732 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN October 13, 1916. IN AO HINE RY. Advertisements can be inserted under a Box number, and replies will be forwarded on payment of postage. MACHINERY—continued. AUCTION SALES. /TJ.illott’s Improved “ Gillott and Copley ” vJ Rotary COAL-CUTTING MACHINES. See Illustrated Adver- tisement fortnightly. Sole Makers: JOHN GILLOTT ft SON, Barnsley. 250 tons of good Relayable Steel Flange, about 741b. per yard, also a quantity from 14 lb. upwards. Quantity of Bull Head RAILS, all suitable for sidings; all accessories to Buit. B. M. RBNTON ft OO., Market Place Buildings, High-street, Sheffield. SELECTIONS FROM STOCK. QKfVh..p. Tandem Compound Engine, jU xj by Marshalls, Gainsborough. 250-h.p. GAS ENGINE, also 100,65,50,40, 35-h p. and smaller sizes. 300-h.p. MOTOR, 220 volts, d.c., 170, 160, 125, 65-h.p. and smaller sizes. 175-h.p. MOTOR, 440 volts, d.c., 125,100 h p. and smaller sizes. Compound PUMPING ENGINE, 60.000 gallons per hour, 200 ft. head. Treble RAM PUMP, by Pearns, 20,000 gallons per hour, 400ft. head. Every description of Plant and Machinery in stock at our works for immediate delivery; inspection is invited and enquiries solicited. HARRY H. GABDAM ft OO. LTD., Staines. Vhe Bute Works Supply Co. Ltd., Cardiff. A. Telegrams—” Getting, Cardiff.” Telephone No. 2645 (4 lines). (Established 1888). FOR SALE. RAILWAY WAGONS.—Please say number, depth and doors required. VANS.—2sp3ciflcation 10-tonners. builders Midland Wagon Co.; ready for immediate delivery at Cardiff. TARPAULINS—16 good second-hand, 20 ft. by 14 ft., suitable for covering ordinary railway wagons, painted, redressed and lettered at Cardiff. OOKE RAILS.—90 sets at Cardiff, suitable for wagons, 14ft. 6in. long; ready for immediate delivery. BLAST FURNACE SLAG.—Any quantity. SLEEPERS.—2,000 uncreosoted waney rectangulars, 8 ft. by 8 in. by 4 in., at Cardiff ready for immediate delivery. STEEL BARS FOR SPRING MAKING—About 56 tons in stock, ready for immediate delivery; particulars on application. SPECIAL. NBW STEEL BAILS. In stock ready for immediate delivery. Lengths. 18 ft. to 4J ft. 21 ft. to 4J ft. principally 40 ft. --------- 40 ft. 40 ft. Tons. Section. No. Lbs. per yard. 8 Bridge 18/24 69 Flange 14/35 80 Bridge 633 35* 100 Bridge 625 40* 30 Double-head 17 75 HACK SAWS. All Sizes Blacker Blades in Stock.— MECHANICAL HAMMER OO. LTD., Knowl Street, Stalybrldg-e. For Sale, five Cornish Boilers, 32 ft. by 7ft., complete with all fittings and Bennis stokers, makers Spurr Inman, of Wakefield, insured for 120 lb. pressure each. Apply, JONAS WILDSMITH, Queen’s-road. Barnsley. and shorter, and shorter. „„ __________ ___________________________ and shorter. * If necessary these could be cut into shorter lengths and repunched. One LOCOMOTIVE, six wheels coupled, cylinders 15iin. by 22in., copper firebox, new tyres 3 in. thick, new steel tubes, working pressure 1301b., vacuum, steam, and hand brakes; just been generally overhauled; now at Cardiff ready for immediate delivery. One LOCOMOTIVE, four wheels coupled, cylinders 6 in. by 9 in., copper firebox, working pressure 1201b.; gauge 2 ft. 6 in. (full); now at Cardiff ready for immediate work. Six Specification, 10-Ton BALLAST WAGONS; doors each side falling full length; built 1911 by first class builders; English oak frames; good as new|; ready for immediate delivery. Weir Feed Pump, 9|in. by 7|in. by 18 in. stroke, 4,000 gals. Weir type FEED PUMP, f^in. by 5 in. by Kin. stroke, 1,400 gals. Tangye Hoz. STEAM PUMP, 16in. steam cyl., 10 in. water cyl. Double Vertical PUMP, 15 in. cyls. 7Jin. rams. Evans SINKING PUMPS, 30,000 and 16,500 gals, per hour. WINDING DRUM, 5 ft. dia., 4 ft. 3 in. wide, spur wheel and pinion. PNEUMATIC POWER HAMMER, 2J cwt., belt