September 1, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 387 TRACK! TRACK!! TRACK!!! FROM STOCK. 4 miles with 14 lb. Rails. „ 18 lb. DU CROO & BRAUNS, 53, Victoria Street, “ Ducrobra, Vic, London.” LONDON, S.W. 2552 Victoria. Trade Mark. SPECIFY DOUBLE HELICAL GEARS For your Haulages and Winders. EFFICIENCY 98°/0 SILENT AND DURABLE. THE POWER PLANT Co. Ld., WEST DRAYTON, MIDDLESEX. Telegrams—“Koo, West Drayton.” Telephone—22 Yiewsley. WILLIAM COOKE & Co. Ltd. Tinsiey steel, Iron and Wire Rope SHEFFIELD, London Office: 110, Cannon Street, E.C. Australian Office TRADE MARK. ’ 'W.COOKE&CS\ Works, Contractors to H.M. Government and English and Foreign Railways. : 109, Pitt Street, Sydney. MANUFACTURERS OF WIRE ROPES. GOLD MEDALS. Sydney, 1879. Mining, London, 1890. Melbourne, 1880. Naval, London, 1891. PARIS EXHIBITION, 1900, GOLD MEDAL. Lang’s Lay and other principles for Mining, Shipping, Cranes, &c., &c. Forged Hauling Rope Sockets or Capels. Guide Rods, Galvanised Strand and Signal Wire. Special Wire Rods for Rope, Spring, Card Wire, &c. Best Yorkshire Iron for Engineering and Colliery purposes. Bessemer Steel Bars and Rods. Channel Steels for Rubber Tyres. Horse and Pit Pony Shoes. Its production has aimed at and attained a far higher standard of strength, reliability and economy than that of any other existent brake lining. A unique service We invite your enquiries CLUTCHLININGS Old-established Spinners and Manufacturers and Patentees of Pure Asbestos Fabrics, etc. MILLS, BRADFORD Send post card for our Catalogue and Drawings. BRAKE and CRESSWELLS’ Ld., WELLINGTON 11, Bothwell Street, GLASGOW; and 84, Hawthorne Avenue, SWANSEA. Telegrams—“ASBESTOS, BRADFORD." Contractors to the Admiralty, the India Office and Wat Office, the Telephone—950 BRADFORD. Crown Agents for the Colonies, & numerous British Railways, etc. JOHN STANIAR & CO., Manchester, Eng. Wire Weavers & Metal Workers. Established over 100 Years. _________ --------- EVERY REQUISITE. ------------------- GAUZES in Silk and Wire. BRUSHES in Bristle, Weed, Fibre or Steel, for every known make of Brush Machine. PERFORA TED PL A TES in Iron, Steel, Zinc, Brass, Copper. GUARDS for Engines, Stores, Machines, Strapping, Lifts, &c. AWARD MEDALS—Japan-British 1910, Franco-British 1908. Telegraph—“ Gauze, Manchester.” Telephone—City 3306. The Gosforth Foundry Co. Ltd. Malleable Ironfounders, DRONFIELD, near SHEFFIELD. STOCK 1 BOILER ... 30ft. by 8ft. 6in., 180 1 ,, ... 30ft. by 8ft. 3in., 200 2 BOILERS ... 30ft. by 8ft. 3in., 180 Also 70 other sizes and pressure JOHN THOMPSON, Wolverhampti GEORGE BURNSIDE, Makers of all kinds of DRIVING & ELEVATOR CHAINS, SPROCKET WHEELS, ELEVATOR BUCKETS. &c Burnside’s Safety Borinc Apparatus. Used most successfully in tapping old Mine Workings. Apply/br Catalogue. Boring Tool Works, Shiney Row, Fencehouses, Also Eyk Guards for Pit Ponies. CO. DURHAM. HIGH-PRESSURE Steam Boilers For any working pressure. J. & J. HORSFIELO Ld., DEWSBURY, YORKSHIRE.