May 26., 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 1011 COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPOSTS AND DIVIDENDS. Cory (William) and Son Limited.—The directors 'recom- mend a final dividend of 6 per cent., less tax, making 10 per cent, for the year ended March 31, together with a bonus of 5 per cent., less tax, on the ordinary shares and on the employees’ shares. Dickson and Mann Limited.—The report for the year ended March 31 last states that the net profit, including £761 brought forward, after providing for administration charges, depreciation, and interest on overdraft, amounts to £4,474. The directors recommend to pay the half-year’s dividend on preference shares to March 31, 1911, and also half-year to September 30, 1911, at 6 per cent. ; to place to reserve (making this account £5,000), £2,000; and to carry forward £674. Electric Construction Company Limited.—The report shows a net profit of £43,241, after providing £6,648 for debenture interest, and £7,500 for depreciation, and the dividend on the ordinary shares is to be raised from 6 to 7| per cent.. There is an increase in the profit of £7,674, -but the transfer to the- reserve fund is reduced from £17,402 to £12,664, and although the balance forward is raised from £7,471 to £1.6,839, the latter sum is subject to excess profits duty and assessment under the Munitions Act. Hallamshire Steel and File Company Limited. — The directors recommend a dividend for the year ended March 31 of £3 per share, together with a bonus of £2 per share, equal to a distribution for the year of 25 per cent. Hyderabad (Deccan) Company Limited.—The report for 1915 states that the output of coal was 5-5 per cent, in excess of that in 1914. The increase in sales was 9-7 per cent. After providing an additional £10,000 for depreciation, making £22,000 in all, and £2,000 for reserve, the accounts show a credit balance of £47,933. The board recommend a final dividend of Is. 6d. per share (less tax), making 2s. 6d. per share for year, carrying forward £19,333. Parkgate Iron and Steel Company Limited.—The directors state the works have been employed to their fullest capacity throughout the whole of the year ended March 31 last, and the output of steel has been the largest in the history of the company. The wear and tear of machinery and plant has, in consequence, been heavier than usual. The profit for the year, after providing for war taxation, is £127,343, add balance brought forward from last year £3,056, making £130,399. It is proposed to distribute a further dividend of 2s. 3d. per share, making 17| per cent, for the year, and carry forward £5,399. Pease and Partners Limited.—The directors recommend the payment of further dividends of 22s. per share on both ordi- nary and deferred shares, making, with the interim divi- dends already paid, 15 per cent, per annum on both classes of shares. Pumpherston Oil Company Limited. — The report of the directors for the year ended April 30 states that after provid- ing for the maintenance of the works and mines, and including £16,784 brought forward, there is a balance at the credit of profit and loss account of £151,712. The directors recommend to write off for depreciation £15,000, to write off the amount expended on improved plant during the year, £5,157 ; to place to credit of improved plant account £20,000; to reserve fund £10,000; to pay a dividend at the rate of 25 per cent, (less tax) on the ordinary shares; and to carry forward £17,931. The capital expenditure of £10,478 has been incurred in the erection of workmen’s houses. Scottish Australian Mining Company.—The report states that the coal sales for the half-year totalled 140,660 tons. Freights and scarcity of tonnage hampered the foreign trade. Two pits were closed, leaving one to supply the current demand. The accounts show a profit on the colliery working of £2,394, as against a loss in the previous half-year of £2,239. The directors propose to carry forward the credit balance of £3,462. Western Dominion Collieries Limited.—The report for the year states that, after providing for the debenture interest, etc., the net profit for the year is £1,743, and after charging income-tax paid and premium on debentures redeemed, together amounting to £501, results in a surplus for the year of £1,241. The directors are considering how this under- taking can be financed, and purpose making a proposaHo the bondholders to postpone the payment of interest and sinking fund on the bond issue for a period of years, to enable the company to meet the expenditure out of profits available for interest and sinking fund. Whitehaven Haematite Iron and Steel Company Limited.