494 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. September 15, 1916. THE BRITISH EXPLOSIVES SYNDICATE LTD. 124-ST VINCENT STREET GLASGOW ------------------------------. THAMES POWDER N° 2 Charge Limit 22 Ounces - NEEDS NO THAWING PRINCEPS PATENT “DEFLECTOR” OIL SEPARATOR. Capacity, 300,000 lbs. of steam per hour, 60" diameter main. ONE OF THE LARGEST EXTRACTORS MADE IN THIS COUNTRY. PRINCEPS & CO., Engineers, SHEFFIELD. —— SUTCLIFFE'S ---------------------------- COAL CUTTERS, DBSC <& CHAIN TYPES, light or heavy pattern, for thin or thick seams, with shallow or deep cuts. Compressed Air or Electrical Drive. OoaloFace Conveyors, unrivalled in capacity, constant in work, < noiseless in the face and most easily moved forward. Roadway Conveyors, which are moved freely from the face to admit ripping in the gateway. Raiding Gear, to keep a constant supply of tubs between the engine plane and coal face with instantaneous extension of endless rope. Wire Belting, for conveyors of all kinds. Thomson’s Non-Overwind, simplest, safest, surest, and cheapest. ij Sutcliffe’s Universal Sounding and Displaying Signalling Apparatus, fully complying with Regulation 95 of the Mines Act. NOTE.—The above machinery is all patented, or protected, and makers or users of inf ringring- articles will be liable to be prosecuted. FULL PARTICULARS FROM RICHARD SUTCLIFFE, Universal Works, MORBURY, WAKEFIELD, England. SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS Davis’s Cranked Dial. Theodolites, Levels, Barometers, etc. is (200 & Established 1800. — Telephone No. 577 BRASS TIME CHECKS JOHN LAWSON & SONS, Manufacturers of every kind of STEEL STAMPS, LETTERS, FIGURES, BRANDS, STENCIL PLATES, Ac. Roebuck Letter Works, 26, Carver Lane, SHEFFIELD. MNOPQ Save Money - Save Coal - Save Steam By adopting FORREST’S PATENT AUTOMATIC Cylinder DRAIN COCKS on your Compound, Winding, Hauling, and all your Stationary Engines, Steam Winches, &c. (Thousands in use), now fixed on most new Engines turned out by leading Engineers. The Safest Automata; Drain Cock ever fixed on Com- pound Condensing Engines, most positive inaction. Makers of High class Gunmetal Gland Taps. Wheel Valves, &c, I . r» ; ± Patent ? £ ® .•Jesses -* Class B APPLETON & For Prices, Particulars and Testimonials, apply Sole Makers, Engineers. and ST. HELENS, LANCS. Contractors to the War Office. DAVIS’S IMPROVED HEDLEY DIAL WITH CRANKED LIMB, ENAB ING SIGHTS TO BE TAKEN TO ANY DEGREE FROM LEVEL TO 90 DEGS. UP OR DOWN. Davis’s Surveying Instruments are used in the majority of Mines in the United Kingdom, the Colonies, and other parts of the World. PLOTTING INSTRUMENTS for Railways, Mining Engineering, and Field work. SEND FOR LIST No. 411 A. JOHN DAVIS & SON CEMENTATION for WET VIRGIN GROUND YEARS of STUDY and EXPERIENCE HAVE BROUGHT MY SYSTEM OF CEMENTATION TO PERFECTION. TO COLLIERY PROPRIETORS. Shafts sunk, tunnels driven, and other mining constructions carried out in difficult and very wet ground by the best method. Success guar- anteed. 18 shafts completed in England, and 7 in progress. Ferro-Concrete Lining a speciality. Feeders of water in shafts or levels effectually treated. (Derby) LTD. ALL SAINTS WORKS, DERBY; & 17, Victoria St., Westminster, London, S.W. Telegrams—** Davis, Derby.” Te'ephone—240 Derby ALBERT FRANCOIS, Telegrams—“ Francois, Doncaster,” White House Chambers, DONCASTER. Telephone—4 08 Doncaster.