October 27, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 821 TWO MINUTE INTERVIEWS (No, 5). n C □ gw |rr FOR THE PROTECTION OF COLLIERIES, ENGINEERING FACTORIES ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS, MOTOR VEHICLES. u I’m on the look-out for a Fire Extinguisher that I can standardise for all our requirements,” said the Engineer of a Colliery and Ironfoundry. “ What are your risks ? ” queried the Pyrene man. “Well, there’s the Mine with its several inflam- mable risks and its difficult conditions—the Colliery Buildings and Foundry—our Electrical Installation— and our Motor Vehicles.” “ Pyrene is the very thing ! ” “ My experience is that the usual fire extinguishers may be all right for an ordinary outbreak, but when it comes to highly inflammables, electrical fires, petrol, oil, chemicals, gas,—exactly the things that most often cause an outbreak—they’re useless.” “ Pyrene is zzwusual ! That’s why there is such a big demand for it by leading Colliery and Engineering PLEASE WRITE TO-DAY FOR ONE OR ALL OF THESE FOLDERS PYRENE FOR MINES & COLLIERIES. This folder emphasises the importance of Pyrene from the standpoint of its Handy Size, Reliability, and the ease with which it can be used in confined spaces. PYRENE FOR FACTORIES. This folder dwells upon the ALL-ROUND fire-fighting qualities of Pyrene for all kinds of fires—even those for which water is useless. PYRENE FOR ELECTRICAL FIRES. Pyrene is a non-conductor of electricity. It will not damage the most delicate apparatus or insulation. Its efficiency has been proved on innumerable occasions. OVER ONE MILLION PYRENE NOW IN USE. EXTINGUISHERS The fire illustrated in this de ign was a small fire at first. If it had been at tacked at the start with Pyrene, the great ccfnfla- gration depicted would never have occurred. Firms. Its small handy size makes it easy to operate in confined spaces. Its high extinguishing capacity on alt kinds of incipient fires, including highly in- flammables for which the ordinary extinguisher is useless, makes it reliable for the ALL-ROUND pro- tection of your buildings. It is a non-conductor of electricity, and is recognised as the foremost extin- gui her in this field, while, in regard to the protection of Motor Vehicles, little more need be said than that it has been adopted by the WAR OFFICE and MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS for this very purpose/’ “ What about the cost ? ” u It’s well below that of many machines different in type but of similar extinguishing capacity on a more limited variety of fires. There are cheaper machines, but economy and cheapness are seldom synonymous.” PYRENE FOR MOTOR VEHICLES. This folder is devoted to the adaptability of Pyrene for the protection of Motor Vehicles It is unsurpassed in this field. Hundreds of vehicles have been saved by it. THOUSANDS OF PYRENE EXTINGUISHERS SUPPLIED TO THE WAR OFFICE, ADMIRALTY and MINISTRY of MUNITIONS. ALSO TO LEADING COLLIERIES THROUGHOUT THE UNITED KINGDOM. PYRENE COMPANY, Ltd 20, Great Queen Street, LONDON, W.C. Telephone—5335 Recent (3 lines).