1056 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. ' June 2, 1916. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Belfast, June 7.—The Tramways and Electricity Com- mittee of the Belfast Corporation invite tenders for the supply of coal for their electricity works, for a period of 12 months commencing July 1, amounting to about 40,000 tons, and for lighterage of above. Forms of tender .and conditions of contract may be obtained from Mr T. W. Bloxem, M.I.E.E., city electrical engineer, East Bridge-street, Belfast. Duplicate 2 cwt. samples of the coal offered, to be delivered, properly labelled, at the Electricity Works, Belfast, not later than June 7. Sealed tenders, endorsed “ Tender for coal (or lighterage), Electricity Department,” must be lodged in the town clerk’s office not later than 10 a.m., on June 7. An official receipt must be obtained for every tender delivered by hand. Tenders sent by post must be registered. The council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Dublin, June 8.—The corporation of Dublin invite tenders for the supply of coal for the purposes of their electricity works and main drainage pumping station, for a period of one, two, or three years from June 30, a 12 months’ supply being approximately 40,000 tons. Tenderers may submit offers for one-half the above quantity of 40,000 tons—i.e., 20,000 tons—for delivery as required throughout the year, and to one-half the above rates per week, all the other conditions remaining the same. The coal is to be of the best washed single nuts from Scotch collieries delivered alongside the wharf at the Pigeon House, Dublin. Tenderers may, however, submit alternative tenders for other classes of. Scotch, English, Welsh, or Irish coal which will comply with clause 6 of the specification. No tender will be con- sidered unless it is furnished on the printed form, nor will any tender in which any 'alteration of the form has been made, 'and no tender can be withdrawn within three months from delivery. Copies of the specification (5s. each) can be obtained from the town clerk, City Hall, Dublin, and tenders must be sent in not later than Thursday, June 8, marked “ Tender for coal for “ Electricity Works,” and addressed to “ The chairman of the Supplies Committee, town clerk’s office, City Hall, Dublin.” The corporation does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. Kingston, June 12.—The Guardians of the Kingston Union invite tenders for the supply of house coal (approxi- mately 700 tons) for the year ending June 30, 1917, to be delivered on the Workhouse and Infirmary premises, Kingston, as and when required, and the dust not to exceed 10 per cent. Tenders are also invited for the supply of 1,300 tons of best Warwickshire Wyken slack, fin., and 1,600 tons of Pooley Hall nuts, I in., to l^in., or similar coal, for the same period, delivered at the Infirmary premises, Kingston. Colliery certificate in each case to be forwarded immediately a consignment leaves the pit. Samples of coal to be sent. Sealed tenders, endorsed Tenders for coal,” which should specify the quality to be supplied, must reach the clerk to the Guardians, Union Offices, Kingston-on-Thames, not later than June 12. The Guardians are not pledged to accept any tender. The person whose tender is accepted will be required to enter into a contract, with two sureties. Forms of tender can be obtained from the clerk’s office on receipt of stamped addressed foolscap envelope. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Aberdeen, June 8.—Small steam coal (12 months) for the Electricity Committee. Forms from the city electrical engineer. Alcester, June 6.—50 tons house coal and 25 tons steam coal for the Guardians. Tenders to the clerk. , Alverstoke, June 5.—90 tons best house coal and 150 tons steam coal for the Guardians. Tenders to the clerk, Guardians’ offices, High-street, Gosport. Batley, June 13.—20,000 tons screened gas coal for the corporation. Forms from the manager, Gas Works. Cheadle, June 8.—Coal (12 months) for the Urban District Council. Forms from the surveyor. Chelmsford, June 7.—Coal and coke for schools. Forms from the clerk, Education Sub-committee, County Offices, Chelmsford. Colchester.—Coal and coke (12 months) for the Educa- tion Committee. Forms from G. C. Holland, Technical College, Colchester. Colchester, June 14.—Best' hard hand-picked steam coal for one year, for the Loads and Drainage Committee. Forms from H. Collins, borough engineer and surveyor, Town Hall. Coventry, June 5.