1060 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 2, 1916. of the battery, thereby closing the circuit for the electric lamp 24. As previously explained, the photographic means now produce images of the cross hairs 27 and the movable member 22 (or 30) on the sensitised film 18. (Five claims.) 7523 (1915). Improvements in Means for Starting Internal Combustion Engines. A. E. Brooks, of West View, Murrow, near Wisbech.—Relates to improvements in Patent 7463 of 1911, and consists in the use of an -appliance or apparatus for relieving compression to be employed in connection with the means for holding down of the air valve prior to setting the latch. Fig. 1 shows the retained parts of Patent 7463/11; fig. 2 is an end view of the bracket b of fig. 1, and figs. 3 and 4 show respectively a front view and a side view of the appliance now used in connection with the lever of the air valve for holding the valve down while the latch is being set -and until it is released by the operation of the engine. In the drawings a represents a latch pivoted to a bracket b attached to a part A adjacent to the air valve or to the engine frame; c is a spring surrounding a spindle d hinged at d1 to the latch and passed through a hole in the bracket b the end of the spindle d being provided with a nut e between which and the bracket b the spring c operates so as to normally draw the latch a towards the bracket b ; and fl indicates the head of the air valve spindle f2. B (fig. 1) shows the lever which is passed through the hole b1 in the bracket b until the engine is started. The appliance for holding down the free end of the said lever B consists of an ,3 c- J) adjustable screw C which can be screwed up and down between the arms of a fork D, one of the arms of which is furnished with a screw clip E by which the fork can be attached in a suitable position on the air valve lever F operated by a push rod G actuated by an eccentric or cam. To prevent the lever B from slipping back while in use it is provided with a nut or head H on one side of the bracket ■h and a pin I that can be inserted through the lever on the opposite side of the bracket. In use the lever B is passed through the bracket b and across the top of the air valve head f\ and f1 is depressed so that the latch a can be set upon it. The free end of lever B is then pushed under and into the path of the screw C, and the pin I is inserted. The engine is put on her starting centre and a charge is let -into the cylinder, the lever B simply resting at liberty on the head f1, the latch a keeping f1 depressed. The engine having been pulled once round, the latch a will have just been released by the lever F, the engine having now com- menced its second revolution. Lever F will now bring the screw C on to the lever B, and C will take control of the air valve head fl and depress it somewhat lower than the lever F would otherwise have done. (Two claims.) HEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. [Note.—Applications arranged alphabetically under the names of the applicants (communicators given in italics). A new number will be given on acceptance, which will replace the application number.] Allen and Company, E. (7376). Apparatus for preventing overwinding and un deravin ding of cranes, hoists, lifts, winding drums, etc. Bell, W., and Briggs, R. (7344). Visible signalling device for mines, etc. Bennis, A. W. (7317). Furnace firebars. Binks, C. (7366). Valve caps of internal combustion, engines. Carter, H. M. (7295). Internal combustion engines. Chryst, W. A. (7444). Engine starting systems. Cotteril'l Limited, F. W. (7241). Liquid fuel furnaces. Cowey, L. E. (7569). Starting internal combustion engines. Dod, G. (7485, 7486). Centrifugal fans. Downs, A. (7312). Vaporisers for paraffin or heavy oils as fuel for internal combustion engines... Drake, J. W., and Drakes Limited (7542). Gravity or hinged bucket conveyors and elevators. Drew, R. S. (7551). Working piston and sleeve as single unit in internal combustion engine. Edser, E. (7468). Concentration of ores. Firth, A. L. (7281). Indicating, recording, and cancelling or resetting, etc., apparatus for signalling systems. Furnival, E. H. (7376). Apparatus for preventing over- winding and underwinding of cranes, hoists, lifts, wind- ing drums, etc. Gainey, H. H. (7553). Cancelling mechanism for signalling . devices .for collieries, etc. Hall, I. (7251). Furnaces for melting metals, etc. Hill, A. W. (7430). Internal combustion engines. Hulett, E. (7511). Manufacture of silicated firebricks. Imperia Companv (7485, 7486). Centrifugal fans. Jones, T. D. (7295). Internal combustion engines. Kettering, C. F. (.74441. Engine starting svstems. Kilburn, B. E. D. (Sulzer Akt.