Decembeb 8, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1103 JEFFREY COAL CUTTERS Have again and again throughout the country proved themselves to be the best. There are three good reasons why you should try a Jeffrey Coal Cutter. FIRSTLY.—We supply you with a machine on a thirty days FREE working trial. SEOSNXSLY.—We pay carriage both ways if unsatisfactory. THIRDLY.—We make no charge for training men to run our machine during trial. HUGH WOOD & Co. L" Newcastle-on-Tyne. ThE Davenport Engineering Co. Ltd. Harris St., BRADFORD. Telegrams: “ Humidity, Bradford.” Telephone : 3553 Bradford. LONDON OFFICE: 52, Caxton House, S.W. Telephone : 9089 Victoria HOLEHOUSE’S PATENT TOWERS. Made at our own Works and constructed on the best engi= neering lines. Coolers all made to standards and a number kept in stock for quick delivery. The best constructed irrigation system on the market. , < I J-7'?'1 ; I I