1252 THE' COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 30, 1916. pktas projecting too far outwardly. The construction shown in fig. 8 is used for the average railway gauge, the bolt hole row b being used for the connection of the longitudinal girders 5 and the junction plates. With the different con- structions shown in figs. 2, 3, and 4 one bolt hole of a row 5 9" Id ( 10 ? .5 5- Tp .... -jll 3 4 11 0 ,<5 c b a * 9s b S'. of bolt holes d formed in the transverse girder 4, fig. 5, is in each case used for connecting such angle iron 8 to the transverse girder. (Pour claims.) 11595 (1915). Improvements in Steam Boilers. D. D. Shie-rk, of 312, North Court-street, Bockford, Illinois, U.S.A.—Relates to steam boilers, and more specifically has reference to the construction of and the connections between the firebox sheet and the surrounding boiler shell. Referring to the drawings : fig. 1 is a fragmentary cross sectional view embodying the invention. Big. 2 is an enlarged detail view, and’fig. 3 is a view taken on the line 3—3 of fig. 2. 5 indi- cates the shell of a boiler surrounding the firebox 6, the walls of which comprise the crown sheet 7 and the side sheets 8 firebox sheets). Instead of making holes in the firebox sheets and extending the stay bolts through them and riveting over the inner ends of the bolts, provision is made for attach- ing the inner ends of the of the sheets by punching which the sheets are composed,, a plura- lity of hollow nipples 9 as shown in fig. 2. One of these nipples is formed for each stay bolt, and after the nipples have been punched out they are threaded exteriorly as indi- cated by reference character 11. The boiler shell 5 is provided with tapped openings 12 corre- sponding in number and location with the nipples 9, the openings being of sufficient size to per- mit the of the hollow heads 13 of the stay bolts 14. The stay bolt heads 13, preferably circu- lar in cross section stay bolts to the outer faces only out from the body of the metal of insertion enlarged are hollowed out, as shown in fig. 2, and interiorly threaded, as at 15, to fit the threads 11 on tlie nipples 9 so that the bolts may be fixedly and rigidly, but yet detachably, secured to the firebox sheets by treading them on to- Hie nipples 9. The outer ends of the stay bolts 14 are threaded as indicated by 16 and a rigid connection is established between the stay bolts and the boiler shell by means of rings or bushings 17, tapped to fit the stay bolt thread 16, and exteriorly threaded to be screwed into the boiler shell holes 12. The outer ends of the bushing 17 are squared as indicated at 18 to receive a wrench, .bv means of which the bushings are screwed into position. The stay bolts are preferably formed with a central bore 19 to provide the required tell tale hole through which escaping steam or water will call attention to a broken or cracked bolt.(Four claims.) The new sinking at Hatfield Main, near Doncaster, is expected to reach the Barnsley seam at a very near date. Medical Scheme for Scottish Miners. — The Scottish miners’ executive at Glasgow on Monday decided, with reference to the postponed holidays, that two days should be observed, and that each district should select a convenient date. The Medical Association notified the expiry of the agreement for treating miners’ dependants, and asked for an increase of the flat rate from 2d. to 3d. weekly. The execu- tive arranged to consider the advisability of setting up a scheme applicable to all the miners in Scotland. NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. [Note.—Applications arranged alphabetically under the names of the applicants (communicators given in italics). A new number will be given on acceptance, which will replace the application number.] Anderson, J. and Bfllison, G. (8740). Protective devices for dynamo-electric motors. Avery, W. and T., and Burrows, J. J. (8892). Hopper dis- charge gates of automatic or semi-automatic weighing scales. Bottomley, W. B. (8914). Treatment of peat for manorial purposes and for manufacture of nucleic acids or nucleates. British Thomson-Houston Company (General Electric Com- pany) (8796). Controlling electric motors. British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (8633). Alternating current commutator motors. Brooke, W. (8756). Control of alternating current induction motors. Chorlton, A. E. L. (8641, 8642, 8643). Internal combustion engines. Cliryst, W. A. (8795). Electrical systems for engines. Coles, H. S. (8836). Petrol turbine. Constantinesco, G. (8693). Means for