134 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. July 21, 1916. engaged by the cotter while the drill is being removed, and when it is required to remove the bushing packing may be introduced through the cotter hole to bear on the end of the bushing and enable the driving pressure of the cotter to be applied to the bushing. The extreme inner end of the drill shank 5 >and of the bushing 4 are reduced slightly that a slight upsetting of the end will not 'affect the bearing fit of the cones, s chamber /, and so into the gas main g, and the gas reservoirs h, from whence it may be drawn off through pipes h1, as required. Valves and cocks i are provided at suitable positions on .the gas main and the outlets therefrom and on the service pipes h1, for regulating and shutting off the gas supply as may be required, non-return valves /, are also provided where necessary. (Two claims.) University of Sheffield.—The matriculation examination for the Degree in Mining will be held on September 12. Applications for information should be sent to the registrar before August 26. The mining diploma (day) course com- mences on October 4. The certificate (Saturday afternoon) course commences on September 23; and the mining teachers’ course on September 30. The courses in electricity applied to mining commence on September 23. Particulars relating to these courses can be obtained from the registrar. NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. [Note.—Applications arranged alphabetically under the names of the applicants (communicators given in italics). A new number will be given on acceptance, which will replace the application number.] Andersen, 0. L. K. (9815). Production of means for pre- venting fur depositing in boilers, etc. Babcock and Wilcox (9867). Superheater boilers. Bailey, A. J. and F. M. (9915). Fluid pressure reducing valves. Bailey, A. J. and F. M. (9916). Fluid pressure gauges. Bradburn, W. H., and Cox, A. (9903). Appliances for use with internal combustion engines, to adapt same for use with paraffin, etc. Breslauer, M. (9937). Dynamo electric gears of the unipolar type. British Thomson-Houston Company (General Electric Co.) (9766, 9812). Regulators for polyphase transmission systems. British Thomson-Houston Company (General Electric Co.) (9938). Protection of electric transmission systems. Callender’s Cable and Construction Company, and Kay, C. W. (9760). Towing ropes, wires, or cables. Chemiscbe Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron (9714). Process for production of alloy containing magnesium, and serving for deoxy disation of cast iron or steel. Clark, P. H. (9916). Fluid pressure gauges. Ooatalen, L. (9857). Internal combustion engines. Coles, S. 0. Cowper- (9848). Electrolytic process for manu- facture of metallic wire and strip. Constantinesco, G. (9930). Transmission of impulsive forces. Dale, W. B. (9915). Fluid pressure reducing valves. Dale, W. B. (9916). Fluid pressure gauges. David, D. (9722). Shackle or coupling link. Davis and Son, J., and Dearie, G. (9797). Mine signalling. Davis, H. N. (9830). Liquid fuel burners. Downes, A. (9854). Elastic fluid engines. Duflos, A. (9832),. Breaking or cutting metal bars or blooms in a cold state. Ferguson, J. M. (9887). Internal combustion engines. Fessenden, R. (9721). Operation of motive power apparatus. France, A. G. (9912). Connection devices for tension wires, etc. Gann, J. (9868). Automatic vehicle signaller. Grayson, E. (9786). Reversible pick and socket. Greene, A. C. (9679). Boring through ground. Grimwade, W. R. (9770). Process of distillation of tar, tar oils, carbolic acid, cresylic acid, etc. Gunn, A. L. (9705). Packing material. Hadfield, Sir R. A. (9725). Manufacture of rolls. Heyl, G. E. (9765). Furnaces for steam generators. Holmes, P. (9797). Mine signalling. Lawson, E. D. (9705). Packing material. Marston, F. (9941). Belt elevators. Milligan, J. (9728). Mine signalling apparatus. Mills, E. (9854). Elastic fluid engines. Muirbead, W. (9906). Manufacture of basic steel. Naamlooze Vennootschap Holland Ventiel (9823). Check valves. Norris, H. K. (9967). Mechanical lubricators. Roots, J. D. (9708). Internal combustion engines. Southall, J. (9953). Internal combustion engines. Stirling, D. R. (9793). Means for lighting oil fuel burners. Tasker, E. E. (9923). Steam and gas superheaters. Taylor, W. (9668). Breeze washing and purifying plant. Twigg, W. R. (9830). Liquid fuel burners. Walton, H. (9772). Turbines. Webster, H. R. (9798). Gas testing apparatus. White, W. A. (9767). Liquid fuel furnaces. Wilkinson, H. 0. (9878). Means for varying stroke of reciprocating engine. Wil'lans and Robinson (9887). Internal combustion engines. Wood, T. E. (9688). Apparatus for water cooling, con- densing, air heating, superheating, etc. Wood, W. R. (9881). Travelling grate stokers. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on August 3.) 1915. 216. Reversing and regulating gear for internal combustion engines. Kilburn (Geb. Sulzer Akt.-Ges.). 5223. Steam condensers. Ramsay. 8507. Setting of gas retorts. Carpenter, and Riter-Conley Manufacturing Company. 9876. Means for actuating the fuel pumps of internal com- bustion engines. Ogle. 9908. Combined lighting and ignition systems for use with internal combustion engines. Neuland. 9988. Means for mixing and burning gases. Hall. 10040. Atomisation of liquids, and in particular of liquids having a considerable viscosity. Lipinski. 10056. Water tube boilers. Turnbull. 10101. Apparatus for casting ingots, and particularly steel ingots. Kennedy. 10242. Shaft packings. British Thomson-Houston Company (General Electric Company). 10247. Internal combustion engines. Tacchi, and Centrum Syndicate Limited. 10331. Valve gear for pneumatic tools. Christiansen. 10379. Turbines. Brockelbank. 10802. Valves and cocks. Derham. 10940. Filters, specially applicable to feed water filters. Watson and Billetop. 11315. Scrubbers for coal and like gas. British Coke Ovens Limited, and Schuster. 11319. Fuel economiser blocks for domestic fires. Kirke. 11588. Water purifier, oil remover, and circulator for steam generators and the like. Pomeroy’s “ Moa ” Water Softener Syndicate Limited, and Pomeroy. 12670. Fastenings for wire ropes and the like. Head, Wrightson and Company, Wnightson, and Rin- quist. 13455. Apparatus for cleaning coal. Wood. 13849. Mining for military and other purposes. Thomson. 13882. Controlling the supply of oil fuel to internal combus- tion engines. Crossley and Hutton. 15069. Motor pistons. Rich. 16979. Method of polishing and preserving iron or steel from rust. Van der Meulen. 17574. Furnaces for heating billets for tool forgings and the like. Price. 17928, Feed water heaters for steam generators. Daneri. 1916. [Note.—The numbers following the application are those which the application will finally bear.] 234. Apparatus for removing dust and the like in the opera- tion of stone cutting and other tools. Fraser, D. 100817 2532. Firebricks and the like, and cores for use therewith. Williams, E., and Girling, W. H. 100823 2810. Means for supplying steam to horizontal coke ovens. Geb. Hinselmann (firm of). 100348 4025. Air compressors. Reavell and Company, and Reavell, W. 100810 5011. Fluid pressure gauges. Bradley, E., and Richards, G. B. 100814 5774. Valves and valve gear of internal combustion engines. Serex, C. E. 100821 6125. Axial flow turbines. Reede, A. A. W. van. 100404 6613. Treatment of feed water for preventing corrosion and incrustation in steam generators and the like. Laraque, H. 100830 8106. Valve mechanism. Miller, H. P. E., and Tetlow, E. 100827 Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1916. [Note.—The numbers following the application are those which the application will finally bear.] 9358. Gas producer plants. Dolensky, E. 100843 9541. Electric rotary converters. British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company. 100847 9714. Process for the production of an alloy containing mag- nesium and serving for the de-oxydisation of cast iron or steel. Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elek- tron. 100848 GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *** Any of the following publications may be obtained on application at this office at the price named post free. COAL SHIPMENTS : TABLES FOR 1914 and 1915, 3|d. Reports of the Registrar of Friendly Societies on Trade Unions for 1914, 4|d. Bills, 1916 : Gas Standard of Calorific Power, Id.; National Insurance (Part 2), Munition Workers, 14-d.; Registration of Business Names, 2d.; Public Works Loans, Id. Customs and Excise : Sixth Report for 1914-15, Is. l|d. Finance Bill as Amended and on Report and on Re-com- mittal, 6|d. Board of Education : Interim Report of the Consultative Committee on Scholars, 6d. Trade of Australia for 1915, 5d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. The Coming Crash of Peace and Britain’s Mechanical Renaissance. By T. C. Elder. London : Simpkin, Mar- shall, Hamilton, Kent and Company Limited. Price, 2s.# net. “ Mining Magazine ’’ (Vol. 15, No. 1), July, price Is.; “.The National Physical Laboratory Report for 1915-16’’; “ Monthly Bulletin of the Canadian Mining Institute ” (No. 51), July; “ The Journal of the Western Society of Engineers ’’ (Vol. 21, No. 1), January; “ List of Members, Articles and By-Laws of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1916’’; “Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers ” (Vol. 51, Part 3), price 6s.; “ Queens- land Government Mining Journal ’’ (Vol. 17, No. 189), February, price 6d. Uruguayan Coal Duty.—The Uruguayan Minister, London, has received the following telegram from the Minister of Finance, Monte Video :—“ The new law which modifies the Customs duty on mineral coal has been sanctioned. In lieu of 1 peso ($ gold) per ton which was charged on same for import duty, there will be charged on the quantity stated in the bill of lading five hundredths of a $ gold (0$*05c.) on coal dis- charged for any destination, and each collier will pay 15c. per ton as port dues. There will be absolute liberty for the coal business as soon as the duty is paid. This reform complies exactly with the request made by Mr. Charles Pettit (manager of the English firm of Mann, George Depots Limited, London), who thereby considers that the Port of Monte Video is superior to any other for the supply of coal to ships. I beg your Excellency to bring this to the notice of the interested parties in Great Britain.’’ American Bureau of Mining Economics.—Upon the recom- mendation of a committee of the American Mining Congress, there is now being organised a Bureau of Mining Economics, to advise the public of the real importance of the mining industry to every other business, and to point out the needs of the industry. The proposed Bureau will be in charge of a high-grade statistician, equipped with all the necessary faci- lities for assembling, compiling, and making available for practical use all possible information.' concerning every phase of the mining industry. The service of the Bureau is to be open to members of Congress, to members of State legisla- tures, and any others to whom the information might bo of use, and concerning which enquiry might be made. This wrork is to be under the direction of a committee, representing the various branches of the mining industry, to be selected by the directors of the American Mining Congress and the subscribers to the service. The expense of the Bureau is to be met by subscriptions so divided that every branch of the industry may contribute its proper share in a broad, imper- sonal way, so that the organisation may speak as the repre- sentative of the whole industry, and it will consider only such matters as are of general interest, and upon which there is substantial agreement among mining men. It is proposed to furnish prompt information to all subscribers concerning pro- posed legislation before Congress and the several State legis- latures ; to provide for such publicity as will be serviceable in fostering good and discouraging bad legislation : to advise all those whose special interest in any undesirable legislation would seem likely to secure their actual opposition to its enact- ment, and to carry on a propaganda to educate the public to a proper appreciation of the needs of the mining industry. The details for the operation of this Bureau will be under the direction of the committee referred to, the members thus far selected being Messrs. S. D. Warriner, of Philadelphia; Frank S. Peabody, of Chicago; B. F. Bush, of St. Louis; and Dr. L. D. Ricketts, of Arizona.