924 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. November 10, 1916. NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. [Note.—Applications arranged alphabetically under the names of the applicants (communicators in parentheses). A new number will be given on acceptance, which will replace the application number.] Allen, V. M. (15597). Commutators for dynamo electric machines. Arcus, C. R. (15647). Apparatus for generation and regula- tion of products of combustion under pressure. Ashcroft, E. A. (15624). Electrolytic manufacture of metals and/or alloys. (Ashford, J.) (15462). Reciprocating pumps. Barge, H. L. (15612). Winches. Baumann, K. (15521). Axial flow steam turbines. Baumann, K. (15522, 15523). Steam turbines. Bayliss, T. P., and Markham, J. (15528). Means for making tight joints in steam, gas, water, etc., pipes. Beeby, A. R. (15540). Internal combustion engines. Berriman, A. E. (15584, 15586). Internal combustion engines'. Berriman, A. E. (15793). Cylinders for internal combustion engines. Bead, G. W. (15451). Reversible steam, etc., turbine. Bostaph Engineering Company, and Bostaph, H. P. (15477). Retort. Bostaph Engineering Company, and Bostaph, H. P. (15478). Process of obtaining coke and by-products from coal. Bullivant and Company (15612). Winches. Christofferson, S. (15603). Engine jacket and cylinder. Clarke, Chapman and Company (15612). Winches. Cleaver, H. C. (15751). Mechanical transmission of power. Cleaver, R. L. (15500). .Dynamo electric machines. Connolly, J. (15729). Casting metals. Cooper, F. W. (15575). Valve mechanism for internal com- bustion engines. Dark, D. (15510). Tabular extending derrick pole and crane jib. Dowson and Mason Gas Plant Company (15496). Sand sealed gas, etc., dampers. Frecheville, W. (15461). Separator for magnetic ores. Friedmann, U. (15548). Mechanical lifting and conveying devices. Frost, C. R. B., and Thorne, G. (15498). Cooling piston rods of tandem piston internal combustion engines. Gaymer, J. H. (15725). Fluid pressure relief valves. Giesserei und Maschinenfabrik Oggersheim P. Scbiitze and Company Akt.-Ges. (15726). Centrifugal pumps. Hall, I. (15479). Crucible melting furnaces. Hall, I. (15504). Metal, etc., melting furnaces. Hall, I. (15563). Liquid fuel burnersi and furnaces. Houghton, S. A. (15589). Water tube boilers. Jackman and Company, J. W., and Leigh, A. P. (15702). Sand blast apparatus. Jackson, W. J. Mellersh- (Waterman Motor Company) (15476). Internal combustion engines. Jacobsen, R. S. (15595). Means for operating recipro- cating conveyors or screens. Kermode, G. (15800). Furnaces for refining metals. Koressios, T. N. C. (15774). Auxiliary air admission for internal combustion engines. Kriwan, A. (15454). Rolling mill with supported working rolls for elongation of materials. Midgley, A. H. (15742). Dynamo electric machines. Miller, A. R. (15800). Furnaces for refining metals. Milner, H. L. (15540). Internal combustion engines. Minuto, J., and Porte, J. (15797). Process of solidifying paraffin oil. Morison, D. B. (15783). Steam condensing plant. Murphy, S. J. (15795). Pictons and piston rings for internal combustion engines, etc. Murray, T. B. (15713). Friction clutches and flexible couplings. Potts, H. E. (15500). Dynamo electric machines. Pratt, A. E. (15729). Casting metals. Price, W. (15632); Hook couplings, etc. Pure Coal Briquettes Limited (15601). Operation of presses. Read, W. J. (15445). Internal combustion engines. Samuelson, F. (15610). Oil, etc., separators. Sandy croft Limited (15500). Dynamo electric machines. Schueler, G. R. (15559). Apparatus for pumping, exhaust- ing, and blowing. Snead and Company Iron Works (15733). Electric heating and tempering. Sparks, C. H. (15683). Socket connections for pipes, etc. Sumner, R. (15592). Rotary furnaces. Thomas, W. (15450). Process of distilling coal and wood for obtaining liquid and solid products. Tinker, F. (15785). Purification of oil gases. Vandervell and Company, C. A. (15742). Dynamo electric machine’s. White, S. (15590). Generators! of steam mixed with pro- ducts of combustion. Wright, T. (15496). Sand sealed gas, etc., damper®. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on November 23.) 1915. 11646. Steam superheaters. Mills. 15094. Attachment for miners’ electric safety lamps for detecting firedamp and other combustible gases. Thomas. 15153. Fuel and fire lighter. Tyers. 15163. Manufacture of refractory bricks. Twynam. 15771. Apparatusi for exhausting air and non-condensable gases. Scanes. 15901. Feed water heaters, especially applicable to loco- motives. Sams. 16598. Valves of internal combustion engines. James. 16891. Method of and apparatus for manufacturing coal gas. White (Riter-Conley Manufacturing Company). 16919. Pumps. Hick, Hargreaves and Company, and Gunn. 17036. Visual signalling devices. ’ Graham, and Graham and Latham Limited. 17268. Method of working internal combustion engines. Mellersh-Jackson (Young). 17588. Visual signalling apparatus for use in collieries. Gillespie and Gillespie. 17842. Generation of steam and the heating of liquids generally. Kirke. 17918. Visual signalling indicators for collieries and the like works. Jobling. 17991. Settings and external flues of steam boilers. Fletcher. 1916. [Note.—The numbers following the application are those which the application will finally bear.] 1520. Method of constructing turbine stators. Maschinen- fabrik Oerlikon. 100055 4146. Jigging conveyors. Machin, W. A., Mills, E., and Downes, A. 101920 7662. Shaft furnaces and kilns. Thiele, R. 101937 9767. Liquid fuel furnaces. White, W. A. 101947 10569. Cooling the part® of internal combustion engines. Smith, J. W. 101952 Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1916. [Note.—The numbers following the application are those which the application will finally bear.] 4435. Proces® of obtaining oil. Du Pont de Nemours and Company, E. I. 101959 10411. Pulverising mills. Raymond Brothers Impact Pul- veriser Company. 101962 12091. Wire drawing machines. Connor, R. D. 101963 14684. Pneumatic drills. Vaught, J. C. H. 101969 15280. Gas analysis apparatus. Aktiebolaget Ingeniors- firma F. EgnelL 101979 German Patents for By-Products. The Carl Still patents for the carbonisation of coal and the recovery of by-products were the subject of application in the Patents Court last Friday. Messrs. Bagley, Mills and Company, engineers, of Westminster, applied for licence to manufacture under five German-owned patents, and on their behalf Mr. Bloxam explained that the patents were 28072 of 1912, for an improvement in the direct recovery of ammonia; 24806 of 1911, for an improvement in coke ovens; 3269 of 1911, for a reflex condenser; 22863 of 1910, for a cooler for condensing mixtures of hydrocarbon ; and 22861 of 1910, for a mixing apparatus or stirrer for liquids. Before the war the applicants acted a® sole selling agents in the United Kingdom, Colonies, and America, and wished to be able to give guarantees to purchasers now that they would not be interfered with by Carl Still after the war.—The Controller said he would bear in mind what had been said in favour of the principle of placing the royalty on the patented parts. The Board of Trade would duly notify the applicants a® to their licence. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey : “ Chromic Iron Ore in 1915,” by J. S. Diller; “ Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, and Zinc in the Eastern States in 1915 ” (Mines Report), by J. M. Hill; “ The Production of Cobalt, Molybdenum, Nickel, Tin, Tita- nium, Tungsten, Radium, Uranium, and Vanadium in 1914, ” by F. L. Hees; “ The Production of Antimony, Arsenic, Bismuth, Selenium, and Tellurium in 1914,” by F. L. Hees; “Fuel Briquetting in 1915,” by C. E. Lesher; “ Sand-Lime Brick in 1915,” by J. Middleton; “ Fullers’ Earth in 1915,” by J. Middleton; ‘‘Asbestos in 1915, ” by J. S. Diller; “Slate in 1915,” by G. F. Loughlin; “ Fluorspar in 1915, with a Note on Cryolite,” by E. F. Burchard; “ Feldspar in 1915,” by F. J. Katz; “ Silica in 1915,” by F. J. Katz; “Talc and Soapstone in 1915,” by J. S. Diller; “Abrasive Materials in 1915,” by F. J. Katz; “ Graphite in 1915,” by E. S. Bastin; (Bulletin 620—O), “A Reconnaissance for Phosphate in the Salt River Range, Wyoming,” by G. R. Mansfield; (Bulletin 621—E), “A Reconnaissance in Palo Pinto County, Texas, with Special Reference to Oil and Gas,” by C. H. Wegemann; (Bulletin 621—M), “ Geology and Oil Prospects of Cuyama Valley, California,” by W. A. English; (Bulletin 621—P), “Analyses of Coal Samples from Various Parts of the United States,” by M. R. Campbell and F. R. Clark; (Bulletin 640—A), “ Notes on the Promontory District, Utah,” by B. S. Butler and U. C. Heikes; (Bulletin 640—C), “Some Manganese Mines in Virginia and Maryland,” by D. F. Hewett; (Bulletin 641—A), “ Ozokerite in Central Utah,” by H- M. Robinson; (Bulletin 610), “Mineralogic Notes”' (Series 3), by W. T. Schaller; (Bulletin 618), “ Geology and Underground Water of Lana County, New Mexico,” by N. H. Darton; (Bulletin 619), “ The Caddo Oil and Gas Field, Louisiana and Texas,” by G. C. Matson; (Bulletin 623), “ Petroleum Withdrawals and Restora- tions Affecting the Public Domain,” by M. W. Ball; (Bulletin 626), “ The Atlantic Gold District and North Laramie Mountains, Fremont, Converse, and Albany Counties, Wyoming,” by A. C. Spencer; (Bulletin 628), “ Geology and Coal Resources of Castle Valley in Carbon, Emery, and Sevier Counties, Utah,” by C. T. Lupton; (Bulletin 629), “ Natural Gas Resources of Parts of North Texas,” by E. W. Shaw, G. C. Matson, and C. H. Wegemann; (Bulletin 632), “Spirit Levelling in West Virginia, 1896 to 1915, inclusive,” by R. B. Marshall; (Bulletin 633), “ Ditto, in Maine, 1899-1915), by R. B. Marshall; (Bulletin 634), “Ditto, in Louisiana, 1903-15, inclusive,” by R. B. Marshall; (Professional Paper 89), “ The Fauna of the Chapman Sandstone of Maine,” by H. S. Williams and C. L. Breger; (Professional Paper 98—A), “ Evaporation of Brine from Searles Lake, Cali- fornia,” by W. B. Hicks; (Professional Paper 98—B), “ Relation of the Wissahickon Mica Gneiss to the Shen- andoah Limestone and Octoraro Schist of the Doe Run and Avondale Region, Chester County, Pennsylvania,” by E. F. Bliss and A. I. Jonas (Professional Paper 98—C), “ Retreat of Barry Glacier, Port Wells, Prince William Sound, Alaska, between 1910 and 1914,” by B. L. Johnson; (Professional Paper 98—D), “Experiments on the Extraction of Potash from Wyomingite,” by R. G. Wells; (Professional Paper 98—E), “The Physical Con- ditions and Age Indicated by the Flora of the Alum Bluff Formation,” by E. W. Berry; (Professional Paper 98—F), “ The Physical Conditions Indicated by the Flora of the Calvert Formation,” by E. W. Berry; (Professional Paper 98—G), “ Revision of the Beckwith and Bear River For- mations of South-Eastern Idaho,” by G. R. Mansfield and P. V. Roundy; (Professional Paper 98—H), “ The Flora of the Fox Hills Sandstone,” by F. H. Knowlton. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *** Any of the following publications may be obtained on application at this office at the price named post free. Trade Reports : Grenada, 1915-16, 2d.; Straits Settlements, 1915, 3Jd.; Unfederated Malay States, 1915, Is. 9d. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1916 : (No. 732), Munitions of War, Port of Glasgow, l|d.; (No. 731), Defence of the Realm, l|d. CATALOGUES AND PRICE LISTS RECEIVED. Crompton and Company Limited (Chelmsford).—The searchlight projector, in addition to its naval and military uses, has become so important an aid du mining and exca- vating, ithat the ilhiatrated booklet issued by this company ia doubly useful at the present moment. The obvious condi- tions make the projector more suitable for surface mining than for colliery workings, but even with that limitation, its usee are extensive enough to preclude mention of them all in a booklet. The illustrations show the internal .mechanism of the searchlight, the method of mounting and effective range. According to these particulars, a 12 in. mirror has an effective range of 1,500 yds., and a 60 in. mirror 15,000 yds. The Sullivan Machinery Company (Salisbury House, E.C.) have issued a neat slim booklet containing instructions for driving, adjusting, and maintaining Sullivan “ Ironclad ” longwall coal cutters of the air- and electric-driven types. Despite its small bulk, the publication is a complete and practical guide to the efficient operation of the cutters, and its need is due to the fact that, although the driving of “ Iron- clads ” is not a complex or difficult matter, the procedure differs so materially from that usually pertaining to coal cutters, as to make a guide helpful in actual working. Full details are given, so that error is out of the question. The manufacturers explain that no other cutter is so easy to operate, and that its haulage gear is a great labour econo- miser. Part I. relates entirely to driving the machine, and Part II. contains instructions for adjustment and mainten- ance by colliery engineers; and fitters. No attempt is made to deal with coal cutting problems which lie outside the province of the machine manufacturer. Andrew Barclay, Sons and Company Limited (Caledonia Work®, Scotland).—In a comprehensive catalogue of 151 pp., attention is drawn to the designing and manufacturing of mining machinery at the company’s works since the latter were established in 1840. Since the old days, when steam pressures were low, and engines were of abnormal dimen- sions in order to develop substantial power, many mechanical changes have been made, and the company now claims that it has made an important contribution to the development of colliery machinery, particularly for winding, pumping, haul- ing, and ventilating. The catalogue furnishes a reminder of the changed conditions exemplified in greater steam pres- sures, deeper shafts, and more stringent regulations, resulting in the introduction of more powerful winding engines. The various sections deal in detail with winding engine® and acces- sories, compound pumping engines, fans, exhaust gas boilers, foundry productions, etc. Useful data and constants are arranged at the end for easy reference. First-class Medals— Paris, 1885; London, 1862. 66 “SHELTON” IRON. SHELTON” STEEL U— Gold Medals— Paris, 1878 ; Melbourne, 1881. “GRANVILLE” PIG IRON STEEL PIT GIRDERS & COLLIERY RAILS a Speciality; also High-class BAR IRON for Couplings, &c. IRON & STEEL BARS, ANGLES, TEES, CHANNELS, GIRDERS, PLATES & SHEETS, STEEL BILLETS, BLOOMS & SLABS. Enquiries to— ..-. "" "■■■ THE SHELTON IRON, STEEL & COAL CO. LTD., Or 122, Cannon Street, London, E.C. As&sfff&phie Address: “ Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent.” Tel. No. 11 and 253. | Telegraphic Address: •* Sheltonian, London.” Tel. No, 886 Bank. ■Pi fife — THREE — WORLD-RENOWNED PACKINGS Specially suitable for COLLIERIES, Large stock*. Prompt deliveries. DUVAL’S METALLIC for all classes of Engines and the Hi best Super-heated Steam. Lasts for years without being renewed, keeps the rods in perfect condition. 600.000 Glands Packed TUPPER’S FLAX for Hydraulic Work. It® durability is unexcelled. Suitable for highest pressures. VANDA SHEETING, the Pioneer of Fibre Sheet Packings. Resists extreme temperatures. Can be used in half the thickness of Ru her, as it does not shrink. Specially suitable for Oil and Ammonia. Also “BENHYCO” STEAM JOINTING and BELTINGS, and ALBANY LUBRICATING OILS and GREASES JOHN BENNETT HEYDE & Co., New Cannon St., Telegrams “ Renhey MANCHESTER. Telephone No. 1364 City.