— The report for year to March 31 shows a profit of £18,790. Of tins, £6,000 is appropriated to depreciation, £2,500 added to reserve, and a dividend of 10 per cent, on ordinary shares is recommended, carrying, forward £5,231. NEW COMPANIES. Ashburnham Collieries Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered May 15. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £30,000 in 30,000 £1 shares. Subscribers (one share each) : T. Cranshay and G. E. Bowen, J.P. Avidimax Limited.—Private company. Registered office, The Royal Exchange, Buxton. Registered May 13. To acquire any inventions of extractors or recoverers of volatile products from coal, cannel, shale, or other mineral products, gas producers, quarry and mine owners, coal and coke mer- chants, dealers in railway, quarry, and other plant. Nominal capital, £10,000 in 10,000 £1 ordinary shares. First director, A. Rollason. Barn Farm Colliery Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Old Bank-chambers, Wolverhampton. Registered May 15.’ Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £300 in 300 £1 shares. First directors to be appointed by subscribers. Subscribers (one share each) : E. Harris and H. Johnson. Grooved Firebars Company Limited. — Private company. Registered May 18. To carry on business of makers, builders of,°agents for, and dealers in furnaces, heating and combus- tion chambers, boilers, etc. Nominal capital, £100 in 100 £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) : W. H. V. Morley, R. C. Stirzaker, and T. H. Lundy. Harvey and Whitehouse Limited. — Private company. Registered May 16. To carry on business of brass and general iron founders, casters in cast iron and other metals, iron and general merchants. Nominal capital, £100 to 100 £1 shares. First directors, H. C. Harvey. Qualification of directors, 50 shares. Press Work Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 23, Temple-row, Birmingham. Registered May 19. To carry on business of iron founders, mechanical engineers, and boiler makers. Nominal capital, £3,000 in 3,000 £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) : A. W. Sanderson and A. McLeod. Qualification of directors, £10. Shenton (F. J.) and Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 234, Queen’s-road, Peckham. Registered May 17. To carry on business of munitions workers, elec- trical, telephone, mechanical, and general engineers, etc. Nominal capital, £3,50'0 in 3,000 £1 ordinary, shares, and 500 £1 “ B ” shares. Directors : F. J. Shenton and E. H. Smith. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons [limited company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C CONTRACTS OPEM FOR COAL AM COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Dewsbury, May 31.—Tenders are invited for the supply of steam coal for the Electricity Works, Brad- ford-road, Dewsbury, for 12 months. Quantity required, about 2,500 tons. Specification and form of tender may be obtained from R. H. Campion, engineer and manager, and must be returned not later than May 31, addressed to the Chairman, Electricity and Tramways Committee, 93, Brad- ford-road, Dewsbury. The Corporation do not bind them- selves to -accept the lowest or any tender. The sum of 2s. 3d. per ton given with ashes carted away from the Corporation Electricity Works. Dover.—The Electricity Committee are prepared to con- sider offers for the supply -and delivery of 1,000 tons washed small, or good nutty slack, coal for use on chain-grate stokers. Further particulars may be obtained on application to L. W. Woodman, borough electrical engineer, Electricity Works, Dover.. Gloucester, May 30.