October 20, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 741 wl r i. Sil-.-.. / ■ * -Jag. ■ ’ J . - . .... ; >•>. •/• -;■■ ■ ■ ■ ____________________ - . Gosforth Foundry Co. Ltd., Malleable Ironfounders, Dronfield, near Sheffield. Makers of all kinds of Driving and Elevator Chains, Sprocket Wheels, Elevator Buckets, &c. WELLS’ “UNBREAKABLE” LAMPS ____________ \OVER 2,000 000 sold.1 and OIL FEEDERS. __________________ HORIZONTAL OIL FEEDERS. With Valves and Brass Tops. No 0 —} pint______________________ 27/= per dozen No 1 —| pint_____________ ... 30/- ,, No 1a—j pint_____ ... ... 33 = „ No. 3a.—1 pint. New Improved Pattern, Handle at top, 45/= per dozen. No. 3b.—U pint, 54/- per dozen. Also made without Valve. Also made with Patent Filler. ENGINEERS’ HAND LAMPS. For Kerosene, Petroleum, or Paraffin. No. 4, | pint, 18/= per dozen. No. 4a, f pint, 27/= „ TORCH LAMPS. For Sperm, Rape, Colza, or other heavy Smokeless Oil. Also used for K ro- sene. No. 5, | pint, Hook No. 2, as shown, 24/= doz. No. 5a, I pint, Hook No. 3, as shown, 30/= doz. No. 5b, 1 pint, Hook No. 3, as shown, 36/= doz. KETTLE TORCH LAMPS. No. 18\.—A Splendid Lamp, fitted with 2 in. Wick, 5 pints capacity _____9s. each ■ Suitable for Sewerage, Drainage, Trench Work, Steam Trawlers, &c. 4, WELLS’ REMOVABLE BUNG- POUR PRICE 6/6 EACH. (Patented ) Made in GUNMETAL, 9s. 6d. each. For Emptying cask without Pump, Tap, or Stillage. Applied to and removed from any cask in- stantly AR waste and mess prevented. More rapid in action than pump. Will fit any ordinary cask from 20 to 60 gallons. Does not damage the cask. Wells’ Oil Gas Generating Lamps. Light from Kerosene or Petroleum without Wick, at Less than One Penny per Hour. No Smoke or Smell. Perfect Safety. No Explosive Naphtha used. Thousands sold. Unaffected by wind. ----- Each. 11/9 13 9 14/0 17/0 16/0 19 0 No. 12, 3 hours _______ No. 12a, with Tripod No. 13, 5 hours _______ No. 13a, with Tripod No. 14, 7 hours _______ No. 14v, with Tripod ... Extra Burse* s for above, 2/- each. THOUSANDS SOLD. Largely used by Contractors, Collieries, <&c. Large Flaming Light. No. 18.—3 pints, l|in. Wick, 4s. 6d. each. No. 28. same shape as above, but having two Wicks, 6 pints, • 9s. each. A. C. WELLS & CO. ■ St. Pancras, LONDON AND .Platt t a 40-H.P. MAIN AND TAIL HAULAGE GEAR M. B. WILD & CO. LTD., Birmingham. Telephone—208 East. Telegrams—“Hauling, Birmingham.”