May 19, 1916. THE ~ COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 937 PNEUMATIC PICKAXE “ELOY PATENTS” Nos. 11816/13-10128/13. VERY LATEST LABOUR SAVER. THE “IDEAL” MACHINE FOR THE FOLLOWING WORK ■. 1. For taking off a top caunch there is nothing to equal it. 2. There is nothing on the market as good as our Pick-Axe for squaring sides, either stone or coal. 3. By using our Pick-Axe you can take a 14 in. caunch off in the time it takes a man to drill a hole. 4. A man with this Pick-Axe can make five side holes for girders whilst a man with a pick can only make one in the same time. 5. There is nothing to equal it for making Refuge Holes. You can make them square and at any time you wish. 6. Saves the cost of Boring Machine, Explosives, Cables, Batteries, wages of shot firer and sharpening the tools. 7. For cutting water levels, we guarantee that this Pick-Axe will do five times as much work in the same time as a man with a pick. 8. With our Pick-Axe, Collieries can drive a stone drift where shots cannot be fired, five times as quick. 9. For holing special places for ventilation in either coal or stone, where shots are specially forbidden. ' 10. For taking the place of hand hewing it will do the work of five men in hard coal. 11. For taking band down in broken places where shots cannot be fired. 12. For cleaning furred water pipes. 13. For making foundations for enginehouses or other buildings on the surface , or below ground. COSTS ONLY £2S. HUGH WOOD & CO. LD. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE.