November 10, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 895 z7> —THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER FOR MINES & COLLIERIES. A Two-Minute Interview (no. 2). Fully equipped with Fire Extinguishers, thank you,” said the Colliery Manager to a Pyrene man. So you have a Pyrene installation.” Anyone would think Pyrene was the only Extinguisher in the market ! ” There are other Extinguishers, and good ones too ! But no Colliery is safe without Pyrene.” How do you make that out ? ” Your Fire Risks are peculiar. These and the conditions under which an outbreak may occur demand special con- sideration.” Admitted. But I don’t see how that helps your case. My Extinguishers are filled with water, and here is a supply of sand for Electrical Fires.” You have forgotten that there are fires for which water is useless, and that sand is liable to ruin your Electrical Equipment even if it happens to put out the fire. Pyrene is OVER ONE MILLION “PYRENE” THOUSANDS OF PYRENE EXTINGUISHERS supplied to the WAR OFFICE, ADMIRALTY AND MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS, also to LEADING COLLIERIES THROUGHOUT THE UNITED KINGDOM. efficient on all kinds of incipient fires—even those involving highly inflammable substances which water won’t touch. It is also a non-conductor of Electricity, and will extinguish Electrical fires without damage to your apparatus or insulation.” “ Consider the size and weight of your water Extinguishers. Supposing a fire started somewhere in the pit. How can a man carry one quickly through the narrow, low passages he may have to traverse ? And, even when he reaches the outbreak, there is always the possibility that the machine will fail to act. There is no such risk with Pyrene—it is ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE. Moreover, 1 could put a Pyrene in each of my jacket pockets, and one under each arm and proceed to the outbreak at top speed and have FOUR POWERFUL FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ready for instant use, each of which has an extinguishing capacity equal to that of a machine many times its weight and size. EXTINGUISHERS NOW IN USE. NOTE. Those interested in the general question of Fire Prevention are invited to apply on official stationery for a copy of our Monthly Publication “The Firebrand,” which will be sent post free. WRITE TO-DAY FOR ILLUSTRATED PARTICULARS and information concerning the Pyrene Fire Extinguisher and our SPECIAL FOLDER dealing with the PROTECTION OF MINES AND COLLIERIES. A Postcard will do. PYRENE CO. LTD., 20, Great Queen Street, LONDON, W.C. Telephones—Regent 5335 (3 lines). Telegrams—“PYRENEXTIN, Westcent, London.” THIS LAMP INSURES SAFETY FIRST—AND LAST! •£W hAf-W'jpoV-. The Hailwood Combustion Tube Lamp Is the ideal mine safety lamp, the most efficient gas detector, the choice of the British, French, and American Governments. No matter from what point you judge a mine lamp, the Hailwood will best meet your requirements. You will find it to be safer than any other flame safety lamp obtainable. Its 1} to 1’ candle power will convince you that the Hail- wood is a safety lamp worthy ot the name. Few parts, simple construction, and light weight, 3i lbs. 50% to 100% cheaper than an electric lamp, and less trouble- some. 80,000 supplied or on order. Sole W P1ZTJAVTY JVr T FFTfc The World’s Safety Makers- AuAKU X D Ct. JXEjO JL JUJLJLJe, Lamp Experts, Beacon Works, MORLEY, nr. Leeds. Telephone No.—86 Morley. Telegraphic Address—" Lamps, Morley, Leeds.”