. | Eleven months. Anthracite Steam Totals Gas Household Other sorts 886,017 6,745,416 40,855 53,754 402,558 1,122,075 6,520,365 42,880 65,274 429,146 969 3,580,798 5,847,836 830 1,079,942 911 4,064,914 6,017,949 830 1,205,001 1,023,112 115,594,710 155,434 309,312 17,667 1,422,705 21,610,332 203,841 393,900 21,091 2,161,844 39,931,858 9,497,290 1,371,392 2,378,622 2,016,753 28,752,160 6,791,140 985,353 1,702,123 1,910,093 25,920.924 6,044,125 363,896 1,500,167 i 1,706,370 27,478,890 5,903.532 890,731 1,416,477 i 2,117,122 ! 24,595,221 4,682,675 877,121 1,201,464 | 2,545,691 32,195,611 6,264,670 460,004 1,655,241 Total Total for eleven months of 1915 Total for eleven months of 1914 Coke Manufactured fuel 8,128,600 10,842,793 13,360,930 8,179,740 8,141,798 6,999,017 10,510,375 10,073,259 11,839,891 11,289,608 7,209,777 7,269,003 17,100,235 19,331,477 30,140,185 23,651,869 18,122,028 23,127,980 55,341,006 1,075,406 1,534,680 40,247,529 909,134 1,143,245 35,739,210 1,385,438 1 251,081 37,396,000 863,562 1,333,419 33,473,603 1,030,377 1,161,123 43,121,2i7 2,326,059 1,692,568 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — — 57,951,092 42,299,908 38,375,729 39,592,981 35,665,103 47,139,844 Note.—The figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty and certain other shipments. * Exported to ports or places in territory formerly Turkish, but now occupied by other Powers, e.g., Crete, Dedeagatch, Salonika, etc. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late jor inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Abergavenny, December 22. — Coal for the Guardians. Forms from the clerk, Monk-street. Birkenhead, December 29. — Coal for the Guardians. Forms from the clerk, Offices, Conway-sbreet. Blaby, December 19. — Coal and coke for the Joint Hospital Committee. Forms from the clerk, 1, Friar-lane, Leicester.- Bristol, December 18.—Coal for the General Hospital. Tenders to the secretary. Burton-on-Trent, December 21.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from the Union Offices. Bury St. Edmunds, December 18.—Coal and coke for the Guardians. Forms from the master, Workhouse. Chapel-en-le-Frith, December 20.—Coal for the Guar- dians. Forms from J. B. Boycott, clerk. Clayton (Yorkshire), December 21. — Coal for the Guardians. Forms from the offices, 4, Town Hall-street. Ghorley (Lancashire), December 19.—Coal (six months) for Isolation Hospital. Forms from R. E. Stanton, clerk, Ghorley. Gleobury Mortimer, December 19.—Goal for the Guar- dians. Forms from W. Roberts, relieving officer. Dewsbury, December 21.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from the Union Offices, Wellington-street. East Ardsley (Yorkshire), December 18.—Coal for the Cardigan Sanatorium. Forms from F. A. Darwin, County Hall, Wakefield. Fareham, December 19.—60 tons unbroken coke for Work- house (delivered 10 tons at a time). Tenders to A. Laker, 97, West-street,. Fareham. Galemire (Cumberland), December 18.—Coal and coke for Joint Hospital Committee. Forms from the caretaker of the hospital. Headington (Oxford), December 18.—Coal for the Guar- dians. Forms from the clerk, 126, High-street, Oxford. Hull, December 18.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from the clerk, St. Mary’s-chambers, Hull. Huil, December 18. — Coal for the Victoria Hospital. Forms from J. S. Palethorpe, secretary. Hunslet, December 18.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from F. W. Mee, clerk, Glasshouse-street. Lewisham, December 19.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from the offices, 394, High-street. London, E., December 21.—Coal for Mile End Old Town Guardians. Forms from B. Catmur, Bancroft-road, Mile End. Lowestoft, December 18.—Coal for the Mutford Guar- dians. Forms from F. W. Osborne, clerk, Crown-street Hall, Lowestoft. Manchester, December 18.—Goal for the Guardians. Forms from the Offices, All Saints’, Manchester. Middleton-in-Wharfedale, December 18.—Coal and coke for Sanatorium. Particulars from F. A. Darwin, County Hall, Wakefield. Mitcham, December 21.—Coal and coke (15 months) for the Wandle Valley Joint Sewerage Board. Forms from R. M. Chart, Vestry Hall, Mitcham. Newport (Mon.), December 20.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from the offices, Queen's-hill, Newport. Newtown (Montgomery), December 20. — Coal for the Guardians. Tenders to the clerk, Institution, Caergws. Oakham, December 18.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from W. Batts, clerk. Oldham, December 18.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from master, Poor Law Institution. Oxford, December 27. — Good screened cobbles (six months) for Corporation. Tenders to the town clerk. Powick, December 28.—Goal for the Worcester Asylum. Forms from the storekeeper. Richmond (Yorkshire), December 23. — Coal for the Guardians. Forms from the temporary clerk. Royston (Herts), December 20.—Coal and coke for the Guardians. Forms from the clerk. Salford, December 21.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from the Offices, Eccles New-road. Sleaford, December 22.—250 tons best hard steam coal. Particulars from the engineer, Electricity Works. Solihull, December 18.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from the Union Offices. Staines, December 18.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from F. Hutchinson, clerk, Ashford, Middlesex. Strood, December 19.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from the clerk, Workhouse, Strood. Tredegar, December 18.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from the clerk, Workhouse. Wigan, December 18.—Coal and slack for the Guardians. Forms from the Poor Law Institution, Wigan. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. Cardiff.—Stores.—Engine machinery, signal and general castings, iron bars, etc. Forms from stores superintendent, Cardiff Railway, Bute Docks. Durban, January 3.—Steam Turbine, etc.—3,000kw. steam turbine, alternator, and condensing plant, for the Corporation. Forms from the borough electrical engineer, Municipal Buildings, Durban. London, December 29.—Fishplates.—5,000 pairs of fish- plates for rails for the Trinidad Government. Forms from Gregory, Eyles and Waring, 12, Dean’s-yard, Westminster. Tenders to 4, Millbank, Westminster. Swansea, December 23.—Stores.—Iron, steel, castings, packing, and oils (12 months) for the South Wales Anthra- cite Colliery Company Limited, Ystradgynlais, Swansea Valley.