960 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN November 17, 1916. CONTESTS. Editorial Articles :— page Collieries and the Excess Profits Tax........ 961 Fuel Economy for Steam Users............... 962 Articles :— Equipment of the Valleyfield Colliery ....... 951 Ston- Dusting in Steam Coal Collieries....... 953 Application of Technology to Industry........ 956 Mining Employment Statistics................. 957 The “T. K.” Miners* Lamp .................... 957 Collieries anH Excess Profits Duty........... 959 Labour and Wages............................. 969 Open Contracts .............................. 969 The Freight Market ....................... 969 Coal and Coke Exported from Ports in England, Scotland and Wales ........................ 970 Coal and Coke Shipped for London and Other Ports in the Uniteo Kingdom ............. 970 Catalogues and Price Lists Keceived.......... 970 Abstracts of Patent Specifications Recently Accepted................................... 972 New Patents Connected with the Coal and Iron Trades .................................... 974 Government Publications ..................... 974 Publications Received ....................... 974 Reports of Meetings :— Midland Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers ............................... 955 Manchester Geological and Mining Society...... 958 Lancashire and Cheshire Coal Asset.iation..... 966 The Coal and Iron Trades.....................962—966 The By-Products Trade ....................... 966 The Tin-plate Trade.......................... 966 The London Coal Trade ....................... 966 Current Science and Technology.................. 95s Parliamentary Intelligence ..................... 959 Notes from the Coal Fields ..................... 967 Law Intelligence ............................... 969 Coal, Iron and Engineering Companies ........... 970 Miscellanea :— Partnership Dissolved—Hull Coal Exports—Coal Shipped from Ports in the United Kingdom during October.............................. 953 Australian Coal Strike—Testing Coal on Loco- motives .................................... 959 Institution of Petroleum Technologists ...... 962 Miner*s Lamp Realises <£1,000 ............... 966 Delays at French Ports....................... 969 Russia and American Coal .................... 970 Grimsby Coal Exports ........................ 974 Established 1866. PATENTS, DESIGNS, and TRADE MARKS. TT ARRIS AND MILLS, J-L Chartered Patent Agents, 34 and 35, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. Telegraphic Address—" Privilege, London.” Tel. No.—Holborn 2763. MARITIME COALING ADMINISTRATION Selection of Coal Supplies. Parliament Mansions, Victoria Street, Westminster, England- YYTanted, Situation as Foreman of Rail- V V way Wagon Work.or Woodside,of Colliery. Strict disciplinarian. Thorough practical experience in up-to-date methods of production at minimum cost. Over military age.—Bom 6601, Colliery Guardian Office. 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London. E.C. Mining Expert, with extensive experi- ence covering whole of British Coalfield, desires position with Mining Machinery Manufacturers as Representative, preferably South Wales ^r North of England districts ; disengaged and ineligible.—Apply Bom 6603 Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. YA/'anted, for Colliery in the Durham ▼ V Coalfield, MANAGER for By-product Plant consisting of 44 ovens, semi-direct process recovery.—Write, stating experience and salary required, and send copies only of references, to Bom 6598, Collieri Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival street. Holborn. London, E.C. W anted, an Assistant Colliery Surveyor v V (certificated) for South Wales.—Apply, stating age, experience and salary required, to Box 6599, CoVie y Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival street, Holborn, London E.C. A dvertiser, Second class Cert., Desires jLjL Position as UNDER-MANAGER, OVERMAN or FIREMAN, any shift; good references—Bom 6592. Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival street, Holborn, London, E C. Engineer, with well-established connec- tioh and business in the South Wales coalfield, desires direc" A encv or Representation for Manufacturers of Mming Machinery and appliances.—Bom 6604, Colli r. Guar.tian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street Holb rn, Lo^ don, E.C. ‘ / Tolliery Managers’ Exam. Questions, \. J Mav 1916,” with Specimen Answers in book form. “ Colliery Managers’ (including Surveyors’),” price Is. 6d. “Under-Mana era’,” price Is Agents wanted at each exam, centre. A GRANT, 64. H< peto'm street, Bathgate. CONTRACTS FOR CO LIERY STORES AND TiMBER. The South Hetton Coal Co. L*d. invite Tenders for six months supply ending June 30 h. 1917. of Timber (English onlv). Oils, Ir>n, Castings, Wire Rope and other Colliery Stores except Electrical. Forms of Tende and Specification, with full conditions, may b -■ obtained from Mr. J. B. LAMBERT, South Hetton, near Sun er’ land, and appl can s f >r forms must state thi kind of sto «• s for which they wi-h to tender.