892 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. November 10, 1916. W. G. Allen & Sons (tiptow Ltd, S S' S™. HAULACE CLIP. TRl.KOTAPHifC AJODS1SS&—"MJLMS, TIFTON.' TELEPHONE—No. 37, TIPTON. ■ Igg 1 ■sws?1 ■ FOR ALL PURPOSES “E -----—--__________■■luii.iiiuiHniuHuiHHiHiuuummumi =j- colliery tubs • . 0F AU- V^NDS A'.A &? -? -s' ____- - -Z5Y A t0UlERYTUB^ k OF ALLKlNDs a For COLLIERIES —a SPECIALITE. «»»»>»=» ARNOLD’S Bulbous Boiler Flue. Hopkinson=West Patent Boiler Flue. WM. ARNOLD & CO., Barnsley. MACHINE CUT GEARING. Double Helical Staggered or Chevron. Reducing Gears. Haulage Gears. Time Recorders & Recording Instruments. Watchmen’s Watches. THE LEWELLYN MACHINE CO., Bristol. PITWOOD, COGWOOD, SLEEPERS, Round English Timber, or cut to any size, all kinds. Also Pitch Pine and Oregon Logs, and Half Logs, second-hand (nearly as good as new), 4 ft. to 30 ft. long. Short from 3s. per cube, long from 3s. 6d. per cube. Also other new and second-hand Timber, Boards, &c., at Bristol, Swansea, Porthcawl, Hull, and Leicester. Prices, carriage paid, on application for any kind timber or manufactured woodwork. JENNINGS <& CO. Udi., Timber Merchants, General Woodworkers, 825, Pennywell-rd., Bristol, & other branches U.K. - Davenport Engineering Co. Ltd. Harris St., BRADFORD. Telegrams: “ Humidity, Bradford.” Telephone : 355 3 Bradford. LONDON OFFICE: 52, Caxton House, S.W. * ’ 9089 Victoria HOLEHOUSE’S PATENT COOLING TOWERS, Made at our own Works and constructed on the best engi= neering lines. Coolers all made to standards and a number kept in stock for quick delivery. The best constructed irrigation system on the market. i