August 25, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 339 SIZE St x 4. “ PEARSON ” SPECIALITIES. FIREMEN’S EMERGENCY POCKET LAMP WITH UNSPILLABLE NEW TYPE ACCUMULATORS Approved by the Home Office for use in Mines. Telegrams—" PELECTLYTO, BOCHURCH, LONDON.” Telephone—119 STRATFORD. VALVES (Patent applied for). No Acid Leakage. lies .t 1 ' .W /■ 111*1. »» J: Weight under 4tlb. Burning hours 1 6. Time taken for changing bulb, 5 seconds. Cheapest in Upkeep. MINERS’ ELECTRIC LAMP. British Productions entirely both as to Capital Pearson’s Electric Miners’ Lamp Co. Ltd., VICTORIA WORKS, Marshgate Lane, Stratford, LONDON, E. and Labour. C. A. FORSLIND & SON, Pit Props and Mining Timber Importers, Fountain Terrace, West Hartlepool. Telegrams: “Forslind, West Hartlepool.” Telephone: No. III. HAMMERED CAST IRON THE STANDARD PISTON RING ENGINEERING CO. LTD., t' \p:u//t[ys * ' -A SpecieJity PERFECTLY BALANCED — WELL PROPORTIONED THOUSANDS IN USE THE WORLD OVER-EASILY ERECTED. New Detailed Catalogue on application Henry Crowther & Sons,tH C16ckhea.tor>, Yorkshire. PISTON RINGS (by the Davy-Robertson Process). All sizes from 2£in. to 72 in. In our Special Piston Ring Iron. m Premier Works, Don Road, SHEFFIELD QUICK DELIVERY. LOW PRICES. Telegrams— “ Ocean, Sheffield.” YEARS of STUDY To C0LLIERY PR°pR|ET0RS- Shafts sunk, tunnels and EXPERIENCE out in difficult and very LIAlfE" DESmiAUT wet ground by the best HAVL K? fl U U W m3 1 method. Success guar- anteed. KflXZ ■■ OP 18 shafts completed in Ml ulyltiM (Jr England, and 7 in progress. CEMENTATION .F,E Feeders of water in TO PERFECTION. Xse,'~ ALBERT FRANCOIS, White House Chambers, DONCASTER. 1 Telegrams—“Francois, Doncaster.” Telephone—408 Doncaster. MELLINGS’ PATENT STEAM REVERSER. The most efficient and reliable apparatus on the market for enabling a Winding Engine to be effectively handled. 0 MADE IN THREE SIZES. For full particulars apply SOLE MAKERS: Worsley Mesnes Ironworks Ld., Telegrams— \A/1 /S A M Telephone— “ ENGINES, WIGAN.” ” No. 46 WIGAN. Showing the Dial in its most compact form. The THORNTON PATENT MINING DIALS are fully protected in their working parts against dust and grit. The illustrations show one only of our many patterns. Particulars on application— A.G.Thornton Ld., Practical Manufacturer of Drawing and Surveying Instruments Paragon Works, 19, King Street West, Dial reading on vertical arc to 90 degs STOCK 80 1 BOILER ... 30ft. by 8ft. 6in„ 180 1 „ ... 30ft. by 8ft. 3in., 200 2 BOILERS ... 30ft. by 8ft. 3in., 180 Also 70 other sizes and pressure JOHN THOMPSON, Wolverhampti ""WIRE ROPES YOU SHOULD GO TO GEO. CRADOCK ‘X The Home of Wire Ropes, WAKEFIELD. “CROWN” COVERINGS for Boilers, Piping, Superheaters, &c. 96 SAVING in Radiation, Greatest Economy, Longest Service. MANCHESTER. Cannot be impaired, however intense the heat. Our TELLURIC CEMENT, unequalled for general purposes. Sole Makers: SUTCLIFFE BROS., Union Works, GODLEY, nr. Manchester.