controlling multiple fuel supply to internal combustion engines. Corthesy, J. H. (8599). Turbines. Davies, J. P. (8802). Water tube boilers. Dorman and Company, W. H. (8794). Governors for internal combustion engines, etc. Dupont,'C. V. (8758). Means for supplying fuel to explo- sion or internal combustion engines. Fabry, R. (8897). Manufacture of concentrated ammoniacal liquor. Fearnley, E. 0. (8597). Crucible or melting pot. Gill, R. W. R. (8849). Two-stroke internal combustion engines. Green, F. W. (8912). Fuel economisers for steam boilers. Haddon, W. (8693). Means for controlling multiple fuel supply to internal combustion engines. Hadfield, Sir R. A. (8655, 8803). Manufacture of manganese steel. Hall, I. (8611). Means for melting and casting metal, etc. Harcourt, E. G. (8694). Chains. Hardy, B. H. (8817). Internal combustion engines, etc. Harrold, F. R. (8768). Rope grips. Hayward, J. T. (8827). Pumps. Igranic Electric Company (Cutler-Hammer Manufacturing Company) (8754). Means for controlling -and regulating "electric motors. Ion ides, A. C. (8741). Gaseous combustion. lacks, T. (8903). Gas holders. Keith, G. and J. (8793). Crucible furnaces. Kettering, C. F. (8795). Electrical systems for engines. Kowastch, A. (8923). Blasting. La Cour, D. (8640). Apparatus in which liquid fuel is evaporated. Lewis, G. P. (8838). Means of manufacturing explosive compounds, and apparatus- therefor. Lundberg, E. K. H. (8871). Smelting furnaces. Metropolitan Works (8597). Crucible or melting pot. Meyer, R. E. (8705). Explosive engines. Neil, J. (8830). Rocker bars for boiler furnaces, etc. Oldham, O. (8810). Miners’ electric safety lamps. Radley, J. (8735). Steam-and other fluid pressure engines. Ram, F. R. (8758). Means for supplying fuel to explosion or internal combustion engines. Rcdrup, A. L. (8817). Internal combustion engines, etc. Ruston, J.. S. (8641, 8642, 8643). Internal combustion engines. Sangster, C. T. B. (8865). Means for firing fuses, deto- nators, explosive charges, inflammable substances, etc. Savage, C. (8912). Fuel economisers for steam boilers. Schou, C. V. (8640). Apparatus in which liquid fuel is evaporated. Shaw, H. S. Hele- (8707). Clutches and brakes. Sheppard, G. A. (8647). Inclinometers. Skelley, J. M. (8631). -Steel alloy for manufacture of tools. Smith, J. T. (Hayward) (8827). Pumps. Smith, W. R. (8628). Water valves -and stop-cocks. Watson, O. W. J. (8794). Governors for internal combustion engines, etc. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on July 13.) 1914. 17016. Internal combustion engines. Bouteille. 1915. 4222. Means for controlling electric and other motors. Akt.- Ges. Brown, Boveri, et Cie. 4275. Water softening and purifying apparatus. Paterson. 7505. Pneumatic conveying plant. Bennis. 7691. Puddling iron. Fletcher and Harrison. 8905. Firebars for the furnaces of steam generators. Jenkins. 9005. Partial admission turbines. Parsons, Cook, and Howe. 9055. Controlled reversing valve gear for steam engines. Corbridge. 9140. Recording devices, particularly applicable to mine signalling apparatus. McCartney. 9155. Processes for manufacturing oil gas. Van Steen- 'bergh. 926-8. Valves for pneumatic drills. Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Company, and Holt. -9359. Rotary engines, pumps,-meters, and blowers. Lilly. 9446. Fire lighters, block fuel, or the like. Payett. 9464. Apparatus for priming and starting internal combus- tion engines. ’Eureka Patent Gas Engine Starter Company, Willison, and Matthews. _ 9495. Clamps for hoisting ropes. Koughan. 10-595. Ignition apparatus for use with internal combustion engines. Williams. 112-vo. Internal combustion engines. Lamplough. 11758. Tube scrapers for steam generator fuel economisers. Lord. 11881. Two-stroke cycle internal combustion engines. Croset. 13027. Supports for mine roofs. Ericsson. 13245. Reciprocating engines. Peppers and Marchese. 13698 and 13699. Safety valves. Cockburns Limited, Cock- burn, and MacNicoll. 13986.. Two-stroke internal combustion engines. Villiers Engineering Company, and Farrer. 14920. Rock drills and method of operating same. Mauss. 16006. Two - stroke cycle internal combustion engines. Fornaca. 16933. Electric rotary converters. Pieper and Pieper. 17022. Current regulators for electric furnaces. Aktiebolaget Elektriska Ugnar. 17875. Ventilation of mines. Jarvis. 18051. Lancashire and Cornish boilers. Greaves and Brown. 18198. Signalling apparatus for use in connection with wind- ing engines at collieries, mines, and other places. Bolton. 1916. [Note.