798 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 27, 1916. The PROTO” Rescue Apparatus PROTO THE ALL-BRITISH APPARATUS WHICH ACTUALLY SAVES LIFE No Injector employed. Always under positive pressure, therefore no danger of drawing poisonous air into breathing circuit. Our “ BULLETIN ” of actual work done in serious cases will be sent free on request For further testimony as to the efficiency of the “ Proto,” please see Mr. J. R. ALLOTT’S paper read before the Institution of Mining Engineers on 5th June, 1913—copy sent free on request. “Neptune” Works, LONDON, S.E. Telegrams—“Siebe, Lamb, London.” Telephone No.—Hop 3401 (2 lines). Agent for North America and Mexico—H. N. ELMER, 1140, Monadnock Block, Chicago. SIEBE, GORMAN & CO. LTD “FIRE KIHQ” SPRINKLING SHOVEL FOR BOILER FIRIKG (Patented) Similar, but better effect than with Mechanical Stoking, Spreads the Fuel. No Caking. LESS SMOKE. Great number of REPEAT ORDERS. Increased Efficiency. Saving in Fuel. MORE STEAM GENERATED. C. A. FELL, Dronfield, nr. Sheffield Flanges dispensed with. All work guaranteed. RAILS, WAGONS, POINTS AND CROSSINGS, SLEEPERS, TIMBERS. egrams ; “ Ferric, Sheffield.” MARPLE&GILLOTT General Colliery and * Railway Plant. . ■ Telephones: ' • - ' ■ ' ■ • Metals Department X ... No. 12 42'. . No. 1241. Machinery „ ... No. 3O72i Rail „ ... No. 1991. Coal „ No. 3 81. ■ WELDED JOINTS FOR STEAM & AIR We supply pipes for all purposes and weld them in any position. FsooSsIperiaiL'n.ch ' w s ■ res&ure GAS DISTRIBUTION LTD Dead sound at ail pressures Let us overhaul your steam pipes and take out the leaky joints. NUNEATON AIR COMPRESSORS BONECOURT Waste Heat Boiler Go. Ltd., Parliament Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W. Telegrams— Telephone — “ Bonecourt (Vic.), Victoria 5563. London.” Ask us to quote for any welding work. From photo of two tias Fired Boilers 10ft. dia. x 15 ft. long, together evaporating up to 30,000 lb. of steam per hour. No brickwork setting, chimney, or flues are required. MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY (up to 92 7 MINIMUM SPACE. RAPID STEAM RAISING. REAVELL & GO. LTD., iewment, IPSWICH. Illustrated Catalogue Cl 3 post free. Established 1818 Telegraphic Address—"Glovers.” Telephone No. 39. Wm. Jas. GLOVER & C° Oriyina! mul Sole linkers of “ Glover’s Best” Steel Wire Bopes LANCS Works—ST. HELENS REPRESENTATIVES—CARDIFF— M. J. HILLESTROM, 119, Exchange Buildings. SHEFFIELD—W. WALTON PITT. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE—T. W. ANNS. Ward’s Buildings. High Bridge. NON-TWISTING “GLOVER’S BEST.” LOCKED COIL DEAD LANG’S LAY WIRE ROPES Greatest ease and safety in Splicing and Handling. Locked Coil and Lang’s Lay Ropes of Greatest Length without Joints in Component Wires. WINDING, SINKING, CAPSTAN Do not Kink or Curl. All Injurious Stresses e 1 iminated. ROPES, etc.