August 4, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 197 Are you getting 10 tons per man per shift off your Longwall Faces ? Some Colliery Managers are exceeding this amount with “ Meco ” Conveyors to=day, and are enabled to maintain output even with a shortage of men. It is now generally acknowledged that the two best types of Face Conveyors are the Belt and Shaker. We are the only firm who manufacture both types, and we put our several years’ experience at your disposal, and will advise you which suits your conditions best. have your en= once, although give our Let us quiries at we can at present reasonable deliveries, output is limited and the present demand is large. NOTE. MECO SPECIALITIES ARE ALL BRITISH I T"e Mining Engineering Co. Ld. Meco Works, Moorfields, SHEFFIELD. Telegrams : “ Meco, Sheffield.” Telephone: 4530 Central (2 lines). AGENT FOR SOUTH AFRICA: C. H. WILKINS, Bettelheim Buildings, Johannesburg. P.O. BOX 2244.