October 6, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 643 Indications Point to a Probable Coal Shortage. The rapidly increasing use of automatic stokers and the demand for screenings is growing to such an extent that even under average conditions, many operators are unable to meet the demand for Fine Coal. In case of a serious shortage, will you be compelled to substitute Run - of - Mine Coal, while your boilers are equipped for stoker sized coal, which means in- creased Fuel Cost and Loss of Heat Value ? Or, will you be offering fabulous prices for coal, with the possibility of not getting enough to keep your plant running ? Overcome Situations of this kind by installing a a® A Kt J effr ey Single Roll Crusher which will, in a single operation, reduce your Run-of-Mine to 4 in. or 1 in., the proved size for maximum stoker efficiency. This machine can be installed with various types of elevating and conveying machinery. Our twenty-five years of experience in building Coal Handling Machinery puts us in position to furnish you with anything you may need in connection with the crusher, as well as a coal storage equipment suitable for emergency conditions. The Jeffrey Single Roll Crusher cannot be stalled under load—is protected against foreign material by an efficient safety device, is adjustable to make different products without changing equipment, is cushioned against sudden shocks, has renewable bronze bushings in the bearings, has renewable segments with long teeth renewable independent of the whole segment, &c. If you are interested in securing a constant supply of small coal—ask for copy of Bulletin No. 141-32, fully illustrating this machine, describing its construction and the results which it is capable of producing. HUGH WOOD & CO. LD. LONDON OFFICE: 65, Fenchurch St., E.C. NEWCA STLE-ON- TYNE. CARDIFF OFFICE: Principality Buildings. WORKS : THE HIVE WORKS, TRAFFORD PARK, MANCHESTER.