530 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN September 15, 1916. Purchasers’ Guide to Advertisers’ Specialities—(continued). Valve Re-seatinc Machines Bromell Patents Co. Ltd.; 62, Bobertson-street, Glasgow Brooke, George, Lloyd’s Bank Chambers, Cardiff Valves (Safety)—Soupapes o sHrett Auld, D., and Sons, Whitevale Foundry, Glasgew Baldwin, James, and Co., Keighley, Yorks Daglish, Bobert, and Co. Ld., St. Helens, Lancs. Haslam and Stretton Ld., Cardiff Hopkinson, J., and Co. Ld., Huddersfield Lancaster and Tonge Ld., Pendleton, Manchester Boyles Ld., Irlam, Manchester Bussell, John, and Co. Ld., Walsall VlOE8—Etaux Frost, Albert, and Co., Sheffield Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Theedam, E. C., Ld., Dudley Youngs, Byland-street Works, Birmingham Washers—Rondeiies Baker, John, and Son, Bilston, Staffs Bayliss, Jones & Bayliss Ld., Wolverhampton Chorley Bailway Wagon Co. Ld., Chorley, Lancs. Copp6e Co. (Gt. Britain) Ld., Kingsway, London Fastnut Ld., 115, Newgate-street, London Simon-Carves Ld.., 20, Mount-street, Manchester Theedam, E. C., Ld., Dudley Wright’s Forge and Engineering Co. Ld., Tiptoi Waste Heat Boilers and Exhausters Bonecourt Wuste Heat Boiler Co. Ld., Parlia- ment-mansions, S.W. Water (Electric Still for) Simplex Conduits Ld., Garrison-st., Birmingham Waterproof Garments—Foments Mining Engineering Co Td. Sheffield Theedam, E. C., Ld., Dudley Wire Rope Pulley Blocks—Paians pour cables en acier Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Tangyes Ld., Cornwall Works, Birmingham Youngs, Byland-street Works, Birmingham Wire Work—Treillis Barns, W., and Son, Globe Works, Holloway, N Cousland, Alex., and Son, 3, Mitchell-st., Glasgow Harvey, G. A., & Co. (Lndn) Ld., Woolwich-rd.,S.E, Stanier. John, and Co., Manchester The CONSUMMATE EVAPORATIVE CONDENSER for Steam Engines. Saving in coal effected—60 tons per week. CENTRAL CONDENSING PLANT dealing with the exhaust steam from Winding Engines, Fan Engine, 600 K.W. Power Plant, and Screen Engine. < I » t t • f t i i t a t t I 1 Coal Consumption reduced 30 I - Water Consumption reduced 50 Z - Increased Power Output 30 % Estimates and C.C. Booklet. EDW9 DEANE & BEAL Ltd ., Engineers, 676, Old Kent Road, London, S.E. Save Time and Prevent Accidents BY USING “fASINUJ” WASHERS QUALITY m SWITCH GEAR. AFTER 6 MONTHS USE ON A STONE CRUSHER. HX The foilowing is based on the experience of a leading firm :— By using a “ FASTNUT” (which requires no fitting) in the place of a cottar or split pin, and castle nut or check nut, which takes a Iman at least a quarter of an hour to fit, A saving, after paying for “ FASTNUTS,” of £1 7s. in money, and 36 HOURS in time. f Fitting 144 |-in. nuts with pins (J hour each at 1/- per hour)... Example ( Cost of 144 |-in. “ Fastnuts ” (which cost nothing to fit) ... AMOUNT SAVED £1 16 9 o o £17 0 Prove the Truth of this Statement at Our Expense. IN USE: ON 60 COLLIERIES SAMPLES, CALENDARS AND LISTS FREE. Agents WtAATitiedL. “ FASTNUT ” Ltd., 115, Newgate St., E.C. LIQUID SWITCH GEAR of HIGH- CLASS MAKE and GOOD DESIGN. J. H. PW1"* WRITE for LIST No. 60 with PRICES and OUTPUTS HOLMES & CO., Newcastle-on-Tyne. PLANT LTD., BRIDGEND, i SOUTH WALES/ combined. are invited. Years. References to users Established 50 We have Specialised in this class of Machinery, and have designed and made more than all other firms “ANTHRACITE COAL