—Coal (12 months) for the Education Committee. Forms from the secretary. Croydon, June 8.—Coal for the Croydon and Districts Joint Smallpox Hospital Board. Forms from the clerk’s office, Town Hall, Croydon. Derby, June 13-26.—Coal and coke for committees. Forms from the borough surveyor. Dublin, June 17.—Coal (12 months) for the Cavan and Leitrim Bailway Company. Forms from the secretary, 19, Fleet-street, Dublin. East Preston (Sussex), June 12.—150 tons steam coal and 120 tons coke for the East Preston Guardians. Forms from A. Shalley, clerk, Littlehampton. Folkestone, June 9.—10,000 tons of screened or unscreened gas coal for the Folkestone Gas and Coke Company. Tenders to the chairman. Glasgow, June 9.—Coal for 12 months. Forms from A. Wilson, gas engineer, 45, John-street,. Glasgow. Hull, June 7.—House coal for the Guardians. Forms from the clerk, Sculcoates Union Offices, Harley-street, Hull. ; Kidderminster, June 20.—Engine slack for six months for the Drainage and Waterworks Committee. Forms from the deputy town clerk, Town Hall, Kidderminster. Lichfield, June 13.—Coal for'year for the trustees of the Lichfield Conduit Lands. A. E. Chinn, warden, The Close, Lichfield. London, E.C., June 8.—-3,625Mons of steam coal and 200 tons of house coal. Forms from Trinity House. London, S.E., June 8.—-Coal and coke for the Guardians of Southwark Union. Forms from the clerk, Union Offices, Uff ord-street, Blackfriars. London, S.E., June 9.—Coal (12 months) for the Guardians. Forms from the offices, 29, Peckham-road, Camberwell. . London, N.W., June 13.—Steam coal for use, for 12 months, for the St. Pancras Borough Council. Forms from Electricity Department Office, 57,. Pratt-street, Camden Town. London, N., June 15.—Coal and coke for three, six, or 12 months for the Islington Borough Council. Forms at the Town Hall, Upper-street, N. Loughlinstown (Ireland), June 7.—300 tons of Wigan coal and 50 tons of Cardiff steam coal. Tenders to the chairman of the Board of Guardians. Northampton, June 10.—Coal and coke for schools. Forms from the secretary for Education, County Education Offices, Northampton. Roscbea (Ireland).—June 8.—150 tons of best White- haven or other suit able coal, for the Guardians. Todmorden, June 5.—14,000 tons of unscreened gas coal and 1,000 tons of cannel during the year, for the Gas Com- mittee. Tenders otthe chairman. Ware, June 12.—100 tons small steam nuts for the Rural District Council. Tenders to the clerk, Town Hall. Winchester, June 20.—Coal and coke (one year) for Winchester Cathedral. Ditto for Christ’s Hospital. Tenders in each case to F. Bowker, 17, Southgate-street, Winchester. Youghal, June 15.—1,400 tons gas coal for the Urban District Council. Tenders to the secretary. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, &c. Dublin, June 17.—Stores.—Iron bolts, nuts, engine pack- ing, wagon covers, iron and brass castings, cast and spring steel, files, shovels, firewood, etc., for the Cavan and Leitrim Railway Company. Forms from the secretary, 19, Fleet-street, Dublin. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Arniston Coal Company Limited. — The directors have declared an interim dividend of 16s. per share, or 10 per cent., free of tax. Blackball Coal Company Limited. — The report for 1915 shows a profit of £1,197. This enables £1,000 to be placed to reserve, and leaves, with £8,071 brought forward, a total of £8,269 to the credit of profit and loss. It is proposed to place a further £2,000 to reserve account to meet excess profits tax, if payable, and other contingencies, and to carry forward £6,269. The output was 216,896 tons, a decrease of 1,601 tons. Brunner, Mond and Company Limited.—The directors have declared a dividend on the ordinary shares for the year ended March 31 of 27J per cent., less tax and interim dividend, as against 25 per cent, last year, placing £150,000 to. suspense, writing £2,500 off patents, and carrying forward £23,000. Dinnington Main Coal Company Limited.—The directors have decided to recommend a final dividend of 10 per cent., less tax, payable June 28. Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron and Coal Company Limited.—The directors recommend a dividend of 12J per cent, on the ordi- nary shares for the year ended March 31, 1916, less tax. Glamorgan Wagon* Company Limited.—The directors have declared an interim dividend at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, less tax. Graham’s Navigation (Merthyr) Collieries Limited.