driven. Enclosed High-speed Hoz. ENGINE, 14iin- cyl., 10 in. stroke, by Robey. HAULING ENGINE, 3 and 10 in. cylinders, double and single drums. JAMBS B. WATSON ft SONS, the City Machinery Stores, 33, Hunslet-road, Leeds. Tel. 1430. For Sale, Steam Driven Air Compressor by Ingersoll, two stage, Compound Engines. Automatic Steam Regulator and Air unloader, for 327 cubic ft. free air. practically new ; also 7 ton Steam Derrick CRANE by Watson, Glasgow, 58 ft. jib, with Vertical Boiler 7ft. 6 in. by 3ft. 6in., injector, cvls. 7in. dia. by 10 in. stroke, STANLEY ENGINEERING OO., Bath. For Sale, Very Pine Triple Expansion Condensing Hydraulic PUMPING ENGINES, cylinders 14, 23 and 38 in. dia. by 24 in. stroke, steam pressure 160 lb., pumps 6 in. dia. by 24 in. stroke, 335 gals, per min., pumping h.p. 163, by the eminent makers, the Glenfield Co. Ltd., Kilmarnock; can be seen erected at the Colliery near here, and will be sold at a bargain to an immediate purchaser. RIDDEL ti CO.. 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. COAL CUTTERS. For Sale, Jeffrey Longwall, Shortwall & HEADING MACHINES, also DIAMOND MACHINES, all com- plete and with spare parts, in excellent condition. B. H. LONGBOTHAM ft OO. LTD., Wakefield. Tele. No.-—44 Wakefield. Tel. Address—” Engineer” Wakefield. \ Vranted a good Second-hand or New ▼ ▼ horizontal electrically driven treble ram Pump, capable of delivering 150 gals, per min. avainst a head of 800 ft. Pump will be con- structed onagirier frame.—Box 6547, CoViery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival street, Holbom, London, E.C. For Sale:— One three-ton Loco. Steam Crane, by Smith, 30 ft. jib. One do. do. do. do. by Wilson, 17 fc. jib. RIDDEL ft OO..40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. For Sale, a six-wheeled Coupled Saddle Tank LOCOMOTIVE, by Manning Wardle, of Leeds, cylinders 12 in. diameter by 18 in. stroke, working pressure 130 lb., copper firebox, steel tubes with copper ends ; in good running order. — Apply, JONAS WILDSMITH, Queen’s-road, Barnsley. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE.—CH ANCERY DIVISION. 1915, F. No. 896.—In the Matter of the FLIMBY AND BROUGHTON MOOR COAL AND FIRE BRICK CO. LTD. MANN v. THE COMPANY.—By Order of Mr. Justice NEVILLE. Messrs. Fuller. Horsey, Sons & Cassell will (unless previously disposed of by Private Treaty) offer for SALE by AUCTION, at the COUNTY AND STATION HOTEL. CARLISLE, on Wednesday, October 25th, 1916, at Twelve o’clock noon, this Company’s LEASEHOLD COLLIERIES, FREEHOLD COKE OVENS. FREEHOLD FIRE BRICK WORKS, DWELLING HOUSE and COTTAGES, at FLIMBY, near MARYPORT, CUMBERLAND, which will be first offered in One Lot, and if not thus sold, then in Ten Separate Lots, as- under Lot One. A LEASEHOLD COLLIERY AT FLIMBY, known as " The New Risehow” and “ Watergate ” Pits, with Mining Rights under nearly 5,000 acres of Land and Sea, and a surface Area of about 130 acres, with railway siding accommodation and tipping land. The principal Leases have unexpired terms of about 57 years. The Surface Rents amount to £391 per annum and Royalties Mergeable in Dead Rents of £1,340 per annum, increasing to £1,810 per annum. A Plot of FREEHOLD LAND immediately adjoining the above Colliery, with minerals thereunder, having an area of about 6J acres, upon which have recently been erected a BATTERY of .40 "KOPPERS” COKE OVENS and BY-PRODUCTS PLANT, equal to an output of 1,250 tons of coke per week. Lot Two. A LEASEHOLD COLLIERY, known as **The Alice Pits,” situate at Linefoot, with sidings to the Cleator and Workington Junction Railway, giving direct access to Whitehaven and Maryport. The Leases, which have short unexpired terms, demise about 17 acres of Surface Land at a rental of £15 per annum and Mining Rights under about 562 acres of land at Royalties merging into Dead Rents amounting to £85 par annum. Lot Three. A LEASEHOLD COLLIERY, known as ” The Bertha Pit,” situate at Broughton Moor, with Mining Rights under about 1,322 acres of land Lot Four. The FREEHOLD FIRE BRICK WORKS, situate at Broughton Moor, having an area of about 15 acres, with Buildings thereon, and Plant and Machinery for the Manufacture of blast furnace linings, fire bricks and lumps and sanitary goods. Lot Five. SEVENTEEN FREEHOLD COTTAGES and a SHOP, known as “ Lucock’s Row,” Broughton Moor. Lot Six. FOURTEEN FREEHOLD COTTAGES AND A BARN,. Wyndham-row, and FOUR FREEHOLD COTTAGES, Church-row,. Broughton Moor. Lot Seven. A FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE, known as “ Stone House,” Broughton Moor. Lot Eight. A FREEHOLD MISSION ROOM at Broughton Moor. Lot Nine. THREE FREEHOLD COTTAGES at Broughton Moor. Lot Ten. NINETEEN FREEHOLD COTTAGES known as Wilson- terrace, INSTITUTE AND COTTAGE, at Broughton Moor. In the case of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, the whole of the Fixed Plant, Machinery and Fixtures will be included in the purchase. Each Purchaser will also have the option of taking at a valuation the- whole of the Loose Plant, Tools and Utensils, Locos, Wagons, Stocks, Stores and other loose effects that may be on the respective properties or used in connection therewith. The Collieries and Workings may be inspected bv appointment with the- Receiver and Manager, J. A. FORSTER, Esq., F.C.A. (Messrs. W. B. Peat & Co.), 125, Ramsden-square, Barrow in-Furness, and Particulars with Surface and Royalty Plans and Conditions of Sale had of Messrs. WRAGGE & CO.. Solicitors, 4, Bennett’s-hill. Birmingnam; Messrs. MACKRELL, MATON, GODLEE & QUINCEY, Solicitors, 21. Cannon- street, London, E.C.: Messrs. W. B. PEAT & CO.. Chartered Accoun- tants, 11, Ironmonger-lane, London, E.C.; or of Messrs. FULLER, HORSEY & GO., 11, Billiter-square, London, E.C. EDUCATION. For Sale, Single 18 in. by 42 Winder, drum 8 in. by 6 in. geared 3 to 1 reversing gear, heavy fly. Air Compressor, 20 in. steam, 18J air by 4 ft., 15 ft. fly by Walker. Three Bash Washing Plants, Revolving Screen, Elevator, Crusher. Belt, Ac.—Box 6548, Collitry Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. TXT'anted (1) 12 to 20-ton Wagon Weigh- V V ing Machine, in good working order; (2) Three Throw Ram Pump, horizontal type, capacity about 300 gals, per minute against 600 fo. head; (3) Motor to drive above-mentioned pump by belt or gearing, 450 to 500 V.D.C —Send descriptive particulars, price and where to be seen. Offers of new machines will be considered. THE NEW IRISH MINING OO., Wolfhill, Athy, Ireland. TTniversal Mining School. Lessons by post. Thorough preparation for all Mining Exams. Syllabus and advice free. State your requirements. SOUTHERN and HALBAUM, 50, Connaught-road, Cardiff. For Sale, Iron Headgear, height 54 ft., with two pulleys fixed.—Full particulars, apply Box 6557, Collitry Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holbern, London. E.C. FOR SALE. 6,000/7,000 yards of good second-hand steel FLANGE RAILS, 35/40 lb. per yard, with Fishplates and 25 sets of Points and Crossings to match. 350 tons of splendid second-hand steel D.H. RAILS, with Accessories, also several sets of Points and Crossings to match. 4,000 Good second-hand creosoted relayable RAILWAY SLEEPERS, 9 ft. by 10 in. by 5 in. Also 3,000 similar Sleepers, but only suitable for CART ROAD or FENCING purposes, and 100 tons of similar material, but only suitable for FIREWOOD. 