594 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. September 29, 1916. ’ .... •— - - _ ■ . ■■ . . ■' ' THE BRITISH EXPLOSIVES SYNDICATE LTD. 124-ST VINCENT STREET GLASGOW THAMES POWDER N° 2 Charge Limit 22 Ounces NEEDS NO THAWING Telegraphic Address. “YEADON, LEEDS.” Telephone: 285 LEEDS. YEADONS BRIQUETTE MACHINERY FOR UTILISING SMALL COAL, COKE, LIGNITE, SAWDUST, IRON, COPPER & OTHER ORES, &c. WHY have we received MORE ORDERS for BRIQUETTE MACHINERY in the last 12 MONTHS than ALL OTHER BRITISH MAKERS COMBINED? FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS;— 1. Because we use our own Original Designs throughout. 2. Because we have had 40 Years’1 Practical Experience in Construction, Erection, and Working Briquette Machinery in all parts of the World. 3. Because our Briquette Machinery is acknowledged to be the Best for Satisfactory Efficiency and Durability. 4. Because we have Supplied our Briquette Machinery to customers in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, France, Belgium, Holland, Russia, Serbia, Sardinia, Italy, Spain, Turkestan, India, Assam, China, Japan, Canada, United States, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentine, S. Africa, New S. Wales, Queensland, & New Zealand. For Specifications, Prices, and Full Particulars, apply to — YEADON. SON & CO., X’ Albion Place, LEEDS, England. BOILER HOUSE ECONOMY. The Heywood Patent Furnace Bars and Smoke Burner Combined. . . 1 TO The illustration shows the Bars made in Sit. or 6ft. lengths, with ribs cast on. This Bar has been designed to meet the requirements of Collieries, Steel Works, Forges, Locomotives, Steamers, and all other types of Furnaces that are very hard fired. Write for Catalogue and price to— THE “HEYWOOD” AIRTIGHT DAMPER CO. LTD., Grove Foundry, Gomersal, LEEDS. TURBON. The LATEST THING in FANS. Equally suitable for Mine Ventilation, forced and induced draught, or any other purpose. Great strength, simplicity and silence. Highest efficiency. Perfect balance at all speeds. Suitable for all pressures. Resists high temperatures without distortion. No rivets in blades. Manufactured by THE WADDLE PATENT FAN CO. LTD., ---------------- FOR THE -- TURBON PATENT FAN CO. LTD., LONDON Address— '£■ w wr jr w* 'net* 34, Victoria S.W. X-d X-4Jtli JL^JL^ JL • The Strongest & Most Reliable Briquette Machinery for Blocks, Ovoids or Eggettes. ■ Mfr'i ~ ■ ———■' UJ 'I 4 irirtrV - X- ■ V ’ ■ ‘WI• ’~'v._■ /■ /'V j “Eggette” or Ovoid Briquette Making Machine. Outputs 1 to 20 tons per hour. WHY have SO MANY GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS during recent years been placed with us ? THERE’S A REASON Write for particulars— WM. JOHNSON & SONS (Leeds) LTD. Armley, LEEDS.