—The directors have decided to recommend that the present ordinary shares of £5 each should be sub-divided into five shares of £1 each, and that the capital be increased from £30,000 to £42,000' by the creation of 12,000 6 per cent, preference shares of £1 each. It is proposed that the sum of £12,000, being part of the undivided profits of the company, should be dis- tributed among the holders of ordinary shares. Hyderabad (Deccan) Company Limited.—It was stated at the meeting that the coal sales amounted to £195,453, an increase of £8,913 on the previous year. The final dividend of Is. 6d. makes 2s. 6d. for the year. Lancashire Dynamo and Motor Company Limited.—Final dividend of 5 per cent, actual, making 121 pOr cent, for the year; to reserve, £14,992; and £1,450 carried forward. Millom and Askam Haematite Iron Company Limited.-— The directors will pay a half-year’s dividend on the ,7 per cent, cumulative preference shares, and an interim dividend on the ordinary shares of 4 per cent., the latter free of income- tax. Newport-Abe,ream Black Vein Steam Coal Company Limited.—Dividend on the ordinary shares of 12J per cent, for the year ended March 31. North Lonsdale Iron and Steel Company Limited.— An interim dividend of 6 per cent, has been declared for half-year to April 30, as against 5 per cent, a year ago, payable June 3. Richardsons, Westgarth and Company Limited.—The report shows expenditure £26,651, and a profit of £76,241. After various allocations, the credit balance is £17,511, and no dividend on shares is recommended. Rhymney Iron Company Limited.—The report for the year states that the trading profits of the year were £127,732. Deducting £32,101 for interest and sinking funds on the two debenture loans of the company, £2,760 for directors’, auditors’, and trustees’ fees, and £12,000 interim dividend on preference capital, the balance is £80,872, or with the addi- tion of £5,847 brought forward, a total of £86,719. The cost of new work carried out during the year was £7,066, in com- pletion of the re-opening and development of the Mardy pit on the company’s freehold. To this must be added the sums left undealt with in the last annual report in respect of the Mardy pit (£7,524), and electric power installation (£6,203). >r a total of £20,792. It is proposed to add to reserve fund £10,000; to pay a final dividend at the rate of 6 per cent, per 'annum (less tax) on the cumulative preference capital; to pay a dividend of 5 per cent, (less tax) for the year on the ordinary capital, leaving to be carried forward £10,119. Tredegar Iron and Coal Company Limited.—The directors recommend to.shareholders, on the “A” and “ B ” registers, a dividend of 10 per cent., with a bonus of 5 per cent, (both free of tax) for the year ended March 31, 1916, less the interim dividend paid in December last. United National Collieries Limited. — Our attention has been called to the latest quotations of this company, which were given incorrectly in our stock and share list last week. The figures should have read : Ordinary, 75s.—77s. 6d. ; 6 per cent, cumulative preference, 21s.—22s. NEW COMPANIES. British Electrolytic Zinc Company (Isherwood Process) Limited.—Registered May 24. Nominal capital, £62,500 in 62,500 £1 shares. Directors : Three of the first directors shall be appointed by the subscribers, and two of the first directors shall be appointed by Refractory Zinc Ore Treatment Company, so long as they hold 15,000 shares of the company. Qualification of directors, £100. Subscribers : E. Fair- weather, F. W. Ellis, A. J. Aldis, and A. W. Whitefield. Farrar and Young Limited. — Private company. Regis- tered May 27. To acquire the business of engineer and machinery broker carried on by W. Farrar, at Paragon Works, Bramley, Leeds, under the style of Farrar and Young. Nominal capital, £5,000 in 2,000 £1 preference shares, and 3,000 £1 ordinary shares. Directors : Wm. Farrar, T. W. Farrar, II. E. Farrar, J. H. Farrar, and G. E. Farrar. Laneside Coal Company Limited. — Private company. Registered May 26. To carry on business of colliery agents, exporters, importers of coal and fuel, and of pit wood, etc. Nominal capital, £4,000 in 4,000 £1 shares. Directors : A. Fielding, J. Chadwick, F. Buckley, and T. H. Lucas. Qualification of directors, £500. London Simplet Engineering Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 33, Nicholas-lane, E.C. Regis- tered May 27. To carry on business of iron founders, mechanical engineers, boiler makers, etc. Nominal capital, £3,000 in 1,500 £1 10 per cent, cumulative preference shares, and 1,500 £1 ordinary