1248 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 30, 1916. XXIV.—Fuels, Testing, etc. The Railroad Fuel Problem. Past and Present. S. M. Felton. “ Bly. Rev.,” May 20, p. 718. (Paper read before Inti. Rly. Fuel Assocn.) (Powdered fuel.) Utilisation of Peat : II. “ Bull. Imp. Inst.,” Jan.- Mar., p. 81. Notes on the Sampling and Analysis of Coal. “ Gas Wld.,” June 3, p. 19. (From Techn. Paper 76, U.S. Bureau of Mines; 4 fig.) Powdered Fuel for Locomotives. “ Blk. Diamond,” May 20, p. 416; 1 fig. Interpretation of Fuel Analyses. E. G. Bailey. “ Blk. Diamond,” May 20, p. 418. Estimation of Moisture in Coal. T. F. Winmill. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 9, p. 1090. (From paper read before the Instn. Min. Engin.) Fuel Economy. J. W. Lee. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 9, p. 1102. (From paper read before Yorks. Junr. Gas Assoc.) Comparison between Brown Coal and Coal as Boiler Fuel (Vergleiche zwischen Braunkohlen und Stein- kohlen im Kesselbetrieb). —. Knust. “ Braunk.,” May 5, p. 57; illus. Notes on Fuel Economy. J. W. Lee. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” June 23, p. 722. (From a paper read before the Yorks. Junr. Assoc, of Gas Engin.) Powdered Coal in the Open Hearth Furnace.' C. J. Gadd. “Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” June 23, p. 727: 4 fig.' (Paper read before the Franklin Inst.) XXV.—Steam Engines and Boilers : Gas Engines. Mechanical Equipment of Boiler Houses. . F. George. “ Cassler’s Mag.,” June, p. 364; 18 fig. Utilisation of Gas for Power Production at Collieries. R. James. “ JI. Monmth. Coll. Oficls. Assoc.,” May, p. 39. Steam. J. Dobbie. “ JI. Monmth. Coll. Offcls. Assoc.,” May, p. 51. (Prodn. and use of steam power at collieries.) The Rating of Gas Engines for Driving Generators. W. A. Tookey. “ Electr. Eng.,” June 15, p. 216. (From paper read before the Assoc, of Supervising Elec- tricians.) Water Hammer in Steam Pipes. A. V. Clarke. “ Pract. Engin.,” June 8, p. 290. Boiler Explosions in Germany in 1914 (Die Dampfkessel- explosionen im Deutschen Reich wahrend des Jahres 1914). “ Wiener Dampfk. Z.,” Apl., p. 42; illus. The Bamag Underfeed Stoker (Die Bamag-Unterschub- feuerungen). —. Schubert. “ Z. Turb. Wes.,” Apr. 30, p. 125; illus. Burner for Simultaneous Gas and Coal Firing. “ Eng.,” June 23, p. 609; 4 fig. How to Use Superheated Steam. C. L. Hubbard. “ Eng. Mag.,” June, p. 413. Firing Gas Coke with the Seyboth Stoker (Versuche uber die Verfeuerung von Gaskoks mittels einer Wurffeuerung, Bauart Seyboth). —. Koeniger. “ Z. Turb. Wes.,” May 10, p. 141. Utiising Waste Heat in Gas Engines (Abwarmever- wertung bei Gasmaschinen). —. Muller. “ Wien. Dampfk. Z.,” Apr., p. 39; illus. (Waste heat from boiler plant utilised for heating a gas engine.) The Theory of the Stream Condenser (Zur Theorie der Berieselungskondensatoren). —. Krause. “ Z. Kalteind.,” May, p. 52. Experiments with Travelling Grates for Firing Boilers with Inferior Fuel (Leistungsversuche an Kesseln mit Wanderrostfeuerungen fur Verheizung minder- wertiger Brennstoffe). —. Schoppe. “ Z. Dampfk. Betr.,” May 12, p. 147. Heat Transmission in the Stierle Boiler (Versuche an einem Stierle-Kessel mit Betrachtung uber den Warmedurchgang). —. Kammerer. “ Z. Bayer. Rev. V.,” May 15, p. 73; May 31, p. 81; illus. Prevention of Boiler Scale by Soda and the “ Neckar ” Purifier (Die Verhinderung der Kesselsteinbildung durch Soda und der Wasserreiniger “ Neckar ”). “ Z. Bayer. Rev. V.,” Mar. 31, p. 43; May 31, p. 85. Radiant Heat and Fuel Utilisation (Eingestrahlte Warme und Brennstofiausnutzung). —. Dosch. “ Z. Dampfk. Betr.,” May 12, p. 145; May 19, p. 155; illus. ■ Improvements in Firing Boilers (Neuere Bestrebungen zur Verbesserung der Dampfkesselfeuerungen). —. Hermans. “Verh. Gewerbfleiss.,” May, p. 233; illus. Utilising Waste Heat in Gas Engines (Abwarmever- wertung bei Dieselmotoren). —. Mrongovius. “ Dingl. J.,” May 27, p. 165; illus. New Developments in Steam Turbine Construction (Neuere Entwicklung des Dampfturbinenbaus). —. Schapira. “ Z. Dampfk. Betr.,” June 2, p. 169; illus. The Use of Coke Breeze in Boilers and Producers (Die Verwendung von Koksasche unter Dampfkgsseln und in Generatoren). —. Wagener. “ Bergb.,” May 31, p. 337; illus. Air as a Transporting Medium in Boiler and Furnace Work (Luft als Fordermittel im Dampfkessel- und Ofenbetriebe). A. Pradel. “ Gliickauf,” June 10, p. 489; 10 fig. Ash, Clinker, and Dust Separators. M. Buhle. “ Colliery Guard.,” May 26, p. 989; 4 fig. (From “ Gliickauf.” The Bettington Boiler. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 23, p. 1188; 1 fig. (From “ JI. S. Afric. Inst. Engin.”) XXYI.—Compressed Air. Frictionless Rotary Compressor. “ Min. Eng. and Electr. Rec.,” Jan.-Feb., p. 17; 3 fig. Handling Compressed Air in Shaft Sinking. F. D. Buffum. “ Coal Age,” June 3, p. 956; 3 fig. Compressors for Liquefying Air (Hochdrukkompres- soren zum Zweck der Luftverflussigung). —. Wunderlich. “ Fordertechn.,” May 1, p. 68; illus. XXVII.—Electricity. Electrical Power from Coke Oven Gas. G. Dearie. “ Gas Wld.,” June 3, p. 14. (Paper read before Instn. Elect. Engin., Yorks, section.) The Use of Iron for Transmission Lines. “ Electr. Engin.,” May 18, p. 179. (From “ Electr. Wld.”) Induction Motor Characteristics. H. M. Phillips. “ Coal Age,” June 3, p. 969. Electrical Disturbances. A. G. Ramsey. “ Electr. Engin.,” June 15, p. 217. Electrical Accidents in Prussian Mines in 1914 (Unfalle in elektrischen Betrieben auf den Bergwerken Preussens im Jahre 1914). —. Gropp. “ Kali,” Apr. 1, p. 100. ' Influence of Temperature on the Friction Losses and Efficiency of Dynamo Machines (Einfluss der Tem- peratur auf die Reibungsverluste und den Wirkungs- ■grad von Dynamomaschinen). —. Peukert. “ E. T. Z.,” Apr. 27, p. 217; illus. XXYIII.—Surface Transport and Storage. Stocking Anthracite Coal. E. B. Wilson. “ Coal Age,” May 27, p. 929; 1 fig. Handling Retail Coal in a Concrete Cylinder Plant. C. H. Higgins. “ Coal Age,” June 3, p. 967; 3 fig. Old and New Types of Self-Acting Grabs (Selbstgreifer ein st und jetzt). —. Dietrich. “ Z. Dampfk. Betr.,” may 19, p. 153; illus. A Heavy Freight Electric Power Railway. F. C. Coleman. “ Colliery Guard.,” May 26, p. 990; 2 fig. The National Value of Coal and Coal Shipping. F. J. Warden-Stevens. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 2, p. 1037; 3 fig. Coal-Handling Equipment on the Great American Lakes. F. J. Warden-Stevens. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 16, p. 1133; 10 fig. XXIX. —Sanitation, Diseases, etc. The Park Development Problems in the Hard Coal Region. K. B. Lohman. “ Coal Age,” May 27, p. 914; 2 fig. The Health of Old Colliers. J. S. Haldane. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 9, p. 1101. (From paper read before the Instn. Min. Engin.) Treharris Pit-Head Baths. “ Collierv Guard.,” June 23, p. 1181; 8 fig. XXX. —Mining Laws, Royalties. The Liability of Mine Owners to Pay Damage for Sub- sidence under sec. 148 of the Prussian Mining Law (Die Schadenersatzpflicht des Bergwerksbesitzers aus § 148 des preussischen Allgemeinen Berggesetzes). —. Werneburg. “ Braunk.,” May 12, p. 67. The Austrian Law on Damage through Mining Subsi- dence (Beitrage zum oesterreichischen Bergschadener- satzrecht). —. Herbatschek. ” “ Bergb. u. Hutt-e,” Apr. 15, p. 142; May 15, p. 177. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late tor inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Abingdon, July 10.—45 tons of steam coal and coke, or coal only. Tenders to the managers, Abiingdon Council School, 33, Bath-street, Abingdon. Armagh, July 11.—300 tons Kirkless Hall Orrell or Fletcher Burrows Imperial. Forms from the clerk to the Guardians. Ballymahon, July 6.—Best Whitehaven and Irish coal (12 months), for the Guardians. Tenders to the clerk, Poor Law Office. Birkenhead, July 4.