766 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN October 20, 1916. COAL AND COKE EXPORTED FROM PORTS IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES. During the month of September 1916 compared with the corresponding month of 1915. Port. Sept. 1916. Sept. 1915. Coals. Coke. Coals Coke. Coals. Coke. Increase. Decrease. Increase. Decrease. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle 266.167 22,539 421,556 25,109 — 155,389 — 2,570 North Shields 24,057 — 16,636 — 7,421 i — — — South Shields 332,678 21,181 356,292 16,950 — 23,614 4,231 — Sunderland 141,622 395 122,362 2,702 19,260 i — — 2,307 West Hartlepool 79,386 1,022 86,097 1,738 — 6,711 — 716 Goole 37,089 949 69,141 984 — 32,052 i — 35 Blyth 144,005 979 163,469 42 — 19,464 ! 937 — Newport 316,161 398 297,727 2,470 18,434 — — 2,072 Liverpool 22,577 1,229 28,248 1,232 — 5,671 — 3 Methil 83,999 — 126,088 793 — 42,089 793 Glasgow 148,304 1,008 241,645 2,145 — 93,341 — 1,137 Kirkcaldy 8,486 — 8,762 — — 276 — — Burntisland 39,431 — 70.215 70 — 30,784 . — 70 Cardiff 900,661 3,559 977,574 3,894 — 76,910 — 335 Borrowstoness — — — — — i — — Llanelly 24,549 — 8,5C9 49 15,980 — 1 — 49 Middlesbrough 1,395 1,716 — 446 1,395 — 1,270 — Seaham 36,285 — 45,697 — — 9,412 — — Swansea 189,109 — 211,230 222 — 22,121 — 222 Granton 8,386 — 13,506 4,034 — 5,120 — 4,034 Port Talbot 175,808 580 153,918 2,816 21,890 — — 2,236 Alloa — 1 — — — — — Grangemouth — ; — — — — — — Neath — — i — — — — — — Hull 97,901 9,734 | 258,517 ! 5,586 — 160,616 4,148 — Immingham 968 — 1,302 — j — ' 334 — — Amble 21,748 17,175 — I 4,573 , ~~ I — — Troon ■ 5,457 10,?40 — 1 1 4,783 — — Grimsby 15,200 209 ( 53,5F3 560 1 — ! 38,333 — 351 Ayr 17,014 — i 12,734 — ■ 4,280 ! — — — Greenock 1,779 — t 4,200 | I 2,421 — — 1 .eith 85,762 924 ! 90,068 5,144 i — i 4,306 — 4,220 Ardrossan 12,272 ; 8,979 2,169 s 3,293 — — 2,169 Irvine — I 1,182 “ i 1,182 — — COAL AND COKE SHIPPED FOR LONDON AND OTHER PORTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM.* Port. Sept. 1915 Sept. 1916. Port. Sept. 1915 Sept. 1916. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. | Coke. Coals, ; Coke. ! T< ns. | Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle ; 112,625 1 105,665 Ayr 67,678 66,022 54 North Shields ... — 3,700 — Irvine 11,019 120 7^227 South Shields ; 164,990 ; 350 150,240 — , Alloa Blyth ; 17,520 14,755 — i Whitehaven 19,377 95 16,145 Amble 1 2,070 — 1,140 — i Liverpool 122,274 926 115,200 1,045 Sunderland 82,955 j — 87,030 ; — Grimsby 8,385 — — Seaham 93,257 I — 70,945 — Granton 16,365 — 14,300 Hartlepool 54,540 1 — 51,350 — ! Borrowstoness — — — Stockton — i 30 — — Burntisland 4,790 — 12,400 Middlesbrough... — i — — — i Kirkcaldy 485 — — Hull 44,219 , 535 28,011 — 1 Methil 17,4 to — 1 16,517 Goole 59,685 I — 40,910 i — | Port Talbot 9,376 181 1,034 Swansea 17,852 ’ — 7,500 — i Glasgow 31,458 654 i > 38,110 523 Cardiff 44,853 ' — 25,659 i — (Grangemouth ... — I — Llanelly 2,685 — 3,975 — ■ Greenock 2,424 — 1,149 Newport 35,681 — 45,883 i 65 i Immingham 1,156 — i — — Troon 12,102 11,111 ) — Leith 1.710 1,874 5 Ardrossan 21,907 — • 27,390 i Note.—The figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty and certain other shipments. * From Browne’s Export List. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Baldwins Limited.—The report for the year ended June 30 states that the profits, after charging expenses and providing for excess profits duty, etc., amount to £315,938. From this has to be deducted £50,000 for depreciation. The total avail- able balance is £305,064. The directors have appropriated £75,000 to reserve, and recommend a final dividend of 7J per cent, (making 10 per cent, for the year), and, in addition, a bonus of 2J per cent., all free of tax, on the ordinary shares, leaving £133,189 to be carried to next year’s account. Blaenavon Company Limited.—Dividend on ordinary shares at the rate of 7| per cent., less tax. Callender’s Cable and Construction Company Limited.— The directors have declared an interim dividend on the ordinary shares of 5s. per share, being at the rate of 10 per cent, oer annum, less tax. Charcoal Iron Company of America.—The board has declared a dividend of 3 per cent, on |he preference shares. Dick, Kerr and Company Limited.—The report for the year to June 30 states that the profits amount to £71,740, which, added to the sum forward from last year (£18,346), make a total of £90,086. The directors propose a dividend of 6 per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares, to supplement special reserve for contingencies by £25,000, and to carry forward £20,396. The directors feel that they are warranted in recommending the payment of a dividend on the ordinary shares. Kinneil Cannel and Coking Coal Company Limited.—The directors recommend a final dividend of 7| per cent., free of tax, making 10 per cent, for the year, setting aside £5,000 for depreciation, placing £1,000 to reserve, and carrying £1,514 forward. Russian Corporation.—The report for the year ended September 30 states that the profit, after providing for all charges and other expenses, is £70,129, to which has to be added the amount carried forward from last year, £3,273, making a total of £73,403. The directors transfer to reserve account £19,943, and recommend a dividend of 5 per cent., less tax, leaving to be carried forward £3,460. Sadler and Company Limited.