shares. Directors : R. T. Marshall, and J. L. Parnell. Qualification of directors, £100. Oliver, Ling and Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 38, Victoria-street, S.W. Registered May 23. To carry on business of railway, electrical, mechani- cal, and general contractors and engineers, and to enter into an agreement, etc. Nominal capital, £20,000 in 20,000 £1 ordinary shares. Directors : F. L. Oliver, J. R. Ling, and O. G. C. Drury. Qualification of directors (other than first directors), £500. South Wales Basic Slag Company Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered May 25. To acquire the goodwill of that branch of the business carried on by Messrs. W. Gilbertson and Company Limited, of Pontardawe, Glamorgan, which relates to the grinding and rendering marketable of basic slag and other similar products, and the manufacture therefrom of agricultural manure, etc. Nominal capital, £50,000 in 50,000 £1 shares. First directors : J. R. Wright, J. C. Davies, F. W. Gilbertson, and C. G. Gilbertson. Strand Electric and Engineering Company Limited.— Private company. Registered office, 66a, St. Martin’s-lane, W.C. Registered May 25. Nominal capital, £750 in 750 £1 ordinary shares. Subscribers (250 shares each) : A. T. Earn- shaw, J. M. Woolhough, and P. Sheridan. Torbinia Engineering Company (1916) Limited.—Public company. Registered May 19. To manufacture or deal in munitions of war. Nominal capital, £35,000 in 15,000 £1 cumulative 8 per cent, preference shares, and 400,000 Is. ordi- nary shares. Minimum subscription, seven shares. Quali- fication of directors (other than first directors), £100. Sub- scribers (one share each) : W. J. Hawks, M. W. Starling, P. Cowling, B. F. Race, and F. Evans. Vtfblverhampton Steel and Iron Company Limited.— Private company. Registered May 22. To carry on business of coal masters, iron masters, tin-plate manufacturers, founders, boiler makers, etc. Nominal capital, £15,000 in 15,000 £1 shares. Subscribers (one share each) :—B. Thomas, H. S. Thomas, H. M. Thomas, B. A. Hollands, F. W. Gilbertson, and H. Jeans. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C OBITUARY. Mr. J. J. Hill, one of the wealthy railroad magnates of the United States, died on Sunday night at the age of. 78. At one time he was a wharf labourer. Engaging in the sale of wood and coal, he was the first to bring the mineral to St. Paul. Then he took up transportation, and promoted some great railway developments. Mr. James Kirkley, coal owner, of South Shields, who unsuccessfully contested the Jarrow Parliamentary Division in January 1910, and again in December of the isame.year in the Unionist interest, died at Harrogate. The death is announced of Mr. David Dehane Napier, consulting engineer, Glasgow. Mr. Napier was a grandson of Mr. David Napier, the famous shipbuilder and engineer. In Liverpool, on Empire Day, a meeting of business men, organised by the British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’ Association, passed a resolution asking for the special State recognition of engineering in any reform of British commer- cial policy. Lecturing at a meeting of the Leeds Association . of Engineers on gold mining on the Witwatersrand, Prof. E. L. Hummel said that formerly 32 per cent, of the gold was thrown away, and in the same way to-day many millions of tons of coal were thrown away in English coal mines, although mine managers were loth to admit it. Just as colossal a waste was going on here as went on in the Rand 25 years ago. The fine coal was not brought up because miners were paid by weight, and if they allowed mixed small coal and stones to be brought up the stone, of course, would weigh heavy, and the men would get more wages easily, while the cleaning of the coal would be another problem for the coal mine authorities. Mixed coal and stone should be filled up by wage-earners not paid by weight, and there should also be in connection with each colliery a chemical works, so that the present waste would'be prevented. This was bound to be done in the future. Hull. Coal Exports.—-The official return of the exports of coal from Hull to foreign countries for the week ended May 23, is as follows :—Bergen, 20 tons; Dunkirk, 893; Guernsey, 142; Gefle, 1,840; Gothenburg, 4,016; Harlingen’ 347; Havre, 2,131; Rouen, 3,502; Rotterdam, 936; Treport, 822—total, 15,060 tons. Corresponding period May 191<5— total, 57,345 tons. These figures do not include bunker coal, shipments for the British Admiralty, nor the Allies’ Govern- ments.