824 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 27, 1916. Meco Works, Moorfields, Sheffield.—Relates to apparatus for driving shaker conveyors of the class in which the con- veyor troughing is reciprocated by power to convey the material. Figs. 1 and Is represent a -side elevation of a motor provided with a conveyor drive coupled to the con- veyor; figs. 2 and 2B represent a corresponding plan; and fig. 3 is a detail view’ of one of the shoes. A represents a compressed air motor, the piston a of which is connected by a cross-head b to two side rods c c reciprocating in the side frames d d, and connected together at the other end by a cross-head bl. The side frames of the motor are bolted at e e to channel iron supports / f1 resting on the floor of the mine, and g g are props which are wedged between the channel iron supports / fl and the roof of the mine to keep the motor in position; h h are tw o cylindrical lugs or extensions on the ends of the cross-heads b b1 at the con- veyor side, and i i are two corresponding cylindrical arms of q? r--v- A ; > i. ; . Hl----------Hy LLL^kz ' I ____©i i ..-1 lugs or horizontal brackets i1 fixed to the side of the conveyor troughing B. The lugs or extensions h h are connected to the arms i i respectively by links or coupling members, pivot- ally mounted on the lugs h h and arms i i. By this means the motion of the engine can be kept parallel with that of the troughing, and the engine and troughing can be connected close together, thus economising space. The links each con- sist of a hollow hexagonal nut or middle piece I, into which bushes are fitted to slide longitudinally on keys or feathers on the inside wall of I or otherwise so as not to turn. The ends of I are screw-threaded to receive cap nuts n n against which the shoulders of the bushes can bear; o o are eyebolts screwing into the bushes m, and fitted respectively on the lug h of the engine and the arm i of the troughing. A spring is fitted between the bushes m in I of the coupling; q q are lock nuts to lock the bushes m m on the eyebolts, r r are shoes (fig. 3) used as distance pieces between the cross-head ends and the corresponding eyebolts of the links. These shoes are dropped over the lugs h and secured by pins passed into these lugs and attached to the cross-head ends by chains. (Eight claims.) 101444. Improvements in the Utilisation of Pitch as a Fuel. G-. H. H. Bolling, of No. 9, Jacob Aalls Gate, Christiania, Norway.—Pitch for use as a fuel in furnaces or fireplaces is rendered fluid, and then introduced into the fire in an atomised condition. Fig. 1 is a plan section of the apparatus used; and fig. 2 is a sectional elevation, on a larger scale, of the pipe for supplying the molten pitch. The pitch is melted in a vessel A, and maintained at a suitable temperature by means such as a steam coil B. The fluid pitch is then passed, under control of the valve C, to the furnace or fireplace through heated pipes, so that the pitch is maintained in the proper liquid condition. For this pur- pose, feed pipes P, fitted with jackets D, are employed, steam of a suitable temperature being supplied to the jackets. A K G D FIG. I. & steam trap E may be connected to the jacket D. The jacket D also encloses part of the burner tube F, which passes through a hole in a plate H, riveted to the furnace front K, and is united with the feed pipe P. Plate H is perforated to receive the nozzle G, which is conveniently flattened at the end so as to cause the issuing jet to pass out at a high velocity, and to spread out fan-wise. The plate II is also provided with a peep bole J. The ends of the feed pipe P and burner tube F may be fitted with removable plugs Q to facilitate cleaning. In the furnace or fireplace R the jet of pitch is atomised by steam or compressed air, and. then burns W’ith a homogeneous gas-like flame. By these means, it is possible to limit the quantity of air supplied to about the theoretical. One part by weight of pitch will be the equivalent of about 1-5 to 2 parts by weight of coal. (Two claims.) 101448. Yard Stick for the Use of Colliery or Mining Officials. A. G. Gulliford, 125, Tickhill-street, Denaby Main, near Rotherham, Yorkshire.