218 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. August 4, 1916. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ coal. Shipping remains much as it was, things, if anything, being quieter than they were. This is owing to the continued restriction of licences to export from this side, and to lessened bunkering requirements on account of scarcity of tonnage. Prices of Lancashire steam coals may now be said to rule from 24s. to 24s. 6d. f.o.b. In slacks there is an easier tone, the summer requirements of the consumer generally being on a smaller scale, and breaks at the various manufacturing towns for holiday purposes, although shortened, are still a factor. There is no difficulty, however, in dealing with the little that is not required by the usual purchaser. In the coastwise and cross-Channel trade for household coal a considerable tonnage is in progress, and apparently stocks on the other side are much below the normal for the time of the year. Prices at pit (except where otherwise stated). Current L'st week's! Last year's House coal:— prices. prices. prices. Best 21/ 21/ 1 20/9 * Do. (f.o.b. Garston, net) 25/6 25/6 . ' 22/ -23/ Medium 19/ -20/ 19/ -20/ 1 19/ Do. (f.o.b. Garston, net) 24/6 24/6 ! •20/ Kitchen 18/ 18/ 16/9-17/ Do. (f.o.b. Garston, net) 24/ upwds 24/ upwds 18/6-19/ Screened forge coal 18/ 18/ 16/ -17/ Best scrnd. steam coal f.o.b. 24/ -24/6 24/6-25/ 18/ -19/ Best slack 16/ 16/ 14/ Secondary slack 15/6 15/6 12/6 Common do L4/6 upwds 14/6 upwds 10/ ________ _______ South Lancashire and Cheshire. COAL. The Manchester Coal Exchange was fairly attended on Tuesday, but little business was done. Although summer weather is with us, the supply of house coal is not super- abundant, and there is difficulty in getting any for stocking purposes. The demand for furnace coal remains good, but the call for shipping coal is a little quieter, and prices are easier. Owing to holidays and stoppages at various places, slack is more plentiful on the market, and concessions are made in prices for open sale. Generally prices are as below:— Prices at pit (except where otherwise stated). House coal:— Best ............... Medium.............. Common.............. Furnace coal........ Bunker (f.o.b. Partington) Best slack ......... Common slack ....... Current prices. 22/ -23/ 19/6-21/ 18/ -18/6 17/ -18/ 25/ -26/ 16/upwds L’st week'si prices. 22/ -23/ 19/6-21/ 18/ -18/6 17/ -18/ 25/ -26/ 116/ upwds.; Last year's prices. 21/ -22/ 19/9-20/3 17/ -17/3 16/ -17/ 19/ -21/ ! 14/ 10/upwuB |io/ upwus.; x^