982 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 26, 1916. THE BRITISH EXPLOSIVES SYNDICATE LTD. 124-ST VINCENT STREET GLASGOW THAMES POWDER N° 2 Charge Limit 22 Ounces Telegrams : “ Future, Middlesbrough.” COAL DISTILLATION COMPANY, Middlesbrough. BY-PRODUCT COKE OVENS, WITH AND WITHOUT REGENERATORS. HUSSENER & CO LUN SYSTEM. DIRECT RECOVERY SYSTEM. Largest Yield of By-Products. No Re-heating of Gases. BENZOL PLANTS. TAR DISTILLATION PLANTS. Large number of Plants in operation in Great Britain and on Continent. T 4 A 4: ■ ■ r “‘-I L -LXl Water Tube Boiler, “Woodeson” Patents, fitted with Patent Superheater and Stoker of the Underfeed Type. CLARKE, CHAPMAN & CO. LTD Victoria Works, GATESHEAD. GENERAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS — AND — BOILERMAKERS. Specialists in Colliery Power Plant, Haulage and Winding Gears, Water Tube Boilers (“Woodeson” Patents), Pumps for all purposes (steam and electrically driven). Telephones— 1070-1073 Central, Newcastle. I I 1 Sectional view of Boiler showing Superheater in position. Telegrams— 137, City. Cyclops, Gateshead. Cyclops Fen, London. “ANTHRACITE COAL AND PLANT We have Specialised in this class of Machinery, and have designed and made more than all other firms combined. References to users are invited. Established 50 Years. LTD., BRIDGEND, SOUTH WALES) x Zf i