-Qes.) (7338). Engine cylinder for single-acting combustion engines. .Kluijtmans, J. (7439). Case hardening process. Knight, J., (7371). Striking gear for driving belts, 1- Lewis, G. P. (7452). Production of benzene, 'toluene, xylene, etc. Lund, H. J. (7547). Apparatus for cleaning boilers. Milner, H. L. (72'56). Rotary air blowers. ... Minerals Separation Limited (7468). Concentration of ores. Muers, P. (7358). Mixing and sight feeding device for delivering treating fluid to boiler feed water. Orbell, W. H. (7410). Apparatus for washing coke breeze, etc. Panton, W. H. (7528). Apparatus for utilising waste heat for generation of steam. Peterson, J. (7552). Power transmitting devices. Pitt, J. D. (7401, 7416). Valve mechanism of internal combustion engines. Player, R. (7272). Automatic reguilation of supply of water . softening reagents. Poole, W. J. (7406). Steam traps. Pressman, J. J. (7295). Internal combustion engines. : Renold Limited, H. (7501). Driving chains. Roberts, A. H. (7494). Valve lifters for internal combustion engines. Robinson, J. G. (7516). Employment of pulverised fuel in furnaces of steam generators. Rollin, C. (7341). Firebricks, etc., and manufacture thereof. Royer, H. (7449). Admission of fuel in internal combustion engines. Smith, R. (7240). Percussion safety detonator. Spencer, J. (7241). Liquid fuel furnaces. Stirling, J. H. (7458). Boiler feed water heating and puri- fying apparatus. Stobie, V. (7244). Electrodes of electric melting and heating furnaces Strong, E. G. (7405). Belts and belt fasteners. Sulman, H. L. (7468). Concentration of ores. Swift, J. H. (7412). Chilled, etc., castings. Thomas, L. J. (7511). Manufacture of silicated firebricks. Travel!, W. (7454). Hoisting and transporting mechanism. Turquand, F. J. (7288). Miners’, etc., electric lamps. Vestraut, G. van (7415). Pistons, etc. Weddell, E. G. (7272). Automatic regulation of supply of water softening reagents. West, G. R. (7241). Liquid fuel furnaces. Wigley, F. S. (7434). Crucible furnaces. Wizard, C. A. (7290). Supplemental control for motive power. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on June 15.) 1915. 2814. Chain grate furnaces. Bennis. 3004. Turbine blades. Akt.-Ges. Brown, Boveri, et Cie., and Christlein. 4226. Furnaces and kilns for applying and utilising heat of combustion. Six, and Oscar Guttmann and Sons. 5021. Manufacture of liquid organic compounds from the products of distillation of coal and other solid car- bonaceous material of vegetable origin formed by natural or artificial carbonisation. Bergins. 5615. Valves for controlling the flow of liquids, gas, steam, or other fluid under pressure. Hill. 7390. Cranes. Young. 7507. Railway vehicle braking arrangements. Both and Tilmann Ges. 7694. Means for utilising steam pressure in automatically regulating the draught through a boiler furnace. Gripaios. 7760. Pressure relief valves. Worthington Pump Company, and Rodaway. 7774. Feed water heating apparatus for locomotive and other boilers. Willans and Luard. 7935. Breathing device for diving equipments and the like. Hanseatische Apparatebau-Ges. vorm. L. von Bremen and Company. 7955. Piston rings. . Schmidt’sche Heissdampf-Ges. 8485. Centrfugail compressors. British Thomson-Houston Company (General Electric Company). 8655. Signalling apparatus. Galsworthy. 8957. Piston packing rings for explosion engines. Clerget. 9148. Mine signalling apparatus. McCartney. 9568. Furnaces for heating billets and the like. lonides. 9851. Internal combustion turbine engines. Esnault- Pelterie. 10117. Extraction of tungsten from tungsten ores. Butter- field and Ashworth. 10309. Liquid fuel feeding mechanism for internal combus- tion engines. Winton. 11197. Rock drill chucks. Prideaux. 11451. Colliery and like winding drums or rollers. Dew- hurst. 11736. Smoke consuming fire grates, furnaces, and the like. Morgan. 13296. Rotary valves for internal combustion engines. Wilson and Jackson. 16748. Means for utilising methane or marsh gas given off mine workings and like places. Moxon. 17544. Valve for internal combustion, steam, air, and other gas or vapour engines. Harris. 1916. [Note.—The numbers following the applications are those which the specifications will finally bear.] 3357. Machines for coating metal plates with tin, terne, or other metal or ahoy. Taylor, P. B. 100476 4621. Fans. Demoville, J. L. 100391 Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1915. 8956. Castings. Delecroix. 16038. Gas producers. Nelson. 16411. Fluid pressure motors. Miller. 17256. Method and apparatus for operating gas producers, especially for use in the manufacture of coal gas. Riter-Conley Manufacturing Company. 1916. [Note.—The numbers following the application are those which the specifications will finally bear.] 4800. Sectional boilers. Cormerais, E. 100480 6422. Radial flow turbines. Svenska Turbinfabriks Aktie- bolaget Ljungstrom. 100484 6874. Motor power plants. Westinghouse Machine Com- pany. 100489 7051. Process and apparatus for extracting benzols from heavy oils. Soo. E. Barbet et fils et Cie. 100493 ALIEN PATENTS. The following list of patents granted to German and Austrian subjects is specially compiled for this paper by Messrs. Hughes and Young, patent agents, 55/56, Chancery- lane, London, W.C., who will furnish our readers with any further information they may require :— 1489. M. Melamid and L. Grotzinger : Cracking tar, tar oils, etc. 1490. M. Melamid and L. Grotzinger : Cracking tar, tar oils, etc. 1538. A. WinandsSteam generators. 1883. Allgemeine Elektricitats Ges. : Centrifugal pumps. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. L.* Any of the following publications may be obtained on application at this office at the price named post free. METALLIFEROUS MINES RULES : No. 14, 3|d. Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks : 33rd Report for 1915, 2|d. Report re Experiments to Test' the Value of Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers, IJd. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1916 : No. 289, Customs, IJd. ; No. 290, Customs Proclamation, 2d.; No. 311, Trading with the Enemy Order, IJd. Military Service Act (No. 2), 1916, 2d. Customs Form 79a, Is. Id. per quire. Boiler Explosion Report (2,410), at Greenbank Bobbin Works, 2Jd. Anglo-Portuguese Commercial Treaty Bill, Id. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. “ Norsk Granit,” by J. Oxaal (Norwegian Geological Society); “ Den Hvite Granit i Sogn, Geologisk Optroeden og Tekniske Engenskaper,” by J. Oxaal (Norwegian Geological Society)’; “ Anglo-Swedish Trade Journal ” (Vol. 8, No. 5), May; “Bulletin of the Imperial Insti- tute ” (Vol. 14, No. 1), January-March 1916, price 2s. 6d. net; “Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engi- neers ’’ (Vol. 51, Part 2), price 6s. North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers.—A meeting of the institute will he held in the Wood Memorial Hall, Newcastle, to-morrow (Saturday), at 2 p.m. Papers open for discussion : “ Modern American Coal Mining Methods, with Some Comparisons,’’ by Mr. S. Dean ; “ The Hirsch Portable Lamp,’’ by Mr. H. H. Hirsch; “ The Logic of Trams,” by Mr. J. Gibson; and “ The Influence of Incombustible Substances in Coal Dust Explosions,” by Mr. A. S. Blatchford. The collection of safety lamps lent to the Brussels Institute was destroyed by fire, and the com- mittee suggests that efforts should be made to form a new collection. The Surveyors’ Institution and Mining Surveyors.—At the annual meeting of the Surveyors’ Institution, held at Great- George-street, Westminster, on Monday evening, under the chairmanship of the retiring president, Mr. J. H. Hanson, the report of the council contained the following paragraph : “ In connection with the new sub-division for mining sur- veyors, referred to in previous reports, a conference of the leading representatives of this branch was called by the pre- sident to discuss how best the objects of the institution in forming the new sub-division might be attained, how it might further be strengthened, whether a standing committee speci- ally representing mining surveyors should be set up, whether the syllabus of examination attaching to the sub-division were capable of amendment, and whether the institution scale of fees should be extended to cover charges for mining work. A useful discussion took place, which there is every reason to hope may have valuable results.”—Mr. D. Watiiey said the suggestion was made some time ago that the mining sur- veyors were not at all satisfied with the status they occupied in the institution. It was thought then that the institution must sweep them all into their net, and must not let them start a rival institution or society. With that object, they had elected several of the leading mining surveyors as fellows of the institution. The president took the matter up very warmly, and called a conference, where he heard all that was to be said on behalf of the mining surveyors. The institution had formed a fresh division, and separate examinations for the mining surveyors, and they hoped that in the course of a few months a very large number of the leading mining sur- veyors of England, Wales, and Scotland would enter the institution. — Mr. G. F. Stewart, of Dublin, was subse- quently elected president. Institution of Mining Engineers.—The 64th general meet- ing of the Institution of Mining Engineers will be held at Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, on Thursday next, commencing at 10.45 a.m. Prof. F. W. Hardwick will lecture on “ The History of the Safety Lamp.” The papers to be read, or taken as read, comprise “ The Health of Old Colliers,” by Dr. J. S. Haldane; and “ The Absorption of Oxygen by Coal,” “ The Estimation of Moisture in Coal,” and “ The Oxidation of Pyrites,” by Mr. T. F. Winmill. Three papers will be open for. discussion : “ Some Effects of Earth Movement on the Coal Measures of the Sheffield Dis- trict.” “ Compressed Air for Coal Cutters,” and “ Gas Producers at Collieries for Obtaining Power and By-products from Unsaleable Fuel.” Sir Thos. Holland having resigned the office of president to take up important duties in India, Sir William Garfcrth will occupy the position until the elec- tion in September. A list of all members of the institution serving with the Colours is being compiled, and, in order to make the list as complete as possible, members engaged in military or naval duties are requested to send particulars to the secretary, 39, Vic tori a-street, S.W. The president has been advised that the Army Council are desirous of obtain- ing mining engineers for employment with the tunnelling companies of the Royal Engineers. Preference would be given to candidates between the ages of 25 and 35 years, and those found suitable would be appointed to temporary com- missions, and be required to proceed overseas at an early date. Mining engineers not members of the institution, blit possessing the necessary qualifications, are also eligible. Candidates for commissions, or those at present serving in the ranks, who desire to be transferred to the Royal Engineers, are requested to communicate at once with the secretary of their own institute. Only candidates who have 'already attested are eligible.