974 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN November 17, 1916. HEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AHD 1ROH TRADES. Applications for Patents. [Note.—Applications arranged alphabetically under the names of the applicants (communicators in parentheses). A new number will be given on acceptance, which will replace the application number.] Aktiebolaget Svenska Kullagerfabriken (16012). Rope sup- porting devices in rope hauling or winding systems. Anderson, W. J. (15995). Utilising effective motive power of exhaust of internal combustion engines and air and steam engines to increase driving power. Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth and Company and Ash- down, H. H. (16142). Casting steel ingots. Beard, G-. F. H. (16058). Means for extracting tar, tar vapours, etc., from illuminating, etc., gases. Berriman, A. E. (16188). Cylinders for internal combus- tion engines, etc. Beswick, H. J. (15817). Internal combustion engines. Boving, J. 0. (15871). Electrodes of electric furnaces. Bray, E. N., and Bray, Markham and Reiss (16023). Pumps. Brewster, J. M. (15913). Internal combustion engines. Brewster, J. M. (15914). Tappet valves and valve gear for internal combustion engines. Cardwell, D. (15816). Purification of trinitrotoluene. Climax Rock Drill and Engineering Works (16203). Valve gear for percussion rock drills, tools, etc. Cockburn, D. (15998). Steam valves. Compagnie ■ Generale de Detartrage des Chaudieres et Con- duits d’Eau (16034). Apparatus for removing scale from boiler, etc., tubes. Contin, A., and Cortesi, C. (16150). Means for supplying feed water, etc., to steam generators, etc. Cook, D. (15915, 15916). Explosives. Cook, D. (15919). Motive power engine. Deam, J. (16046). Packing rings of piston valves, pistons, etc. Dempster, R. and J. (16058). Means for extracting tar, tar vapours, etc., from illuminating, etc., gases. Downs, A., A. W., and H. V. (15828). Valveless and crank- less internal combustion two-stroke engine. Easty, A. H. (15948). Motive power generator. Electric Control Limited, and Ellefsen, O. (16106). Dash- pot retarding and time-limit devices for electric apparatus, etc. Fennell, W. (15958). Tube mills. (Ford B.) (16093). Process of changing composition of iron and steel. Gillot, H. (15878). Grabs. Gralla, J. (15832). Driving gear for compressors or air pumps. Hartnell, G. T. (15890). Liquid fuel vaporiser. Heenan and Froude (16122). Internal combustion engines. Hoersting, W. A. H. (16004). Internal combustion engines. Innes, F. O. (15823). Hot air or gas turbine. Inshaw, G. R., and Inshaw Rotary Engine Syndicate (16205) Rotary internal combustion engines. International Construction Company (16125). Feeding mechanism for shaft furnaces, such as gas producers. Jorgensen, T. M. (16096). Rotary valves and reversing gear for multiple expansion engines. Lawson, F. C., and K. I. (16001). Device for curing the knock in internal combustion engines. Lester, H. G. (15972). Mechanism for reversing multi- cylinder engines. McKenna, T. (Rosenbaum, Stockbridge and Borst) (15964). Process of burning fuel. MacNicoll, D. (15998). Steam valves. Maddock, F. L., and W. E. (16014, 16018). Internal com- bustion engines. Miles, R. (15925). Power engines or motors. Morrison, W. (16083). Power transmission. Morrison, W. (16085). Power systems. Morton, H. E. (15940, 15941). Vacuum breakers for con- densing steam engines. Pitt, J. D. (15972). Mechanism for reversing multi-cylinder engines. Prassone, E. (16150). Means for supplying feed water, etc., to steam generators, etc. Rackham, J. (16122). Internal combustion engines. Roos, I. (15878). Grabs. Sahlin, A. (16125). Feeding mechanism for shaft furnaces, such as gas producers. St. Stephens, R. de H. (16203). Valve gear for percussion rock drills, tools, etc. Scott, J. W. (16058). Means for extracting tar, tar vapours, etc., from illuminating, etc., gases. Soc. J. and A. Niclausse (15863). Feed water regulator for boilers. Thompson, T. (15880). Internal combustion engines. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on November 30, 1916). 1915. 3998. Process for expressing liquid from peat. Hinchley ■ and Gorton. 16088. Gas producers. Nelson. 16298. Furnaces fed with pulverised fuel. Van Porat, and Motala Verkstads Nya Aktiebolag. 16854. Dynamo electric machines of the commutator type. Walker. 17166. Electric regulating systems. Campbell. ! 17467. Apparatus for heating oil fuel. Abell. 17596. Carriers for connection with aerial ropeways. Bulli- vants’ Aerial Ropeways Limited, and Gray. 18218. Producers for water-gas and like products. Sefton- Jones (Dellwik-Fleischer Wassergas Ges.). 1916. [Note.—The numbers following the application are those which the application will finally bear.] 7. Regenerative furnaces. Drakes -Limited, and Drake, W. A. 101983 467. Holder for wire ropes or cables. Best, J. 101986 2552. Miners’ electric hand lamps. Railing, A. H., and Angold, A. E. 102001 2594. Electric furnaces. Wrighton, W. J. 100093 2748. Draught improver for fires. Boyd, J., McEachran, N. A. L., and Blacklock, D. C. S. 102003 2982. Internal combustion engines. Riper, L. C. van. 102004 3439. Two-stroke internal combustion engines. Knight, J. F., and Doudney, R. P. 102006 3609. Rotors and casings for rotary engines. Speese, J. 102008 4423. Dust separators for granular materials. Robinson and Son, T., Robinson, C. J., and Stevenson, T. J. 102010 4799. Machines for loading materials. Eureka Mucking and Engineering Company. 100357 9467. Smoke hoods or helmets. Davis, R. H. 102025 9854. Elastic fluid engines. Machin, W. A., Mills, E., and Downes, A. 102027 10164. Steam boilers or generators. Shenton, R. 102029 10831. Engines arranged in groups. Bugatti, E. 101534 12185. Jacks or the like lifting devices. Scott, A. A. 102037 Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1916. [Note.—The numbers following the application are those which the application will finally bear.] 15201. Engines with cast cylinders. Soc. Lorraine des Anciens Etablissements de Dietrich et Cie. de Luneville. 102051 15454. Rolling mill with supported working rolls for elonga- tion of materials. Kriwan, A. 102057 GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Any of the following publications may be obtained on application at this office at the price named post free. Trade and Navigation Accounts for October 1916, Is. lOd. Ministry of Munitions : Memo. 14, Washing Facilities and Baths, l|d.; Feeding the Munition Worker, 7|d. Merchant Shipping Act : Circular 1579, Id. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1916 : (Nos. 740 and 748), Defence of the Realm (Scotland), l|d. each; (No. 738), Trade Boards (Ireland), l|d.; (No. 733), Trade Boards, l|d.; (No. 729), Customs Exportation, ljd.; (No. 760), Trading with the Enemy (Black List No. 11), l|d. Colonial Reports, 1915 : Falkland Islands, lid.; Bermuda, lid. Coatbridge Gas Order Confirmation Bill, 3d. Boiler Explosion Reports : (No. 2421), Steam Pipe at Stamp End Works, Lincoln, 2|d.; (No. 2422), Drying Cylinder at Holt Town, Manchester, 2|d.; (No. 2429), Fuel Economiser at Agnes-street Factory, Belfast, 2|d.; (No. 2430), Cast Iron Blow Down Pope, Birmingham, 4Jd. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. ‘ Cassier’s Engineering Monthly ” (Vol. 50, No. 5), November, price Is.; “ The Manchester Steam Users’ Association for the Prevention of Boiler Explosions : Memo, by the Chief Engineer for 1915.” Grimsby Coal Exports.—The returns for the week ending November 10 show that the coal exported from Grimsby consisted of 302 tons to Dieppe and 720 to Esbjerg, a total of 1,022 tons, against 7,817 tons foreign during the corre- sponding week last year. JAMES SIMPSON & CO. LTD announce that, owing to the WAR OFFICE having requisitioned their Offices at INDIA HOUSE, KINGSWAY, W.C., their Registered Office Address till further notice will be QUEEN’S HOUSE, KINGSWAY, W.C. There will be no alteration in the Telephone Numbers and Telegraphic Address.