November 24, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 999 WELLS' WATER OIL FILTERS With Patent “Sight-feed” Syphons. Over 22,000 Sold. Suppl ed to the Principal Gasworks, Corpora- tions and Leading Industrial Firms. Pay first cost in a short time, as Dirtied Oil, which has hitherto been thrown away, can be filtered and used again and again. No. 1—For users having only a small quan- £ s. d. tity of oil to treat (no syphon), 17 in. by 9 in. 1 15 0 No. 2 —Capacity about 22 in. by Win. 3 gallons oil, 2 10 0 No. 3.—Capacity about 27 in. by 12 in. 6 gallons oil, 3 10 0 No. 4.—Capacity about 36 in. by 16 in 12 gallons oil, 5 10 0 No 5.— Capacity about 43 in. by 23 in. 24 gallons oil, 9 9 0 No. 6. —Settling chambers holding about 50 gallons oil, 60 in. by 30 in. ... 16 16 0 Weils’ “ Lightning” Lime 1 Colour Washer (Wallwork & Wells’ Patent). A Great Saving of TIME, LABOUR & MONEY. No Outside Power Required. Lime Whiting or Cold Water Paints applied at a speed of from 10 to 20 square yards per minute in a manner superior to brushwork. One coat with the machine on rough surfaces is equa1 to two applied with brushes. Will Save First Cost in a Few Days, ENLARGED PATTERNS. REDUCED PRICES. No. 6a, with detachable pail ... £5 5 0 No. 6, handy size, with tank, and wheels ... ... ... £6 15 0 No. 4, with 5 ft. poles, single spray- ing nozzle, and 15 ft. special armoured hose, capacity 8 gallons ... ... ... £8 5 0 No. 4a, the same as No. 4 but with strong wheels, and under- frame ... ... ... £9 0 0 No. 5a, large machine, with wheels, 5 ft pole, double spraying nozzle and 20 ft. hose, capacity 12 gallons ... £11 5 0 Over 6,000 Solti. A C. WELLS & Co. London Keith-Blackman Electric Forge Blowers. . J ■ I ’ll rl r -j These Blowers are very compact, and can be applied to any hearth. LOW FIRST COST. SMALL RUNNING COSTS. Supplied complete with Hearths in many designs, or separately for existing hearths. FANS & BLOWERS for all purposes. James Keith & Blackman C° Ltb 27, Farringdon Avenue, . . . LONDON. And at Manchester, Newcastle, Cardiff, Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh, &c. rr ang ye's “H.T.” Type GAS ENGINE With “VARIABE ADMISSION” GOVERNING. ‘‘WORKS LIKE A STEAM ENGINE.” FOR DRIVING ALTERNATORS IN PARALLEL. SINGLE CYLINDER OR COUPLED ENGINE. Catalogue, with full particulars, on application to — TANGYES LTD BIRMINGHAM. No. 205 D