THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN AND JOURNAL OF THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Vol. CXII. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1916. No. 2905. Coal Mining under the River Waikato and Lake Hakanoa, N.Z. In the New Zealand Alines Department Annual Report for 1915 by the Chief Inspector of Mines, Mr. Frank Reed, appears an interesting account of coal mining operations under the River Waikato and Lake Hakanoa at the Taupiri Extended Colliery, where on July 6, 1915, a serious irruption of sand and water occurred. This wa.s followed by an important arbitra- tion case under the safety provisions of the Coal Alines Act, the contending parties being the inspector of mines and the mine manager. During the past year considerable attention has been given to the cover at this mine. The dowmcast shaft is 164 ft. deep, 81 ft. of which is cylindered mostly through running ground; and the upcast shaft is 204ft. deep, of which 106 ft. is likewise cylindered. The strata penetrated in each shaft was 80 ft. and 90 ft. respec- tively of permeable pumice sand and mud, underlying which is jointed claystone (fireclay), which forms the roof to the coal seam. In the deeper portions of the mine an upper seam exists in the claystone, but this more or less saturated with water, which constitutes a dead weight without any supporting strength whatever. About 20 years ago, under different management, mining was extended under Lake Hakanoa until at one point only 56J ft. of cover existed between the roof of the workings and the lake bed, above which the water level is about 10 ft. On two or more occasions during these mining operations running sand was encountered at the roof of the coal seam. In one case a dam was constructed as a precautionary measure. Several years ago workings were also extended under the River Waikato to the rise and approaching the coal barrier between the Extended and the same company’s — Taupiri Coal TCtne.s Ias iHHkHH Th is #4 A? the repot t tk# of bp tfo r^S r^ar-di^ cover and wafer tyvd / • . • . •A — Plaft— ----OF A PORTION OF------ W® OLD TTFTDER -WATER WOJIKTFGS ---AT -- ---EXTEFTJOEJD COLLIERY-- --- SHOWING --- :>i ---THE EOSITIOJY OF PROPOSED RAFTS ------------- AGAINST----------/ --------IRRUPTIONS OF WATER. --- t / X X. (£X Tfn w 1W noumL □□□□□□ fir. Yi'-S' OXti'ii r , ------ -------------------------- Tr