—The report for the year ended June 30 states that the available balance of profit is £40,887, which it is proposed should be dealt with as follows : Interest on debentures and prepaid shares, £2,501; directors’ and auditors’ fees, £1,050; depreciation of plant, £24,000; dividend at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum, less income- tax, £9,762; carried forward, £3,573. Wilsons and Clyde Coal Company Limited.—The report states that, after providing for depreciation and excess profits tax, and allowing for interim dividends, there is an avail- able balance of £86,721. The directors recommend a final dividend of 4s. per share, less tax, on the ordinary shares, making 5s. per share for the year, leaving £30,971 to be carried forward. NEW COMPANIES. Coalition Shipping Company Limited.—Private company. Registered October 11. To build or acquire steam and other vessels, and to carry on business of coal masters, colliery agents, coke and patent and other fuel merchants. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 100 £10 shares. Directors : M. Wideman, P. Fairweather, E. Le Ray, and A. K. Foy. Qualification, £250. Gould (J. C. and Y/. T.) and Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 43/44, Merchants’ Exchange, Cardiff. Registered October 12. To carry on business of coal exporters, coal merchants, colliery owners, engineers, electricians, shipbuilders, etc. Nominal capital, £25,000 in £1 shares. Directors to be appointed by the subscribers. Subscribers (one share each) : J. C. and W. T. Gould. Greene and Sherratt Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered office, 84, Hatton-garden, E.C. Registered October 12. To carry on business of brass finishers and general metal workers, tool makers, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 800 £1 preference shares and 4,000 Is. ordinary shares. Directors : W. Greene and J. T. Sherratt. Long Eaten Salvage Syndicate Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered October 10. To carry on business of builders, repairers, etc., of machinery, engines, plant, and tools of all kinds. Nominal capital, £7,500 in 7,500 £1 shares. Subscribers (one share each) : A. G. Potts and A. Parker. Phillips (Ephraim) Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered October 12. To carry on business of manufacturers of screws, nuts, bolts, forgings and castings in iron, steel, and other metals. Nominal capital, £30,000. Directors : H. T., A. E., and Elizabeth M. Phillips. Ritchie (M. C.) and Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 145, Farringdon-road, E.C. Registered October 7. To acquire and take over business of an engineer and agent for machinery now carried on at above address by M. C. Ritchie. Nominal capital, £7,000 in 7,000 £1 shares. Directors : M. C. Ritchie, A. H. Alexander, and H. E. Duncan. Qualification, 500 shares. S. P. A. R. Manufacturing Company Limited. — Private company. Registered October 6. To carry on business of iron founders, mechanical engineers, builders, gas, electrical, water engineers, printers, carriers, fanners, and merchants, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. Directors : L. A. Wharrad and T. F. Cund. Qualification, five ordinary shares. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-Lane, E.C. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Islington, October 26.—The Guardians of the Poor of the Parish of St. Mary, Islington, invite tenders for the supply of house coal and coke to the several institutions and offices of the Guardians in the parish during the period to March 31, 1917. Printed forms of tender, containing full particulars, and which alone will be received, must be obtained from the clerk personally, or a stamped addressed brief-size envelope may be sent. Sealed tenders must be delivered at the offices, St. John’s-road, Upper Holloway, on or before October 24, addressed to the Guardians, and endorsed “ Tender for coal and coke.” They will be opened at a meeting of the Guardians to be held on October 26. The Guardians do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Bury (Lancs), October 24.—Coal and coke (six months) for Joint Hospital Board. Forms from F. Wild, clerk to the Joint Board, Cross-street, Bury. Cootehill (Ireland), October 27.—70 tons best White- haven screened and 30 tons Irish screened, for Guardians. Tenders to the clerk, Board-room, Cootehill. Pentney (Norfolk). October 31. — 40 tons of coal for Pentney Charity. Tenders to Rev. A. J. Knight, Pentney Vicarage, Swaffham. Spilsby, November 1.—60 tons best Bolsover Top Hards and 20 tons best Barrow Silkstone, for the Guardians. Tenders to the clerk, Union Offices, Spilsby. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. Belfast, October 31.—Stores.—Iron and steel castings, railway bolts, etc., for Belfast Harbour Commissioners. Forms from the Harbour Office. Dublin, November 2.—Stores.—Bolts, nuts, rivets, brass and copper sheets, galvanised iron, iron castings, fittings, springs, etc. Forms (Is.) from the secretary, Amiens-street Terminus, Dublin. Patterns may be seen