June 16, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1141 (195,000 mk.); local rates and taxes, 1,402,112 mk. (1,244,627 mk.); workmen’s insurance, 1,557,639 mk. (1,637,127 mk.); invalidity and dependants’ fund, 166,081 mk. (226,968 mk.); Chamber of Commerce dues, 5,837 mk. (10,476 mk.); Emschergeinossenschaft dues, 156,320 mk. (148,238 mk.); .and contributions to the Association of Mining Interests, 23,562 mk. (27,681 mk). These contributions amounted to 0*92 mk. per ton of coal raised, 7*44 per cent, of the value of the coal, 30’60 per cent, of the gross profits and 51-12 per cent, of the net profits of the company. INDIAN AND COLONIAL NOTES. India. Bengal Coal Trade in April.—First class coal was being taken up rapidly, and stocks were getting short at the pit’s mouth. Some of the railways called for an extra 5 per cent, of their supplies; the Royal Indian Marine was a big pur- chaser. The State-worked, railways were 'in the market for 1,325,000 tons of steam coal for one year commencing from the current month. No seaborne coal was required. Tenders were also invited for 10,500 tons of hard coke, 7,800 tons of soft coke, and 14,000 tons of steam rubble. Government Coal Contracts. — A contract for supplying bunker coal to the Royal Indian Marine at Bombay has been, secured by Messrs. Andrew Yule and Company, on behalf of the Bengal Coal Company. A similar contract for the Royal Indian Marine at Karachi has been given to Messrs. H. V. Low and Company. Africa. New Coal Field.—It ds reported that another coal deposit has been discovered in the district of Witbank, in the Transvaal Province, where coal is already being produced m large quantities. It is said that coal producing excellent results'has been proved over an area of 8,300 'acres, the seam being 18 ft. thick, and the coal ranging from 13-27 to 14-3 calorific, 4-9 to 7-45 .ash, 0-32 to 0-68 sulphur, 22 to 27 volatile. Transvaal Output.—The coal production of the Transvaal has, during the past fifteen or sixteen years, risen .almost without intermission from 797,000 tons to 5,225,000 tons in 1913. The output for 1914 declined to 5,157,000 tons, while there was only partial recovery last year, when the tonnage was 5,203,000 tons. This expansion resulted in a great fall in prices, >a