—Relates to a yard stick, for the use of colliery or mining officials, and has for its a lamp-holder for testing for object a combination of a testing stick, holding a safety lamp high up in the roof when gas, and a spirit level. Fig. 1 is an elevation; fig. 2 is an elevation of another side: and fig. 3 is an en- larged drawing (partly in section) through the cap and tube containing the thermo- meter. L is the lamp-holder hinged at into the when not be opened recess R. where, the yard stick gether. ' also bored is -D D I - c D K ) two : are The H, to close flush handle part C, in use, and may out at the thumb J is the joint parts of the screwed to- thermometer T is attached to a spring S, for preventing shake or breakage of the same when the parts are screwed to- gether, and used as a walk- ing or testing stick. This spring is securely fixed at the other end in a screwed metal socket K, perma- nently fixed in the handle part C. The socket is also suitably screwed at the larger end for receiving the other part of the yard stick D, containing the spirit level P. This part .. out or recessed for receiving a metal tube M, screwed at the upper end to suit the socket K in the cap for joining the two ’ . This tube forms also a the parts of the yard stick together. _______ ____ ______ ____ pocket for the thermometer. N is the projecting piece of ferrule at the end of the stick. (One claim.) NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. [Note.—Applications arranged alphabetically under the names of the applicants (communicators in parentheses). A new number will be given on acceptance, which will replace the application number.] Alchevsky, N. (14964). Treatment of peat, etc. Anderson, J. (15007). Electric motor controllers, etc. Bailey, A. J. and F. M. (14921). Fluid pressure testing apparatus. Blackmore, W. (14814). Explosives. Brace, H. M. (14954). Internal combustion engines. British Thomson-Houston Company (General Electric Com- pany) (14821). Vacuum pumps. British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (14767). Vacuum tvpe inverted converters. Brookes, A. J. C. (14893). Aerial ropeways. Brown, E. 0. (14846). Pumping machinery. Brundrit, J. (14697). Feed water h caters and steam generators. Bullivants’ Aerial Ropeways Limited (14898). Rope run- ways. Coles, S. O. Cowper- (14672). Process for concentration of ores. Cooke, R. T. (14814). Explosives. Dansk Jennbetonkonstrucktions Co. Danalith Aktieselskab. (14901). Distributing arrangement for water cooling towers. Dick. T. H., and Tate, T. (14980). Emergency safety valves for steam generators. Etchells, H. (14975). Conductive hearths for electric fur- naces. Farley, J. (14680). Smoke consuming furnaces and water heaters. Gorely, C. (14712). Steam raisers. Gray, A. O. (14898). Rope runways. Greaves, H. A. (14975). Conductive hearths for electric furnaces. Green, F. W. (14956). Fuel economisers or exhaust steam heaters, etc., for steam boilers. Havercroft, A. E. (14815). Smoke condenser. Helps, G. (14750). Gas manufacture. Henery, J. (14926). Cranes, etc. Howden and Company, J., and Hume, J. H. (14994). Steam generators. Howden and Company, J., and Hume. J. H. (14995). Steam generators fitted with superheaters. Howden and Company, J., and Hume. J. H. (14996). Feed water heating and distributing devices for multi-sectional steam generators. Hutsell, T. A. (14686). Internal combustion engines. Jenkins, F. W. (14814). Explosives. Jullin, A. J. (14825). Voltage or intensity regulators. Ju Ilin, A. J. (15008, 15009, 15010). Apparatus for regulating voltage of dynamos. Kay, J. H. (14857). Coal gas making apparatus. Keeley, T. R. (14875). Centrifugal blowers or fans. Lanchester, F. W. (14848). Internal combustion engines. Lewis, L. H. (14977). Means for detecting combustible gases in coal. Merry, A. (14926). Cranes, etc. Midgley, A. H. (14886). Dynamo electric machines. O’Byrne, T. (14815). Smoke condenser. Soc. Anon, pour 1’Exploitation des Procedes Westinghouse- Leblanc (14816). Steam ejectors. Stewart, A. W. (14938. 14939, 14940). Ventilator’s. Stone and Company, J. (14813). Safety communication systems and doors for ships, mines, etc. Stone, G. de Holden- (14896). Fluid pressure turbines. Taylor. T. A. (14925). Wire ropes. Tennant, G. E. (14956). Fuel economisers or exhaust steam heaters, etc., for steam boilers. Turquand, F. J. (14819). Miners’, etc., electric battery lamps. Vandervell and Company, C. A. (14886). Dynamo electric machines. Vaught, J. C. H. (14684). Pneumatic drills. Weaver, H. W. (14871). Water coolers. Whyte, S. (14830). Case hardening. Willey, S. J. (14711). Generating boilers. Wright, J. and E. (14925). Wire ropes. Zeitlin, J. (14818). Internal combustion engines. Complete Specifications Accepted. - (To be published on November 9.) 