14 miles of Good Second-hand Steel 12/14 PORTABLE RAILWAY attached to steel sleepers for 24 in. gauge, tons of good second-hand steel FLANGE RAILS, 20/22 lb. per yard, with fishplates to match. tons of ditto, ditto, but 30/35 lb. per yard. tons of Splendid second-hand creosoted CROSSING TIMBERS, 12 in. by 6 in./15 in. by 7 in., and in various lengths. Good second-hand BRICK CARS, suitable for con- verting into FLAT-TOP BOGIES, 24 in. gauge. 1,000 New creosoted RAILWAY SLEEPERS, 9 ft. by 10 in. by 5 in. 6,000 good second-hand SLEEPERS, 8 ft. by 8 ft. by 4 in., for immediate delivery. 50 tons of splendid second-hand 56 lb. FLANGE RAILS, with Fishplates, and Points and Crossings to match. 100 tons of good second-hand steel FLANGE RAILS, 60/65 lb. per yard, with Fishplates to match. 2,000 good second-hand Creosoted SLEEPERS, 9 ft. by 9 in. by 44 in. Inspection invited of all Material offered. Cash Buyers of Machinery, Plant, Old Iron and Steel Scrap, Metals, Indiarubber, &c., new and second-hand rails, and all Accessories, Sleepers, &c. MARPLE & GILLOTT LTD., SHEFFIELD. Jpor Sale. COAL TIPPING INSTALLATION. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. Consisting of:— TWO HYDRAULIC TIPS, capable of hoisting and tipping trucks weighing 23 tons gross up to a height of 36 ft. above quay level. FOUR SETS OF ELECTRICALLY-DRIVEN PUMPS, capacity 100 g.p.m. each, at 7501b. pressure, Motors 65-h.p., 440 volts, 3-phase, TWO ACCUMULATORS, 22 in. diameter by 12 ft. 9 in. stroke. Tips and Hydraulic Machinery built by Messrs. TANNETT, WALKER & CO. LTD., LEEDS, in 1913. S. PEARSON & SON LTD., 10. Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. MA CHINER Y—continued. For Sale, Electric Disc Coal-cutting MACHINE by Anderson, Boyes & Co., 20 in. high, 3J ft. disc, 500 volts direct current. RIDDEL A CO., 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. For Sale, No. 1, Pair Horizontal Winding ENGINES (Foden’s), 20in. cylinder, 4 ft. stroke, 10ft. drum; No. 2, Single ENGINE, 20 in. cylinder, 18 in. diameter, 3 ft. stroke, with belt wheel, shaft, and 30 ft. Waddle fan; No. 3, 100 PIT TUBS. 4 ft. by 3 ft. by 21 in., gauge 20in., steel wheels 9 in. diameter, selected and good as new*;. No. 4, one FRICTION CLUTCH, with 8 ft. 6 in. shaft, 4 in. diameter, with surge wheel 5 ft. diameter, and foot pedestal. STOKE AND FOLEY MILLS LTD., Foley Mills, Fenton, Staffs. 60 50 300 185 TXTanted (for cash, or, existing Leases ▼ ▼ purchased).— LOCOMOTIVES—For Shunting purposes, 4 and 6 wheels coupled. PORTABLE RAILWAY—Any gauge, state gauge, weight per yard, &c. TANK WAGONS—State capacity, builders, age, and what now carrying. BALLAST WAGONS—Doors falling full length, state depth, builders and age. GOODS WAGONS—State depth, also whether side doors open through. COAL WAGONS—10 or 12 tonners, state builders, age, number of doors, and where to be seen. Please send full particulars to—Box No. 21, Post Office, Cardiff Docks. FOR SALE. 350 PIT WAGONS, 4 ft. by 3 ft., 22 in. gauge, capacity about lOcwts., steel tops, oak bottoms, all in good working condition; six or twelve of these wagons can be sent as samples. One STONE BR «AKER, by Messrs. Blake Marsden, jaws 20 in. by 8 in., flywheels 4 ft. 8 in. dia., driving pulley 2 ft. 4 in. dia. by 6 in. face. One HORIZONTAL STEAM ENGINE, 13 in. cylinder, 24 in. stroke, flywheel 7 ft. dia. by 5 in. face, bedplate 12 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in: complete. One VERTICAL BOILER, 10 ft. by 4 ft. 6 in , insure 80 lb. pressure. Two VERTICAL BOILERS, 8 ft. by 3 ft. 6 in., insure 80 lb. pressure. Two VERTICAL BOILERS, 7 ft. 6in. by 3 ft. 9 in., insure 70 lb. pressure. Two CORNISH Boilers, 14 ft. by 5f 6 in., insure 80 lb pressure. One BALATA BELT, anout 70 ft. long by 12 in. wide, by 7 ply. For Sale, Lancashire Boiler, 30 ft. by 7ft. 6in., 80 lb. pressure, £175, immediate delivery; also Horizontal Tandem Compound Condensing ENGINE, about 200 h.p , £150. I*. WHEELER, Midsomer Norton. Bath. VlTanted, New or Second-hand Air-com- ▼ V PRESSOR, capable of delivering against a pressure of 3501b. per square inch. Send full particulars, where to be seen, and price. THE NEW IRISH MINING OO., Wolfhill, Athy, Ireland. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD THOS. OXLEY LTD., --------------- ENGINEERS, -- IRON, STEEL AND MACHINERY MERCHANTS, SHILOH WORKS, SHEFFIELD. Telegrams—‘‘Ironical, Sheffie'd.” ’Phones—4186 (3 lines). Telegrams—“ Haden, Patricroft.” Telephone No.—543 Eccles. HADEN <& CO., Iron, Steel and Metal Merchants, PATRICROFT, MANCHESTER. HIGH-SPEED DRILLS AND TOOLS. MINING STEEL Enquiries Solicited. New and D/LII withall Second-hand nMklLmVj accessories. Points and Crossings. Sleepers. Crossing Timbers. Portable Railway. Tip Wagons. Turntables. GOODWIN & CO., No. 2 Dept.. Queen Street, SHEFFIELD. WAKEFIELD, And at MILBURN HOUSE, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, Tel. Address: “ Engineer, Wakefield.” Tel.: 41 Wakefield; 867 Newcastle; 336 Doncaster. HAVE FOR SALE: FOR SALE. 3ft. 6 in. gauge 4-wheel coupled Saddle Tank LOCOMOTIVE (Hudswell Clark), with outside cylinders 7 in. byT2in., copper firebox, brass tubes, 1101b. w.p. 10-TON STEAM DERRICK CRANE (Russell’s), with 54 ft. split timber jib, 27 ft. steel mast, vert, boiler 8 fc by 3 ft. 6 in., for 60 lb. w.p. 3-TON STEAM DERRICK CRANE (Cameron), with 65 ft. split timber jib, 36 ft. timber kingpost, vert, boiler 7 ft. by 3 ft., for 80 lb. w.p. Complete PORTABLE HOISTING ENGINE (Johnson’s), with pair of cylinders about 5 in. by 9 in., vert, boiler 6ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 9 in. by 80 lb. w.p.; hoisting by friction. LADLE and CARRIAGE (Stevenson’s, Preston), size of ladle 5 ft. dia. by 5ft. deep, plate about tin. thick, gauge 9ft., wheel base 6ft. 6in., spur and worm for tipping. Tank Locomotives. Specification & Workmanship equal to Main Line Engines. R. & W. HAWTHORN, LESLIE & CO. LTD., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. —■ Locomotives always in stock or in progress, — Telegrams—“ Locomotive.” Pair WINDING ENGINES, 24 in. cyls., 5 ft. stroke, Walker’s balanced valve, 2 drums 12 ft. dia. Pair Tandem Compound WINDING ENGINES, 21 in. h.p. cyl., 36 in. l.p. cyl., 5 ft. stroke; no shaft or drum; by Worsley Mesnes Iron Works Ltd. Pair HAULING ENGINES, 20 in. cyls., 36 in. stroke, drum 7 ft. dia., 2 ft. 4 in. wide, by Davy Bros. AIR-COMPRESSOR, steam driven, steam and air cyls., 18 in. dia. by 3 ft. stroke ; 800 cub. ft. capacity; by Fraser and Chalmers. 2-Ton Loco. STEAM CRANE, by Johnsons, 4 ft. 8|in. gauge, boiler insured 80 lb. pressure. One RAILWAY TRAVELLING JIB CRANE, swing jib 7 ft. 6 in. radius. SADDLE TANK LOCO., 12 in. cyls., 4wheels coupled, 120 lb. steam pressure. LOCO., 2 ft. gauge, 6 wheels coupled, cyls. 9j in. dia. STEAM WINCH, 7 in. cyls., 12 in. stroke, 2 drums,, geared 14 to 1; by Clarke, Chapman and Co. Also several STEAM WINCHES, 6 in. cyls. CATALOGUE of stock MACHINERY, 2-3,000 LOTS, free on application. Inspection invited. THO’-W. ward limited, * Tel.—** Forward, Sheffield.” ALBION WORKS, SHEFFIELD. Workmanship and Materials of the Highest Quality. Built to any Specification or Gauge. PECKETT & SONS LTD., ATLAS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, BRISTOL. Please note R. H. LONGBOTHAM & Co. Ltd. always have in stock, plant of every description for collieries, iron and steel works, contractors, &c., and are pleased to tender for purchase of plant. »#* For later Advertisements and Seale of Chargor see Page 706 (Deader Page). Printed and Published by the Proprietors. The Oollmbt Gvamkak Oobwant Ixsmtxb, 30 ft 3L Fxtrnival Street, Holbom, London, E.C. Friday, October 13, 1916.