September 15, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 521 HOPKINSONS “RDS” Steam Trap PATENT SUITABLE FOR ANY PRESSURE. A large number of these traps have been in use for several years, and our experience has been so satisfactory thai? we have every confidence in recommending them to steam users. The workmanship and material are of the highest quality, and is altogether a far superior article to the many cheap bucket traps now on the market. SPECIAL FEATURES. Reliable. Quick in Action. No Dribbling. Strong Intermittent Quick Pressure. Fitted with Valve and Seat of Hopkinson’s ‘ PlatnanT Metal, which is five times harder than . bronze and admirably suitable for with* . standing the cutting action of the water. CAST IRON BODY AND LID, HOPKINSON’S “PLATNAM” METAL VALVE AND SEAT. DESCRIPTION. This steam trap is of the open float type, and consists in its simplest form of a Water Cham- ber A, Float with central guide B, Valve C, Water Inlet Pipe, and Water Discharge Pipe. The discharge pipe forms the guide for the float. The valve remains on its seat until the float has sunk low enough to touch the collar on valve; it then immediately begins to discharge. The Gallery or Water Pocket F is an important feature, as it fills with water when the Float is at rest; when the Float begins to rise from its lowest position, the water thus collected flows through the hole G into the body A, thus ensuring a rapid elevation of the Float independent of a small amount of water passing into the trap. The valve is not rigidly connected with the bucket, and it is therefore held on to its seat until the Float acts on the Valve. This device is, therefore, most valuable under all conditions of working, but more especially when the volume of water entering the trap is small. Its lifting effect on the Float is indicated by the sharp- ness with which the water dis- charge is cut off. HOPKINSON’S PATENT SAFETY BOILER MOUNTINGS & VALVES For High-pressure Superheated Steam, High-class Exhaust and Water Sluice Valves for Condensing Plants, &c., Automatic Exhaust Valves, Reducing Valves, Steam Traps, &c., &c. J. HOPKINSON & CO. LTD., HUDDERSFIELD. No. 341