THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN AND JOURNAL OF THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Vol. CXIL FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1916. No. 2898. American Coal In so far as the American coal mining districts are concerned, the vertical shaft occurs infrequently or not at all, except in the anthracite fields, and even there the seams that are being worked are located at only a moderate distance below surface. There are probably very few vertical shafts over 1,700 ft. deep. In the bitu- minous districts the coal seams are reached and worked largely by means of inclined approaches and corridors. Haulage Systems. In consequence of such conditions, haulage systems of transportation are much in evidence, and the wire rope has been an essential factor in the development Fig. 1. Fig. 4. Figs. 1 to 4.—Endless Rope Systems. Fig. 2. which has taken place. There are two or three prin- cipal methods of utilising the steel cable in haulage. First, there is the endless rope, in which the two ends of a single rope are spliced together, and the whole maintained in constant motion in one direction. By means of suitable clips, cars or trams are secured to the moving rope, and are thus hauled along. The rate of speed is ordinarily limited to three or four miles per hour, which permits an attendant to step on, attend to the clips, and step off again. The cars are handled individually or in small groups. In the tail-rope system, there are two separate ropes, one, known as the head rope, being secured to the forward end of a train of cars, whilst the other is attached to the rear of the train, and is known as the tail rope. The operation of the head rope hauls the loaded train; the operation of the tail rope hauls the empty train back again. Wire Ropes. The standard wire rope used in both systems has six strands. Each strand has few wires, say, seven or 19. The use of locked wire cable does not seem to be approved in American practice for this or any service where the rope itself is put in motion. The typical strand in haulage ropes consists of a central wire, around which are helically wound six wires, all seven having the same diameter, and the strands are wound about a hemp central core. The diameter of the rope is the diameter of the enveloping cylindrical surface—that is, it is the longest diagonal of the cross section. If the wires in the strands are wound in the left-hand direction, the strands will ordinarily be wound in the right-hand direction. However, Lang’s lay is also employed— that is, the system of winding both wires and strands in the same direction. One-inch rope consisting of six strands of seven wires, each wound on a hemp centre, will weigh about 1’58 lb. per linear foot; and this weight may be regarded as representative of six-strand, hemp centre rope, whether the number of wires per strand is greater or not. This gives uniformity in the total metal cross section. Generally, for this type of rope, the total metal cross section, and, consequently, the weight per linear unit of length, vary as the square of the diameter. Iron v. Steel Wire. There are four or five qualities of rope in use. First is the iron rope, made of a fairly pure material contain- ing but little phosphorus, sulphur, or carbon. The Mine Haulage. tensile strength is naturally lower than the steel ropes, being about 85,0001b. per sq. in. in the case of drawn wire. Iron rope is the cheapest in price, but is used only to a limited extent. A 1 in. six by seven iron rope is listed by a prominent maker at 24c. per ft. The rated strength—not the proper working load—is given as 30,000 lb. The next higher grade may be taken as crucible cast steel rope, the material of which is made by the open hearth precess. A tensile strength of 150,000 to 200,0001b. per is claimed by one responsible manufacturer. A 1 in. six by seven crucible open hearth steel rope is quoted at 29c. per linear ft., and a rated strength of 62,0001b. is assigned. A higher Fig. 3. quality of this same steel, the chemical composition being somewhat different, is stated to have a tensile strength varying from 180,000 to 220,0001b. per A 1 in. six by seven extra strong crucible open hearth Fig. 5. Ta»l rope haulage system Fig. 6. Fig. 5 to 8.—Tail steel rope is listed at 35c. per linear ft., and a rated strength of 70,0001b. is claimed. The next grade is plough steel rope, which is a high-grade open hearth steel, for which a tensile strength of 200,000 to 260,0001b. per is claimed. A 1 in. six by seven plough steel rope, the steel of which is rated at 76,000 lb., is listed at 41c. A higher grade of plough steel is also employed, made from steel for which one manufacturer claims a tensile strength of 220,000 to 280,0001b. per sq. in. A 1 in. six by seven extra quality plough steel rope is listed at 48c. per linear ft., and a rated strength of 84,0001b. is claimed. Ropes of the six by seven class are stiff, but they stand up well against abrasion. Because of the lack of flexibility of the rope, the diameters of drums and sheaves must be large, if proper working conditions are to t>e provided. For an iron rope, the minimum diameter for the 1 in. six by seven variety is placed by one American authority at 10| ft.; for the various qualities of steel ropes, at 7 ft. The distribution of the metal into a few coarse wires results in minimising the internal contacts between the wires, and therefore lessens the internal abrasion during service, and the internal exposure to corrosion. The external contact with sheaves and drums is also reduced. While the six by seven variety is to be regarded as fairly standard for haulage purposes, there are other and more flexible styles which may be used, to meet special conditions, where flexibility has to be taken more into account. Rope Safety Factor. A safety factor of 5 may be regarded as representa- tive of highest grade American practice in respect to six by seven hemp core ropes used for haulage purposes, but this safety factor does not include any allowance for bending stresses. The rated strength of the rope is first divided by the factor of safety, and then the quotient reduced by subtracting the allowance for stresses arising from bending the rope round sheaves and drums. As these will vary at different points of the same installation, because of variations in the radius of curvature of the bends, it is necessary to select the most disadvantageous case and calculate the stress from it. The following formula may be used :— S = E xl where S = bending stress per square inch in wires in the rope; E = 12,000,0001b.; d = diameter of the wire used in the strands; and D = diameter of drum measured from centre to centre of rope wound on drum. The value, 12,000,0001b., is a departure from the prac- tice which uses Young’s modulus of elasticity (29,000,000 lb.) for steel. This departure is to be under- stood as applicable for six-strand rope only. The modi- fication is backed by the largest manufacturer of wire rope in the United States, and perhaps in the w’orld. This corporation justifies it, because of “ data gleaned from practical experiments, covering a considerable period of time, and numerous tests,” and because of “ the fact that the wires of a rope are twisted, and the stress very much different ” from what it would be if they were simply wound round in a circular loop. Fig. 7. TAIL ROf*E HAULAGE SYSTEM Fig. 8. Rope Systems. Calculated by this formula, the bending stress of a 1 in. six by seven rope wound on a 7 ft. drum would be 6,400 lb. This is the amount to be deducted after the rated strength has been divided by five, the factor of safety. The result is the safe working load, provided the 7 ft. drum is the minimum bend. In calculating the stress S2 on the rope due to hauling up an incline making the angle 0 with the horizontal,