—The numbers following the applications are those which the application will finally bear.] 749. Car couplings. MeConway and Torley Company. 100220 950. Recording evaporometer. Savorgnan, D. di B. 100676 1604. Construction of gas generating apparatus. Tredegars Limited, and Morris, J. M. 100606 1863. Process for the -recovery of metals from tinning, gal- vanising, and like waste. Rothberg, M. E. 100657 2778. Valve operating mechanism for internal combustion engines. Reeves, A. W. 100659 3277. Non-conducting jackets for boilers. Hutsel, R. 100660 4464. Piston packing. Reavell and Company, and Reavell, W. 100664 Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1915. 1811-5. Alloy for arc welding. Wilson and another. 1916. [Note.—The numbers following the applications are those which the application will finally bear.] 5480. Engine starting systems. 100678 7661. Apparatus for treating ores, etc. Hovland, H. B. 100681 8474 and 8476. Electric and steam power generating systems. Ruths, J. C. 100693, 100694 Restoration of Lapsed Patent under Section 20. A. G. Hopper, J. E. H. Greenwood, and K. Andersson have made application for the restoration of the patent granted to Arthur Greenwood and Konrad Andersson for an invention entitled “ Improvements in ejectors and compressors for -air, gases, and vapours,” numbered 25363 of 1907, which expired on November 15, 1911, owing to the non-payment of the prescribed renewal fee. Any person may give notice of opposition to the restoration by leaving Patents Form No. 16 at the Patent Office, 25, Southampton-buildings, London, W.C., on or before August 14, 1916. ALIEN PATENTS. The following list of patents granted to German and Austrian subjects is specially compiled for this paper by Messrs. Hughes and Young, patent agents, 55/56, Chancery- lane, London, W.C., who will furnish our readers with any further information they may require :— 2571. Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg Akt.-Ges. : Internal combustion engines. 109322. G. Stolle : Coating with metal. 100348. Hinselmann Geb. : Coke ovens. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *** Any of the following publications may be obtained on application at this office at the price named post free. Boiler Explosions : Report for the Year ending June 80, 1915, 2Jd. Recommendations of the Economic Conference of the Allies, IJd. New Zealand Trade Report for 1915, 4d. British Trade after the War : Summaries of the Evidence taken by a Sub-Committee, 5Jd. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1916 : (No. 355), Munitions of War Proclamation, June 8, l|d.; (No. 356), Customs Order in Council, June 7, l|d. ; (No. 357), Trading with the Enemy, Vesting and Application of Property Amendment Rules No'. 2, l|d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Trade as a Science. By E. J. P. Benn. London : Jarrold and Sons Limited. Price, 2s. 6d. net. “ Department of the Interior of the United Blates Bureau of Alines : (Technical Paper 129), “ Metal Mine Accidents in the United States during 1914,” compiled by A. H. Fay; (Bulletin 89), “ Economic Methods of Utilising Western Lignites,” by E. J. Babcock; (Bulletin 86), •“ Some Engi- neering Problems of the Panama Canal in their Relation to Geology and Topography,” by D. F. MacDonald; (Bulletin 114), ‘‘ Manufacture of Gasoline and Benzene-Toluene from Petroleum and other Hydrocarbons,” by W. F. Rittman, C. B. Dutton, and others; “ Annual Report of the Orange Free State Chamber of Commerce for 1915 ”; “ Monthly Bulletin of the Canadian Mining Institute ” (No. 50), June; “ The Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical, and Mining Society of South Africa ’’ (Vol. 16, No. 9), April; ‘‘The Journal of the Franklin Institute” (Vol. 181. No. 6), June; “ The American Mining Congress Journal ” (Vol. 2, No. 6), June; 11 Statistical Report of the Depart- ment of Mines and Industries of the Union of South Africa for April 1916.” At -a meeting of the executive committee -of the Northum- berland Miners’ Association the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ War Pensions Act was under consideration. The feeling was expressed that the men who came under it gave their services to the State, -and the State ought to accept the responsibility of providing for them in the time of their necessity. A resolution was unanimously agreed protesting against the money required by the statutory committees being' left largely to voluntary contributions, as, in the opinion of the committee, the State ought to take the exclusive respon- sibility of caring for the victims of the war.