—The directors of the Gloucester Gas Light Company invite tenders for the supply of -about 44,000 tons of gas coal for one year from July 1, in such monthly quantities as may be required by the company. Tenders to state the price delivered at the Gas Company’s siding, Midland Railway, Hempsted, near Gloucester, or the Great Western Railway Wharf, Llanthony, Gloucester; or, if sent by water, the price f.o.b., and also the price delivered at the G--as Company’s Wharf on the Gloucester and Berke- ley'Canal., Further particulars and forms of tender may be obtained from WT. E. Vinson, secretary. Sealed tenders, endorsed “ Tender for coal,” specifying the description and quality of the coal, to be addressed to the chairman, Gas Offices Eastgate-street, Gloucester, and delivered not later than Tuesday, May 30. The directors reserve to themselves the right to accept the wdiole or -any portion of any quantity offered, -and do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or. any tender. Hemel Hempstead, May 31.—Tenders are invited for the supply by monthly instalments of about 400 tons of double- screened nuts, free from slack, and about 400 tons of f in. slack, delivered free on rail at Hemel Hempstead Midland Station. Tenders, which must be on official forms, should be delivered not later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 31, marked “ Tender for coa,l.” The Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. . Walter R. Locke, borough surveyor. Torquay, June 19.—The Electric Lighting Committee of the Torquay Town Council are prepared to receive tenders for the supply during the next 12 months of 5,500 tons -of coal suitable for use with mechanical stokers of the under- feed type. Specification and form of tender may be obtained from F. S. Hex, town clerk, to whom tenders endorsed Tender for coal” must be sent not later than noon, June 19. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Tottenham, June 6.—The Joint Drainage Committee invite tenders fur the supply of steam co-al for six or twelve months from June 25, 1916. Particulars may be obtained on application to Mr. H. F. Wilkinson, A.M.Inst.C.E., acting engineer of the committee, at the Town Hall, Tottenham. Sealed tenders -endorsed “ Coal contract ” must be delivered at noon on June 6, to R. C. Graves, clerk of the committee, Town Hall, Tottenham. . Wigan, June 15.—The Wrigan Gas Committee invite tenders for the supply of gas nuts, cobbles, or screened or unscreened coal. Particulars and forms of tender may be obtained on application to Mr. F. Betley, gas engineer, Gas Works, Wigan. The committee do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Tenders sealed and endorsed “ Tenders for gas coal ” to be delivered to me on or before June 15 next. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Ballinrobe.—50 tons house coal for Guardians. Tenders to the clerk, Ballinrobe. Barking, June 9.—Slack or beans (6 or 12 months). Forms from the engineer. Council Electricity Works, Barking. Barrow-in-Furness, May 30.—Ga-s coal (12 months) for the Corporation. Forms from the gas and water manager. Blackadon (Devon), May 29.—550 tons large steam coal, 160 tons gais coal, and 50 tons house coal.' Tenders to the clerk of Plymouth Borough Asylum, Blackadon. Bury (Lancs), May 31.—Gas coal (40,000 tons), boiler slack, burgy, house coal, and W-allsend coal for the Cor- poration. Forms from the gas works engineer, Elton. Cork, June 6.—Steam coal for Waterworks Committee. Forms from the secretary of committees, City Hall. Dover, June 6.—210 tons silkstone household coal and 1,200 chaldrons of coke. Forms from the town clerk. Edmonton, June 6. — Coal and coke for the various elementary schools. Tenders to A. He-ap, secret-ary, Educa- tion Offices, Brettenha-m-road, Upper Edmonton. Edmonton, June 14.—Coal and coke (12 months). Forms from the clerk to the Guardians, White Hart-lane, Edmon- ton. Farnham, May 31.—Coal and coke for the Guardians. Tenders from the workhouse. Fleetwood, June 3.—2,000 tons rough slack. Forms from the Council Offices. Great Driffield, June 2.—2,500 tons screened gas coal for the Urban District Council. No forms. Tenders to the clerk. Hastings, June 7.—650 tons of Bolsover or Creswell large cobbles, -for the Guardians. Tenders to clerk, Union Offices, Hastings, by June 7. Holbeach, June 2.—For the supply of coal -and coke to the schools (1) during the month of August, (2) during period from beginning of October to end of May 1917. Tenders to clerk to the managers, Holbeach. Horncastle (Lincs), June 51—85 tons of house coal and 120 tons of engine coal, for the Guardians. Tenders, marked on the cover ” Tender for coal,” to the clerk, Union Office, Hornca-stle. Hornsey, June 2.—Coal and coke for the Council’s offices, isolation -hospital depots, etc., for 12 months. Particulars from Town Clerk’s office, Highgate. Isleworth, June 12.