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from S. R. Carter, clerk, Conway-street, Birkenhead. Belfast, July 11.—Steam coal (approximately 3,300 tons of Welsh and 6,600 tons of Scotch steam) for harbour works; alternatively 1,000 tons of Welsh and 1,000 tons Scotch steam coal. Forms from the secretary, Harbour Office. Billericay, July 3.—600 tons hard steam coal for Guar- dians. Tenders to C. E. Lewis, New-road, Brentwood. Bristol, July 3.—2,000 tons of coal for the Guardians. Tenders to J. J. Simpson, clerk, St. Peter’s Hospital, Bristol. Chatham, June 27.—200 tons double screened house coal for the Guardians. Forms from the clerk, Workhouse. Chelmsford, July 3.—Portland steam coal and Derby bright s or nuts for the Guardians. Forms from the clerk, 96, High-street, Chelmsford. Clonakilty, July 7.—145 tons of best Newport red ash or Whitehaven house coal for the Guardians. Forms from the clerk. Cork.—300 to 350 tons of coal to the Cork Sanatorium. Particulars from E. J. Murphy, secretary, Courthouse, Cork. Dundee, July 4.—Gas coal, coking coal and nuts (year) for the Dundee Gas Commissioners (Dundee Corporation). Forms from the engineer, Gas Works, Dundee. Ealing, July 3.—For coal, oil, etc., for the Corporation. Forms from the borough electrical engineer, Town Hall, Ealing. Evesham, July 3.—Coal (3 months) for Guardians. Tenders to the clerk, Union Offices. Glasgow, July 5.—240,000 tons of coal (singles and pearls) for the electricity generating stations for 11 months. Forms from W. W. Lackie, 75, Waterloo-street, Glasgow. Glos sop, July 5.—Coal and coke (12 months). Tenders to the town clerk. Great Yarmouth, July 10.—400 tons house coal and 250 tons steam coal for the Guardians. Forms from F. Burton, clerk. Grimsby, July 3.—House coal and gas coke to all the Corporation departments (12 months). Particulars from the borough engineer’s office. Hastings, July 3.—180 tons of house coal for the corpora- tion. Forms from P. H. Palmer, Town Hall. Hereford, July 10.—Coal (12 months) for the corporation. Forms from the city surveyor. Hollingbourne (Kent), July 15.—Household coal for schools. Forms from the stores superintendent, Sessions House, Maidstone. Killough (Ireland), July 10.—140 tons best White- haven coal to the Sheils’ Institution, Killough, for the local board of governors. Tenders to the chairman. Kirkcaldy, July 5.—Coal (1) best chews and (2) treble nuts for schools. Forms from A. Beveridge, clerk to the Kirkcaldy School Board. Londonderry, July 14.—400 tons best English house coal and 600 tons best Scotch steam coal, for the committee of Londonderry Asylum. Forms from Mr. S. Haire, clerk of Asylum, Londonderry. Maidstone, July 15.—Household coal and best broken gas coke (12 months) for Kent Education Committee. Forms from the stores superintendent, Sessions House, Maidstone. Manchester, July 8.—90 tons of house coal and 160 tons of gas coke, at the assize courts, and -50 tons of selected drawing room coal and 15 tons of house coal at Lancaster House, Kensal, during 12 months. Tenders to J. Crofton, 3'6, Brazennose-street, Manchester. Morecambe, July 1.—4,000 tons of unscreened gas coal and 6,000 tons of gas slack, for the Gas Committee. Forms from the engineer, Gas Works. Motherwell.—250 tons coal suitable for steam raising, 80 tons washed doubles and 100 tons hard furnace coke for manufacture of water gas, per month. Particulars from the Vulcan Works, Flemington. Norwich, July 10.—House coal and coke for all purposes of the corporation, and hard steam coal for city institutions, etc. Forms from the city engineer, Guildhall. Nottingham, July 3.—Coal for year ending July 31, 1917, for the Education Committee. Forms from J. B. Ward, Education Office. Oakham, July 3.—Coal and coke for the Education Com- mittee. Particulars from the County Education Office, Oakham. Sleaford, June 30.