292 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. August 18, 1916. I—TREFOR”-! BORING ANO SINKING CO., Contractors for Deep Borings and Pit Sinkings all over the ’JVoi’id. Bank Chambers, 329, High Holborn, LONDON, W.C. Certainty—Economy—Cleanliness. TAUFFER’S LUBRICANT ” Regd. Trade Mark. TANOARD MACHINE GREASE SWglish Patent STAUFFER and “ TELL-TALE ” Lubricators. MADE SOLELY for OVER 30 YEARS by TRIER BROS. Ltd., AT THEIR CUMBERLAND WORKS, LONDON, S.E. Office : Caxton House, Westminster, S.W. Agent for Northern Counties— Messrs. JOHN YOUNG & SONS, St. Nicholas Chambers, Newcastle-on-Tyns, The LUHRIG GOAL & ORE DRESSING APPLIANCES Ltd. Engineers and Contractors for COAL WASHING, STORAGE, AND ORE DRESSING. ----- OVER 200 PLANTS EREOTEO, anti an course of Erection. - Capacity from 150 tons to 2,000 tons per day of 8 hours. DESIGNS SPECIALLY PREPARED TO SUIT LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. pwfww-nwamrrnmKr.-,''': J i i i i ■■ ■ INSPECTION OF PLANTS WORKING INVITED. ALL MACHINERY OF BRITISH MANUFACTURE. Disintegrators. Tipplers. Screens. Picking Tables. Loading Belts. Conveyors. Elevators. Pumps. Crushing Rolls. Head Office—32, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W. Tel. No.—160 Victoria. Tel. Address—“ Nettoyage, London.” Tei. no.—2874 Central. GLASGOW Office—127, St. Vincent Street. Tel. Address—“ Nettoyage.” W. E. TEALE <& Co. Ltd., SWINTON, XjAKCS. --- APPROVED —— MINERS’ SAFETY LAMPS, GLASSES. COLLIERY STORES, &c. AUTOMATIC AID DID ED JOHN BAKER & SON, 3 KB S i C IRON AND STEEL WORKERS, niBI I II kW Thompson St., BILSTON- TUB CORNER PLATES BUCKETS and BASKETS GOODALL, CLAYTON & Go. Ld LEEDS. ooa ■ Telegrams :— “Vertical, Leeds.” Telephone :—1982, Leeds. >1: ' ’•K.fe. > ' 3^ I < MAKERS AND ERECTORS OF SCREENING PLANTS, PICKING BELTS, SCREENS, PITHEAD GEARS. TU B BOLTS cupS,s9 Zu\ Union Brand BUNKERS, ROOFS, STEEL STRUCTURAL WORK, &c. a GAS RETORT INSTALLATIONS, CONVEYING PLANTS. HOWARD STREET OClBPP03bQo Representatives:—H. L. CHESTON, Clarendon House, Boston Spa, Yorks. W. OGDEN DAYSON, 1, Mount Street, Swansea, for South Wales.