November 24, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 993 _ Shaker Conveyors (Meco i Side Drive Patented.) The above illustrates the “Meco” SIDE DRIVE which 1. Dispenses with columns, double jaws, cross arms and connecting rods, thus minimising wear and tear. 2. Obviates any side-bush trouble. 3. Can be flitted in an incredibly short time ; to flit it is only necessary to draw out two cotters and the engine and troughs are free. 4. Eliminates considerable loss of motion between the engine and the conveyor. 5. Does not by its purchase involve you in any action for infringement because it is manufactured by us in our own works, under Patents 15651/15, 28839/12, and Licence 19696/12. 6. Will fill the breach caused by the shortage of labour in your mines. Write to-day for Illustrated Catalogue and full particulars. = Mining Engineering Co. Ld. JL. Meco Works, Moorfields, Telegrams: “ Meco, Sheffield.” Telephone: 4530 Central (2 lines). SHEFFIELD