THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 879 May 5, 1916. combined are invited, Years. References to users Established 50 We have Specialised in this class of Machinery, and have designed and made more than all other firms ANTHRACITE CORL BREAKING AND PLANT LTD BRIDGEND, EDWIN LEWIS & SONS, O Original Makers of “ Acme,” “ Williams,” and other Loose Flanged Joint Tubes 1 I for Mining Work. TUBES Mm OF ANY SIZE " For Compressed Air, Water, or Steam. 3nWB Telegrams—‘‘Lewis, Wolverhampton.” wnRWQ fPatent Iron Tube Works, Monmore Green. Telephone —Nos. 15 6 180 Wolverhampton. 1 Britannia Tube Works, Ettingshall. WOLVERHAMPTON. Buyers will note that the joint illustrated is our original “ Acme ” joint used largely for vertical columns as it is quite rigid, and suitable for sinking or per= manent work. LONDON ADDRESS—143, Cannon Street, E.C. LIVERPOOL WAREHOUSE-58, South John St. ELECTRICAL MEASURING & RECORDING INSTRUMENTS FOR MINES. . . . . . Ask for Catalogue. NALDER BROS. & THOMPSON LD„ 97a. Dalston Lane, London, N.E. Look for the mark of Reliability, Offices—30 & 31, Furnival Street, Hoib^rn, London, E.C. Hounded 1899. WATER AND WATER ENGINEERING. Price 6d. monthly. Annual Subscription, 7s. 6d. post free (payable in advance). MARKS. STAMPS. BRANDING IRONS. Brass Labe/s & 77m e Cfiectts. fie7s of betters figure Peaches, fiaiboss/ag Presses. BrassttameP/ates, fibeucb/s, Mou/tters’betters& figures. pies. E.PRY0R& SON, Seals. 112-116 ROCKINGHAM ST SHEFFIELD. JOHN WOOD & SONS, LTD Engineers, BARLEY BROOK FOUNDRY, WIGAN. Fitted with AUTOMATIC BRAKE CLUTCH. Telephone—No. “ 55 ” Wigan. BAND” FRICTION Telegrams— * Haulage, Wigan and Improved “ OUTSIDE- 100-H.P. “ENDLESS” I ' I. '• HCCC C. sotf. Haulage Gears of every type. WINDING, PUMPING & AIR COMPRESSING ENGINES.