1004 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. November 24, 1916. The “SALVUS” Patent HALF-HOUR BREATHING APPARATUS For Rescue Work in Mines after Explosions, and --------------many other situations.----------------- RAILS, WAGONS, POINTS AND CROSSINGS, SLEEPERS, TIMBERS. Its chief features are:— SIMPLICITY. EFFEC TIVENESS LIGHTNESS. PORTABILITY. Telegrams ; Patentees and Sole Makers— GORMAN & CO Telegrams —“ Siebe, Lamb, London.’* LONDON, S.E -- Agent for North America and Mexico—H. N. ELMER, 1140, Monadnock Block, Chicago. MARPLE &GILLOTT SIEBE T ’Till “Neptune” JLA JL Works, Telephone No.—Hop 3401 (2 lines). “FIRE KING" SPRINKLING SHOVEL. FOR BOILER FIRXNG (Patented) Similar, but bettor effect than with Mechanical Stoklngr. Spreads the F uel. No Caking. LESS SMOKE. Great number of REPEAT ORDERS. Increased Efficiency. Saving in Fuel. MORE STEAM GENERATED. General Colliery and Railway Plant. C. A. FE1LE, Dronfield, nr. Sheffield. Telephones: Metals Department No. 1242. „ *■_ - „ N«. ti4T, Machinery „ ... No. 3072. Rail „ '... No. 1991. Coal ,, ... No. 381. Flanges dispensed with. WELDED JOINTS FOR STEAM & AIR We supply pipes for all purposes and weld them in any position. All work guaranteed. Dead sound at all pressure -. Let us overhaul your steam pipes and take out the leaky joints. Ask us to quote for any welding work. GAS DISTRIBUTION LTD., NUNEATON. 4IR COMPRESSORS. REAVELL & CO. LTD., IPSWICH. Illustrated Catalogue Cl 3 post free. Established 1818 Telegraphic Address—"Giovers.” BONECOURT Waste Meat Boiler Co. Ltd., Parliament Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W. Telegrams— “Bonecourt (Vic.), London.1 Telephone — Victoria 5563. From photo of two Gas Fired Boilers 10 ft. dia. x 15 ft. long, together evaporating up to 30,000 lb. of steam per hour. No brickwork setting, chimney, or flues are required. MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY (up to 92 7%). MINIMUM SPACE. RAPID STEAM RAISING. Telephone No« 39. Wm. Jas. GLOVER & C° Original mid Sole Mahers of “ Glover’s Best” Steel Wire Ropes. Works ST. HELENS, LANCS. IB NONTWISTING LOCKED COIL SECTION « A.” WINDING, SINKING, CAPSTAN ROPES, etc. Locked Coil and Lang’s Lay Ropes of Greatest Length without Joints in Component Wires. “GLOVERS BEST - “OW DEAD LANG'S LAY WIRE ROPES. Do not Kink or Curl. All Injurious Stresses eliminated. Greatest ease and safety in Splicing and Handling. REPRESENTATIVES-CARDIFF—M. J. HILLESTROM. 119, Exchange Buildings. SHEFFIELD—W. WALTON PITT, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE—T. W. ANNS. Ward’s Buildings, High Bridge.