36 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN July 7, 1916. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Bland (John) and Company Limited.—The year’s profits totalled £38,900 (£19,300' in the previous year), and the dividend is 15 per cent. The directors have written £5,000 off the capital account, and carried £9,200 forward. Bullcroft Main Colliery Company Limited.—Interim divi- dend on the ordinary shares of Is. per share, free of tax. Celtic Collieries Limited. — The directors announce an interim dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, payable August 1. Imperial Navigation Coal Company Limited. — The directors have declared an interim dividend of 10 per cent., less income-tax, for the six months ended June 30. Kynoch Limited.—The directors recommend the payment of 2| per cent, on the preference shares, making, with the interim dividend of 2| per cent, already paid, 5 per cent, for the year, free of income-tax, and a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum on the amount for the time being paid up, and a bonus of Is. per share on the ordinary shares, subject to income tax. Head, Wrightson and Company Limited.—Although the accounts are incomplete, the directors feel justified in paying a dividend of 6 per cent., and a bonus of 2s. fid. on each £5 ordinary share, in addition to the 4 per cent, interim dividend. Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Company Limited.—Operations were considerably greater last yeair than in 1914, and included 90,896 tons of coke made, 73,110 tons of pig iron made, 97,072 steel ingots made, 76,082 tons of steel billets rolled, and 60,283 tons of finished steel forgings shipped. The net profits, after writing off betterments to plant and making provision for depreciation, amounted to 2,094,170 dols., and after meeting the fixed charges, one and a half year’s dividend was paid on the preference shares, leaving 1,510,609 dols. to be carried forward. Pekin Syndicate.—The directors state that work is pro- ceeding satisfactorily at the mines, considering the present abnormal conditions. The colliery has. been maintained in good condition, and the plant required for the completion of the pumping system has been shipped. The opening of the areas remaining to be worked from pits Nos. 1, 2, and 3 is being proceeded with, thus bringing into full operation the powerful winding equipment. The Fu Chung Corporation, established last year as a combination of Chinese and European interests for disposing of the output of the syndi- cate’s collieries and those of the Chung Yuan Company, is being steadily organised. Both parties are already selling more coal under the present arrangements than they did in the preceding years. The syndicate’s total output of coal for the six months ended December 31, 1915, was 285,496 tons, as against 119,971 tons during the corresponding period ended December 31, 1914, and the sales 224,976 tons, as against 152,945 tons. Now agencies have been and are being opened. Tweefontein Colliery Company Limited.—Dividend at rate of 6 per cent, per annum, less tax, on preference shares for half-year to June 30, and an interim dividend of 6 per cent., less tax, on ordinary shares for current year. United National Collieries Limited. — The directors are paving the usual half-yearly dividend on the 6 per cent, preference shares, and an interim dividend of Is. per share on the ordinary shares, free of tax. NEW COMPANIES. Aerolite Piston Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Hanover-court Garage, Hanover-street, W. Registered June 29. To acquire the business of Bentley and Bentley Limited, in connection with the manufacture of .aluminium pistons and castings for internal combustion engines. Nominal capital, £500 in 500 £1 shares. Directors- to be appointed by subscribers. Subscribers (one share each) : A. H. M. J. Ward and J. M. Tolley. Alberta Engineering Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 4, Copthall-chambers, E.C. Registered June 30. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £10,000 in 10,000 £1 shares. Directors : L. Chisogne and J. B. Garbe. Qualification of directors, 500 shares. Appleby, Lunham and Company Limited. — Private com- pany. Registered office, 3, Gore-street, Manchester. Regis- tered June 27. To acquire and carry on business of mer- chants in metals and chemicals, etc., to search for, win, etc., and prepare for market, auriferous soil, ore, quartz, and other minerals, etc. Nominal capital, £5,000 in 5,000 £1 shares. Directors to be appointed by subscribers. Qualification of directors, 100 shares. Subscribers (one share each) : W. A. Henderson and G. Peskett. British Electro-Chemists Limited. — Private company. Registered office, 7, Ely-place, Holborn-circus, E.C. Regis- tered June 24. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £10,000 in 6,000 £1 preference shares, and 4,000 £1 ordinary shares. Directors : B. G. Clark, C. Bowen, E. D. Taylor, and B. P. Crawshaw. Qualification of directors, 500 shares. Cardiff Foundry and Engineering Company Limited.— Private company. Registered June 30. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £5,000 in 5,000 £1 shares. First permanent directors and subscribers (one share each) : E. Curran and F. H. Turnbull. Qualification of directors, five ordinary shares; and permanent directors, 200 shares. Davenport Engineering Company Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered office, 70, Harris-street, Bradford. Regis- tered June 28. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £10,000 in 10,000 £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) : W. P. Wightman, J. Pearson, and W. Holehouse. Qualification of directors, £100. Fallings Heath Colliery and Firebrick Company Limited. —Private company. Registered June 24. Nature of busi- ness indicated by title. Nominal capital, £3,000 in 3,000 £1 ordinary shares. Directors to be appointed by the sub- scribers. Subscribers (one share each) : C. W. D. Joynson, T. Hickinbottom, and A. J. Glover. Filbar Electric Heater Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered office, 24, Coleman-street, E.C. Registered June 30. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £20,000 in 20,000 £1 ordinary shares. Directors : J. W. M. Frv and F. Petersen. Qualification of directors, 500 shares. Fuller’s Carbon and Electrical Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Grove-road, Chadwell Heath, Essex. Registered June 23. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £25,000 in 25,000 £1 shares. Directors : G, Fuller, G. J. A. Fuller, and L, Fuller, Gospel Oak Collieries (1916) Limited.—Private company. Registered July 1. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £4,000 in 4,000 £1 shares. First directors and subscribers (one share each) : C. A. Clarke, F. C. Raden, and F. R. W. Hayward. Qualification of directors, £100. Hodder (Hartley) and Son Limited. — Private company. Registered June 27. To carry on business of ship owners and brokers, insurance brokers, ship husbands, engineers, stevedores, colliery proprietors and agents, to build, charter, etc., ships and other vessels. Nominal capital, £20,000 in 20,000 £1 shares. Directors : C. H. Hodder and P. Samuel. Qualification of directors, 100 £1 ordinary shares. Munro and Gordon Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered June 26. To carry on business of iron founders, iron masters, engineers, brass founders, metal workers, etc. Nominal capital, £20,000 in 19,900 £1 preference shares, and 2,000 Is. management shares. Directors : R. J. L. Fytchc, J. M. Munro, E. J. Gordon, and J. M. Aiderton. Robinhood Engineering Works Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered June 27. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £10,000 in 10,000 £1 shares. Directors to be appointed by subscribers. Subscribers (one share each) : K. Lee Annier and H. P. Hawthorn. Stein and Atkinson Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered office, 47, Victoria-street, S.W. Registered June 26. To carry on business as makers of and dealers in furnaces, ovens, machinery, metal founders, etc. Nominal capital, £4,000 in 4,000 £1 shares. Directors : C. M. Stein, J. S. Atkinson, and E. P. Chaude. Qualification of directors, £1. Volta Magneto Company Limited. — Private company. Registered June 29. To manufacture, sell, deal in, etc., sparking plugs and all kinds of machinery, appliances, apparatus, etc., for ignition purposes, electrical, mechanical, and general engineers, builders, etc. Nominal capital, £5,000 in 5,000 £1 shares. Directors : C. T. B. Sangster and H. Jelloy. wey Engineering Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Baker-street, Weybridge, Surrey. Regis- tered June 27. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £6,000 in 6,000 £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) : R. P. Creagh, H. J. Banister, and H. B. Ewbank. Qualification of directors, 500 shares. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Salford, July 12.