—500 tons best hard steam coal at the electricity works, Sleaford, for the Sleaford Urban District Council. Particulars from the electrical engineer. Sligo, July 10.—700 tons Scotch or other good steam coal for the Sligo District Lunatic Asylum. Tenders to the resi- dent medical superintendent. Trim, July 3.—18 tons of best coal, f.o.r. Dublin, for the Urban District Council. Tenders to P. Healy, clerk, Town Hall, Trim. Tunbridge Wells, July 3.—Coal, coke, and firewood for nine or twelve months, for the Town Council and the Borough Education Committee. Forms from the borough surveyor. Ware (Herts), July 5.—Coal (12 months) for the Ware Urban District Council. Tenders to G. H. Gisby, clerk, Council Offices. Warrington, July 11.—7,000 tons of slack for the elec- tricity works. Forms from the electricity engineer, Howley, Warrington. Whitehaven, July 3.—Coal and coke for Joint Hospital Commitee. Tenders to E. B. Croasdell, Union Hall, White- haven. Wolverhampton.—Coke and slack for the Wolver- hampton Education Committee (12 months). Forms from the accountant, Education Department, Town Hall. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. London, July 10.—Boilers, etc.—Two Lancashire boilers, etc., for Metropolitan Water Board. Forms from the offices, Savoy-court, London, W.C. Manchester, July 11.— Wagon Lift. — Electric and hydraulic wagon lift, turntable and saddle-tank steam loco- motive for Electricity Committee. Forms from the secretary, F. E. Hughes, Town Hall. Shortlands (Kent), July 10.—Boilers, etc.—Two Lancashire boilers, economiser, superheaters, piping, etc., for the pumping station. Forms from the engineers’ depart- ment, Metropolitan Water Board, Savoy Court, W.C. Todmorden.—Tubes and Fittings.—Wrought iron tubes and fittings, for the Gas Committee. Particulars from F. V. Barnes, engineer and manager, Gas Works, Todmorden. Coal Mines Act Questions.—Representatives of the General Federation of Colliery Firemen’s Examiners and Deputies’ Associations of Great Britain, with the Northumberland and Durham Deputies’ Association, attended as a deputation at the Home Office on Tuesday, and were received by Mr. W. Brace (Under-Secretary), with whom was Mr. Walker (assistant inspector of mines). The members of the deputa tion were Mr. J. Clark (Durham), Mr. W. Johnson (Durham), Mr. Coulthard (Northumberland), Mr. K. Smith (Yorkshire), Mr. Somnel (president of the National Federa- tion of Deputies), and Mr. W. Fro wen (secretary of the General Federation of Colliery Firemen’s Examiners ■ and Deputies’ Associations of Great Britain). The deputation placed before Mr. Brace several questions arising out of the Coal Mines Act, 1908, on matters affecting the deputies’ position. After listening to the deputation, Mr. Brace stated that he would in due course forward the decision of the Home Office. Women’s War-Time Employment.—The Central Advisory Committee on Women’s War Employment (Industrial) has issued from the Board of Trade offices several circulars relating to the steps already taken for the employment of women as substitutes for enlisted men. An appeal was sent to employers, and the Board appointed local committees to assist in carrying out arrangements. Following a number of conferences, some of the workers’ unions have relaxed their rules, subject to certain conditions, in order that women might undertake work previously restricted to men. Other conferences are being held in order to extend this enlarge- ment of the women workers’ sphere. Pamphlets are issued to employers, and an information bureau has been estab- lished at the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensing- ton. The Advisory Committee advises the Home Office and the Board of Trade on questions relating to the scheme, and also watches the progress of substituted labour. A canvass- ing campaign is being conducted in order to complete the task of organisation.