—Tenders, addressed to the SOUTH HETTON GOAL CO. LTD., South Hetton, near Sunderland, will bo received up to December 2nd, 1916. Tenders are invited for the Supply of Oils. Grease, Brattice Cloth, Iron, Steel. Me-al a d Brass Castings, Bricks. Fxplos’ves. Ropes, B lectric Fittings, Pit Prop*, and all other kind» of Collier* Timber for the first six months of 1917 Forms of Tender and Specifications may be o- tained fr^m the 8TOREKBEPRR Trimdon Grange Colliery Tenders to be delivered to WALTER SCOTT LTD , Trim ton Grange Colliery, Co. Durham not later than December 3rd, 1916 ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE OWNERS OF RAILWAY ROLLING STOCK. Formed in 1891 for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Private Owners. Applications for particulars and terms of membership may be sent to the SECRETARY, Clarence Chambers, Gloueeater. The Oldest Diamond Drill Company. Established 1872. BORING foe MINERALS. SPEED AND CERTAINTY. CYLINDRICAL “CORES.” ’HE AQUEOUS WORKS AND DIAMOND ROCK-BORING Go. Ltd. Guildford St., York Road, Lambeth, London, 8.E. Besides numerous other Important Contracts, completed (in 1897) the Deepest Boring; in the United Kingdom to 3,500 ft. Great Experience in Boring for WATER. The Cambrian School of Mines, CEMETERY ROAD, PORTH, GLAM. Principal: WILLIAM THOMAS, M.Inst M.B., F.G.S., M.R., Society of Arts. Tutors—Staff of Highly Qualified Instructors in all subjects. an University Training at Your Own Home. Instruction and Lessons by Post for Mine Managers, Surveyors, Electricians, and Mine Inspectors. Since the coming into force of the New Mines Act 579 Students of this School have been qualified as First and Second-class Mine Managers. 87 students have passed the Home Office Surveyors’ Exam.; 30 students are now Mines Inspectors. passed <■ irst-class Electrical Engineers. Cauaidateb for tn« a »ove write wibiwuc delay tor free Syllabus, and boui )f Previous Examination Questions. (Dept. G.) CAMBRIAN MINING SCHOOL, PORTH, Clam. Briquette Machinery Ltd., Charmouth Street, LEEDS. Machinery for Briquetting Peat, Lignite. Coke, Coal, Iron, Copper, Nickel, Cement; Also Sawdust, Waste Cereals, Offals, Sewage. PATENT COAL DRIER. The U.M.S. LESSONS BY POST. The best Mining Education. Unapproachable Successes. 52 H.M. Inspectors are U.M.S. Men. — Syllabus free. — THE UNIVERSAL MINING SCHOOL TO) 50, Connaught Road, Cardiff. YEADONS’ LATEST PATENTED BRIQUETTE MACHINERY, For Coal, Coke, Iron and other Ores. YEADON, SON & CO., Engineers, LEEDS, Have a World-wide Reputation, and 38 Years’ Experience. They have supplied MORE BRIQUETTE PLANTS than any other firm in this country. BRUCE PEEBLES & CO. LTD. ;„X. PEEBLES Engineers, EDINBURGH. RAILS. RAILS. ALL SECTIONS AND ACCESSORIES. Also quantity F.B. suitable for bearers. Sleepers. Timbers. Switches and Crossings. Buffer Stops. Locomotives. Cranes. Wagons. ARMYTAGE & JONES Ltd., Sheaf Street, Sheffield. STEEL Rails Roof Rars Pit Props Arches For COLLIERIES and WORKS. THOS W. WARD Ltd., Albion Works, SHEFFIELD. TRY US, -------- JOHN STANIAR & CO., Manchester, Eng. tVire Weavers & Metal Workers. Established over 100 Years. ---------- EVERY REQUISITE. ----------------------- GAUZES in Silk and Wire. BRUSHES in Bristle, Weed, Fibre or Steel, for every knows make of Brush Machine. PERFORA TED PL A TES in Iron, Steel, Zinc, Brass, Copper GUARDS for Engines, Stores, Machines, Strapping, Lifts, &c. AWARD MEDALS—Japan-British 1910, Franco-British 1908. Telegraph—" Gauze, Manchester.” Telephone—City 3306. Geo. N. Dixon & Co., 43, Cwatle Street, .Liverpool, Auctioneers and Valuers, COLLIERIES, Brickworks & Mining Plant. Auctioneers & Valuers to the Engineering Trades. KNIGHT & PARTNERS Ltd. 27, Old Queen Street, Westminster, S.W. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. SALES conducted in all parts of the Kingdom. GOAL, IRON & STEEL SHARES. WILLIAM CHAPMAN & COMPANY Stockbrokers. (established SINCE 1851). Cavendish Buildings, Wheeler Gate, N0TTINCHAM. Special Business in Coal, Iron and Steel Shares. Lists, reports, &c., will be forwarded regularly on application. Wanted, Steam Travelling Crane, ah ut 5 ton, jib- ot less than 25ft, 4ft. in gau^ .—Apply, giving full art cuUtp, THE MAIN COLLIERY CO LIMITED. CUMB RLAND. VALUABLE FREEHOLD MINFRAL AND AGRICULTURAL ESTATE FOd. SALE. VTessrs. Thornborrow & Co., of Penrith, VJL will OFFER for SALE by AUCTION, at the Grand Hotel, Whitehaven, on Thursday, the 23rd November, 1916, at 2 30 p m., all that valua le freehold Mineral and Agricultural Propertv known as M >NTREAL and CRO'-SIELD, situate about 3 miles frcm the Seaport and Market Town of Whitehaven and c<;se to Creator Moor a d Moor Row Stations on the London ai d Nonh Western and Furn ss Joint Ra lvays, comprising in the whole 177a 2r. 3 p, including the Mansion called K 4EKLE GROVE, and valuable deposits, seams and beds of Iron Ore, Coal, Fireclay and Sind. For Particulars, Plans and Conditions of Sale, apply to Mr. S. D. STANLEY DODGSON, Somerset House, Whitehaven; Messrs. LITTLE kOO., Solicitors. Penrith; Messrs. HARDISTY RHODES St HARDI8TY, Solicitors, 17, Great Marloorough-sireet. London, W.; or Messrs. BASSETT STANTON a BASSETT, Solicitors. 