—Twelve months’ supply of coal for the Corporation. Particulars from manager, Sewage Works, Weaste, Salford. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Abingdon, July 10.—45 tons of steam coal and coke, or coal only. Tenders to the managers, Abingdon Council School, 33, Bath-street, Abingdon. Armagh, July 11.—300 tons Kirkless Hall Orrell or Fletcher Burrows Imperial. Forms from the clerk to the Guardians. Basford, July 10.—Best hard coal and slack (colliery to be named) for guardians’ institutions. Tenders to the clerk, Public Offices, Stone. Belfast, July 10.—Steam coal and English house coal for the District Asylum, Grosvenor-road. Tenders to the clerk. Belfast, July 11.—Steam coal (approximately 3,300 tons of Welsh and 6,600 tons of Scotch steam) for harbour works; alternatively 1,000 tons of Welsh and 1,000 tons Scotch steam coal. Forms from the secretary, Harbour Office. Belfast, July 12.—1,000 tons (more or less) of best Welsh steam coal (name of colliery to be given) for the Royal Victoria Hospital, and of 120 tons (more or less) of best English house coal (name of colliery to be given) for the Throne Hospital for 12 months. Forms from the superinten- dent, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. Cambridge, July 10.—Coal and coke to the various depart- ments, elementary schools and institutions under their con- trol for one year, for the corporation. Tenders to the town clerk, Guildhall, Cambridge. Cardiff, July 10.—Coal to various schools for 1916-17, and alternatively for coal at the colliery or to railway stations nearest the schools, for the Glamorgan Education Com- mittee. Forms from the clerks of the respective groups, viz. : Bridgend group, E. Preece, 61, Park-street, Bridgend; Caerphilly group, A. H. Bullock, 5, Queen-street, Cardiff; Gelligaer group, F. T. J>ames, Council Offices, Hengoed; Gowerton group, P. J. Arnold, 7, Rutland-street, Swansea; Maesteg group, R. Scale, Maesteg; Neath group, E. Powell, solicitor, Neath; Ogmore group, Rev. C. Williams, Ogmore Vale; Penarth group, J. E. Williams, Herbert Chambers, Cardiff; Pontardawe group, A. W. Samuel, King’s Chambers, Swansea; Pontyclun group, W. T. Gwyn, town clerk’s office, Cowbridge; Port Talbot group, A. H. Deer, Port Talbot; Swansea group, A. H. Thomas, Llansamlet. Tenders may be sent in for one or more schools. Castlebar, July 21.—400 tons of best double-screened Wigan coal, for the committee of the District Asylum, Castlebar; price to be quoted at per ton. An allowance of 10 per cent, will be macle for slack created in transit. Right is reserved to screen any part or all thereof through a 1 in. screen, and to reject absolutely any greater proportion of slack. Forms from J. F. Higgins, clerk, Asylum. Cheadle, July 13.—Best hand-picked Trencherbone, Holly Lane and New7 Moss (Rodger mine) coal for 12 months, for the Cheadle Urban District Council. Forms from F. R. Gibbins, surveyor. Derby, July 11.—Coal and coke for 12 months, for the Derby Education Committee. Particulars from W. Cooper, secretary, Education Office, Becket-street, Derby. Downpatrick, July 11-14.—Household, steam and gas coal for 12 months, for the committee of the Down District Asylum, Downpatrick. The prices must include delivery and trimming at the asylum. Probable quantities : Household coal, 200 tons (more or less): steam coal. 1,200 tons (more or less); gas coal, 300 tons (more or less). Tenders to the resident medical superintendent. Granard (Ireland), July 17.—150 tons best Whitehaven coal, screened and free from slack, delivered at the Work- house, for the Guardians. Tenders to J. Kiernan, clerk. Ha verford west, July 17.—1,500 tons of screened gas coal of the very best quality for the Corporation of Haver- fordwest. Forms from the town clerk. Haverhill (Suffolk), July 11.—800, 1,400, or 2,000 tons of best gas coal (screened or unscreened) for the Haverhill Urban District Council. No forms. Tenders to J. Beasley, clerk, Haverhill. Hereford, July 10.—Coal (12 months) for the corporation. Forms from the city surveyor. Hollingbourne (Kent), July 15.—Household coal for schools. Forms from the stores superintendent, Sessions House, Mai dstone. Hove, July 11.—Household coal and coke for the Educa- tion Committee. Forms from S. G. Dancy, Education Offices. Kells, July 12.—400 tons of best gas coal, screened and picked, for the Kells Gas Company Limited. Tenders to J. Snow, secretary. Kidderminster, July 10.—Coal for the Infirmary and Hospital. Forms from A. D. Chambers, 2, Hall-street. Killough (Ireland), July 10.