December 1, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 1049 Abolish the Smoke Nuisance Too much smoke from the chimneys means waste of coal. Smoke represents the unburnt carbon in the fuel ; and just as sure as smoke is wasted, so the coal bill increases. The best way to get full value from the coal is to burn it effectively. Introduce the correct quantity of oxygen to the fire and you can then have a thicker and hotter fire—quicker evapora- tion in the boiler—and an astonishing reduction in the volume of smoke. The “CYCLONE” Induced Draught Plant is the only efficient and economical method of increasing the supply of oxygen to the fire. It enables the user to utilise the waste heat from the fire and so reduce the amount of fuel needed. In many cases it dispenses __- with the extra boiler required to take on abnormal loads. It also makes possible the use of cheaper kinds of fuel. Our Booklet 270 F con similes of letters from satis which conclusively upho claims for the “ Cyclone ’ Draught Plant. Send for Matthews & Yate Cyclone Worki SWINTON, MANC 1# ; ... I''?'-’.'' ' WELLS’ “UNBREAKABLE” LAMPS jOV£7? 2,000,000 sold.] and OIL FEEDERS. HORIZONTAL OIL FEEDERS. With Valves and Brass Tops. No 0 — | pint.................... 27/-per dozen No 1 —i pint............. ....... 30/- ,t No 1a—f pint..... ... ... 33z- „ No. 3a.—1 pint. New Improved Pattern, Handle at top, 45/= per dozen. No. 3b.—li pint, 54/- per dozen. Also made without Valve. Also made with Patent Filler. TORCH LAMPS. For Sperm, Rape, Colza, or other heavy Smokeless Oil. Also used for Kero- sene. No. 5, | pint, Hook No. 2, as shown, 24/= doz. ENGINEERS’ HAND LAMPS. For Kerosene, Petroleum, or Paraffin. No. 4, | pint, 18/= per- dozen. No. 4a, f pint, 27/= WELLS’ REMOVABLE BONG- POUR. PRICE 16/6 EACH. No. 5a, f pint, Hook No. 3, as shown, 30/= doz. No. 5b, 1 pint, Hook No. 3, as shown, 36/= doz. (Patented.) Made in GUNMETAL, 9s. 6d. each. For Emptying cask without Pump, Tap, or Stillage. Applied to and removed from any cask in- stantly Ail waste and mess prevented. More rapid in action than pump. Will fit any ordinary cask from 20 to 60 gallons. Does not damage the cask. KETTLE TORCH LAMPS. No. 18a.—A Splendid Lamp, fitted with 2 in. Wick, 5 pints capacity .9s. each Suitable for Sewerage, Drainage, Trench Work, Steam Trawlers, &c. Wells’ Oil Gas Generating Lamps. Light from Kerosene or Petroleum without Wick, at Less than One Penny per Hour. No Smoke or Smell. Perfect Safety. No Explosive Naphtha used. Thousands sold. Unaffected by wind. ----- Each. No. 12, 3 hours ............. 11/9 No. 12a, with Tripod ........ 13/9 No. 13,5 hours .............. 14/0 No. 13a, with Tripod ........ 17/0 No. 14, 7 hours ............. 16/0 No. 14 k, with Tripod ....... 19/0 Extra Burners for above, 2/- each. THOUSANDS SOLD. Largely used by Contractors, Collieries, 6c. Large Flaming Light. No. 18.—3 pints, l|in. Wick, 4s. 6d. each. No. 28. same shape as above, but having two Wicks, 6 pints, 9 s. each. t 1 A. G. WELLS & CO., St. Pancras, LONDON. GREENWOOD & BATLEY Ltd., ALBION WORKS, LEEDS. Telephone -S2O0 LEEDS. I TelesrrMn.—“GREENWOOD. LEEDS? ... •/ if .,. si STEAM TURBINES HIGH PRESSURE,—EXHAUST STEAM,—MIXED PRESSURE. FROM 3-B.H.P. TO 600-B.H.P. Part of order for totally enclosed gas proof Mining Motors with ball bearings and plate glass spy holes. ■i ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS. A.C. AND D.C. FOR ALL PURPOSES. Under Weak or Broken Roof IRONCLAD machines, because of their small size (17" high, 29" wide, 7' 8" long) and absence of vibration, are able to work successfully where other machines cannot be used. Sullivan Ironclad LONGWALL COAL CUTTERS “Ask the Man who has one” Write for Catalogue 3073—A. SULLIVAN MACHINERY CO. (Established 1850), Salisbury House, London, E.C. DISTRICT AGENTS. SWINBURNE & HARDIE, Milburn House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. F. J. LYONS-DAVIS, 23, Victoria Avenue, Cardiff. ROBERT LAVERICK, 2, Claremont Gardens, Nottingham. ARCHIBALD BAIRD & SON LTD., Hamilton.