9, Gloucester- square, Southampton. TO IRON AND METAL MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. LLWYN COLLIERY, DAFEN. Nr. LLANELLY. Mr. David Roberts, F.A.I., has received instructions from the Owners to SELL bv PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above address, on Thursday, November 23rd, 1916 (and not as previously advertised), the wh de of the PLANT and MACHINERY, including:—Hauiiug and Winding Engines, Boilers, Steel and Iron Pipes, Tanks. Railway Sidings, about 40 tons of Tram Rails, Pulleys, Steam Pumps, Winches, Partings and Crossings, Screens. Tram Sleepers, Boiler Tubes Flooring Plates, Stacks, 20 ton Weighbridge (Pooley), Cart- weighing Machine, Contents of Smithy, Iron Trams, Stores, Galvanised Sheets, Timber Baulks, Planking Sheds, and a number of 10-ton Wagons, together with the Office Furniture, consisting of Tables, Chairs, Safe, Typewriter, Surveying Instruments, etc. Sale to commence at 11.30 o’clock in the forenoon. Catalogues mav be obtained from the AUCTIONEER, at his Offices, 4 days prior to sale. Offices : 19, Heathfield-street, Swansea. In the Matter of THE HULTON COLLIERY COMPANY LIMITED and In the Matter of THE COMPANIES CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1908 Notice is hereby given that a Petition was on the 26th dav of October 1916 presented to the Right Honourable the Chancellor of the Duchy and County Palatine of Lancaster by the above-named Company to confirm an alteration of the said Company’s objects proposed to be effected by a special resolution of the Company unanimously passed at an extraordinary general meeting of the said Company held tn the 31st dav of August 1916 and subsequently unani- mously confirmed at an extraordinary general meeting of the said Company held on the 28th day of September 1916 and which resolution runs as follows :— “That the provisions of the Memorandum of Association of the Company with respect to the Company's objects be altered by inserting after paragraph (K) of Clause 3 of such Memorandum of Association the paragraphs following (that is to say)— “(El) To carry on in Great Britain the business of producing, generating, accumulating, distributing, transmitting, using and supplying electricity and electiic-motive force, or other power or agency whether for the purpose of light, heat, power, traction or for any other purpose whatsoever, and for that purpose to construct, lay down, establish, fix, and carry out all necessary buildings, works, tramways, plant machinery, mains, cables, wires, lines, accumulators, lamps and appliances. “ (E 2) To carry on the business of electricians and manufacturers of and dealers in all apparatus and things required for or capable of t e ng used in connection with the generation, distribution, supply, accumula- tion and employment of electricity. “(E3) To manufacture, sell, and supply gas, coke, ammonia, tar, pitch, asphaltum, ammoniacal liquor and other by-products of coal, and to carry on the business of a gas-works undertaking in all its branches. “(E4) To construct, manufacture and maintain works for hold ng, receiving and purifying gas, and all other buildings works, meters, pipes, mains, fitt ngs, machinery, apparatus and appliances necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Company. “ (E5) To manufacture, buy, sell, let on hire, and deal in stoves’ engines and other apparatus and conveniences which m*y seem calcu- lated directly or indirectly to promote the use r the construction, maintenance, equipment, working and running by electricity, gas. steam or oth r m >tive power of an. ra.lways, iramways. canal boats, motor cars, omnibuses or other meth be undertaken or aone by the C ompany, or for any contract to be entered into by the Ct mpany, cash, shares (either fu Iv or partly paid), dtbentures, debenture s’ock, promissory notes, bills of exchange, or other obligations or securities < f any Municipal or Loc .1 Body or Authority, mpany. Corporation, Fn m <>r individual, and to hold or dispose of the same as the Company shall think fit.” AND N »TI 1E IS FURTHER GIVEN that the said Petition is directed to le heard before His H nour the Vice Chancellor Dudley Stewart Sm th Esquire K.C. o Tuesday the 21st. day of November 1916 and any person interested in t ie said Company whether as creditor or oth rwise desirous to opp se the making of an order for the confirmation of the said alteration under the a >ove At t should appear at the time of hearing by hiu self or his Counsel fur the purpose and a cop- of the said P« tn iun wi*l be furn shed to any such tiers n requinn the ssme by the Company’s Solicitors, Messrs. HILL, DLKINSCN A CO., of 10, Water-street, i Lherp >ol, on pay uient of ihe regulated charge for the same. I Dated the 9th day of November 1916. BILL, DICKINSON A OO., Solicitors for the Company.