—140 tons best White- haven coal to the Sheils’ Institution, Killough, for the local board of governors. Tenders to the chairman. Lancaster, July 17.—Coal and slack at the Electricity Works for periods of six, nine, and 12 months, for the Electricity Committee. Forms from Mr. J. B. Patterson, Electricity Works, Marton-street, Lancaster. Approximate quantity for 12 months, 4,000 tons. Londonderry, July 14.—400 tons best English house coal and 600 tons best Scotch steam coal, for the committee of Londonderry Asylum. Forms from Mr. S. Haire, clerk of Asylum, Londonderry. Maidstone, July 15.—Household coal and best broken gas coke (12 months) for Kent Education Committee. Forms from the stores superintendent, Sessions House, Maidstone. Manchester, July 11.—Best house and burgie coal to the Town Hall, city police courts, district halls, etc., for Town Hall Committee. Particulars from the steward, Town Hall. Mirfield, July 17.—Coal for schools. Tenders to F. Parker, Education Offices, Eiland. Newark, July 10.—Coke and house coal for year, for Magnus Grammar School. Approximate quantities, 20 tons of coke and 10 tons of coal. Tenders to G. Tallents, clerk, Newark. Oxford, July 17.—Hand-picked cobbles for the Education Committee during nine months. Approximate quantity, 550 tons. Fprms from the Education Offices. Paisley, July 10.—Splint and coking coal for the Paisley Gas Corporation. Forms from the engineer, Gas Works. Portsmouth, July 10.—Coal and coke (12 months) for the Education Committee. Forms from the Committee’s Offices. Sheffield, July 8-11.—Coal and coke for schools during 12 months, for the Education Committee. Ferms from the Offices, Leopold-street. Sligo, July 10.—700 tons Scotch or other good steam coal for the Sligo District Lunatic Asylum. Tenders to the resi- dent medical superintendent. Staunton-on-Wye, July 12.—Coal for the Jarvis Charity. Tenders to R. James, clerk, Board-room. Stoke-on-Trent.—Coal, slack, and coke to the Guardians' institution and cottage homes for 12 months, for the Guar- dians. Particulars from the clerk, Union Offices. Tonbridge (Kent), July 15.—Coal for the Kent Education Committee. Forms from the stores superintendent, Sessions House, Maidstone. Walsall, July T5.—280 tons of good deep house coal, about 80 tons of deep kibbles, and about 600 tons of slack, for the Corporation. Forms from the town clerk. Ware, July 17.—Coal for the Guardians, viz. : Annesley, Portland, Linby, Newstead, or other similar quality of hard steam coal (120 tons); Bolsover large cobbles, Staveley house, Lambton. Hetton, Wallsend, or other similar quality house coal (40 tons). Forms from the Clerk, Union Offices. Warrington, July 11.—7,000 tons of slack for the elec- tricity works. Forms from the electricity engineer, Howley, Warrington. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. Aberdare, July 17, Aug. 2, Sep. 6.—Stores.—Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Company Limited. Forms from the stores manager, Abera man. London, July 10.—Boilers, etc.—Two Lancashire boilers, etc., for Metropolitan Water Board. Forms from the offices, Savoy-court, London, W.C. London, S.W., July 19.—Carriage Fittings.—For supply of carriage fittings (metre gauge), comprising wrought iron and steel, hardware, glass, screws, and sundries, for the South Indian Railway Company Limited. Specifications ami forms of tender may be obtained at the company’s offices. Tenders, addressed to the Chairman and Directors of the South Indian Railway Company Limited, marked “ Tenders for carriage fittings.” must be left at the offices of the com- pany. 91, York-street. Westminster, S.W., by 1 p.m. on July 19. A charge, which will not be returned, will be made of 10s. for each copy of specification. Copies of the drawings may be obtained on payment at the office of Mr. R. White. M.t.C.E., consulting engineer to the company, 3, Victoria- street, S.W. Manchester, July 11.— Wagon Lift. — Electric and hydraulic wagon lift, turntable and saddle-tank steam loco- motive for Electricity Committee. Forms from the secretary, F. E. Hughes, Town Hall. Shortlands (Kent), July 10.—Boilers, etc.—Two Lancashire boilers, economiser, superheaters, piping, etc., for the pumping station. Forms from the engineers’ depart- ment, Metropolitan Water Board, Savoy Court, W.C. The estate of the late Mr. J. Reid, coal merchant, Glasgow, has been valued at £25.464. The late Mr. J. Clarkson, coal master. Glasgow, left estate valued at £32,946.