—150 tons best coal, 100 tons of best hard steam coal, 20 tons of anthracite coal, and 20 tons of coke for the Joint Isolation Hospital Committee. Forms from the clerk, 213, High-street, Hounslow. Johnstone (Scotland), June 5.—Ga-s coal (12 months). Forms from the gas works engineer. Kettering, June 5.—Coal and coke for the Isolation Hospitals. Particulars from the clerk, Bank Chambers, Kettering. Kidsgrove.—Gas nuts or burgy for gas works, and engine slack (12 months). Tenders to the clerk, Council Offices, Kidsgrove. Kinsale, May 31.—130 tons of co-al for the Guardians. Tenders to the clerk, boardroom, Kinsale. Knaresborough, May 29.—2,500 tons of best screened gas coal for the Urban District Council. Tenders, which are not supplied, to Mr. T. Mainman, clerk. Letterkenny, May 31-June 12.-1,200 tons of coal for the Donegal District Asylum, Letterkenny. Forms from the clerk. London, May 3’0.—500 tons of hard steam coal for the Poplar -and Stepney Sick Asylum District. Forms at the clerk’s office, Devon’s Office, Bow, London. London, May 31.-2,000 tons -small steam coal, 770 tons large steam coal, 1,310 tons house and kitchen coal and 570 tons coke. Forms from the clerk, Hackney Union, Homer- ton. London, June 3.—Coal and coke -for one year, Padding- ton Borough Council. Tenders to the Town Hall, Padding- ton. London, June 6.—House, steam and gas coal (12 months) for the Metropolitan Asylums Board. Only colliery pro- prietors are invited to apply. Forms from the Offices, Embankment. London, June 7.—Co-al and coke for the police offices, etc., for three months. Forms from the Receiver, New Scotland Yard. London, June 13.—Steam coal for the St. Pancra-s Borough Council. Forms from Electricity Department Offices. 57, Pratt Street, Camden Town. Middleton (Lancs), June 16.—Coal for ga-s works (12 months) for the Corporation. Forms from the gas engineer, Middleton. Mullingar, June 3-7.—Coal for the district lunatic asylum, Mullingar. Forms at the asylum office. Mortlake, June 5.—2,000-4,000 tons of coal for chain grate stokers at Electricity Works. Forms from the clerk, Council Offices, Mortlake. Nantwich, June 5.—4,500 tons screened gas coal, and in such quantities a-s may be required between July 1, 1916, and June 30, 1917 ; also for the purchase of their surplus tar and liquor produced at the gas works from July 1, 1916, to June 30, 1917. Particulars from Mr. D. H. Davies, engineer and manager, Ga-s Offices, Nantwich. Newcastle, June 1.—Coal (12 months) for the Tyne Improvement Commissioners. Forms from the offices, Bewick-street. Newry, May 31.—5,000 tons gas coal for the Gus Com- mittee. Forms from the offices. Paisley, May 30.—Coal and dross for institutions. Tenders to the clerk to the Paisley District Board of Control. Retford, June 3.—Gas coal (9,000 tons). Forms from the engineer, Gas and Water Office, Retford. Tiverton, June 3.—4,000 tons of freshly-wrought gas coal. Forms from the ga-s manager. Tyldesley, June 10.—5,000 tons gas coal, nuts, and rough slack. Forms from the engineer, gas works. Ware (Herts), June 9.—60 tons of Old Roundwood best Silkstone house coal, about 40 tons of Anne-sley best hard steam coal and about 20 tons of coke. Forms from the clerk to the Joint Hospital Board, Ware. AVArrington, May . 31.—Coal and cannel for the Gas Committee. Enquiries to Mr. AV. . S. Haddock, general manager, Ga-s Offices, Warrington. ■AAMrwick, June 10.—Coal for 12 months, for the War- wickshire County Council (Education Committee). Forms from the Director of Education, County Education Office, AVarwick. AVhitecroft (I.O.W.), May 30.—150 tons steam coal and 50 tons house coal. Forms from the clerk to the County Asylum Committee. Wombwell, June 3.-6,500 tons gas coal or screened gas nuts for the Urban District Council. Forms from the Gas AVorks manager. AA'rexham, June 1.—12,000 tons gas coal for the Wrexham Gas Company. Forms from the engineer. ■ The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AMD STEEL WORK, &c. Barlby (Yorks), June 3.—Mains, etc.—Cast-iron water mains, valves, and special castings for the Council. Forms from the clerk, Abbey-place, Selby. Dublin, May 30.—Pipework.—Cast-iron exhaust pipes and supports for engine. Forms from the city electrical engineer, Electricity Works, Dublin. Tyldesley, June 10.—Pipes and Mains.—Cast-iron pipes, steel mains, wrought iron tubes, and fittings, etc., for the Urban District Council. Particulars from the engineer, gas works.