1914. 16410. Four cycle explosion engines. Anzani. 1915. 103. Dynamo electric machines for transforming alter- nating currents into continuous current or vice versa, and applicable also as double current generators. La Cour. 3998. Process for expressing liquid from peat. Hinchley and Gorton. 4055. Gravity feed devices for boiler feed water. Fowler. 14412. Reversing mechanism for internal combustion engines. W’il'ladsen. 14482. Protective devices for electric distribution, systems. British Thomson-Houston Company (General Electric Company). 14527. Pistons. Sanderson and Wood. 14624. Burners for producer gas and the like. Hall. 14633 and 14643. Dynamo electric machines. Heys (Neuland Patents Limited). 14657. Steam superheaters for tubular boilers. Robinson. 14796. Vacuum pumps. Sowden. 14851. Magneto electric machines. British Thomson- Houston Company, and Ralph. 14866. Explosives. Perchlorate Safety Explosives Limited, and Johnson. 14919. Percussive engines, such as rock drills, channelling machines, and coal cutters. Mauss. 15633. Protective devices for electric circuits. British Thom- son-Houston Company (General Electric Com- pany). 15827. Apparatus for washing coal or the like, and for separating it from its impurities. Grange Iron Company and Hoyle. 16640. Dynamo electric machinery. Electromotors Limited, Longbottom, and Greenhalgh. 1916. [Note.—The numbers following the application are those which the application will finally bear.] 680. Treatment of spent tan bark, peat, and the like, for use as fuel. Mackenzie. J. 101730 1091. Air pump. Jarvis, E. H.. and Bradburv. H. W. 101736 3363. Signalling appliances for collieries and the like. Neil, J. 101755 4167. Furnaces. Thompson, C. H. 101757 6356. Method of heat treatment. Wrighton, W. J. 100679 10389. Valve mechanism. Miller. H. P. E., and Tetlow, E. 101776 Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1916. , [Note.—The numbers following the application are those which the application will finally bear.] 13010. Internal combustion engines. Megevet, C. J., and Picker, L. 101793 14414. Valve mechanism for motors. Becht, L. A. 101800 Application for Licence Granted by the Board of Trade. The Board of Trade has decided to grant the application of Priestman Brothers Limited for licences to work the patents 9324/13 and 16477/13, granted to J. Pohlig Akt.-Ges. and another. Restoration of Lapsed Patent. An order has been made restoring the Letters Patent granted to Charles Ridlev for an invention, entitled “Improvements in the methods of obtaining gases from solids,” No. 15000/1909. ALIEN PATENTS. The following list of patents granted to German and Austrian subjects is specially compiled for this paper by Messrs. Hughes and Young, patent agents, 55/56, Chancery- lane, London, W.C., who will furnish our readers with any further information they may require :— 8820/15. W. Schmidt. Turbines. 101145/15. Schmidtsche Heissdampf-Ges. Steam super- heaters. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Any of the following publications may be obtained on application at this office at the price named post free. Reports of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies re Particulars of Valuation Returns, 1915, 7d. Board of Trade Journal Supplement re Prohibitions of Export in Self-Governing Dominions, 34d. Trade Reports: Cyprus, 1915-16, 2d.; Ceylon, 1915, 5d.; Ashanti, 1915, 2d. Acts, 1916 : Great Central and Sheffield District Railways, 91d.: Shropshire. Worcesiersliiire, and Staffordshire Electric Power, 6|d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. 4 Coke Industry of New South Wales,” by L. F. Harper and J. C. H. Mingaye (Department of Mines, New South Wales); “ Compressed Air Magazine ” (Vol. 21, No. 10), October; “The American Mining Congress Journal” (Vol. 2, No. 10), October; “ The Proceedings of the Engi- neers’ Society of Western Pennsylvania ” (Vol. 32. No. 7). October; “ Report of the Proceedings of the 18th Annual Session of the American Mining Congress ” (Supplement to the “Mining Congress Journal,” October); “Bulletin 144 of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy ”; “ The Annual Report of the Council and Accounts of the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers for the year 1915-16 ” ; “ Monthly Bulletin of the Canadian Mining Institute,” October.