May 5, 1916. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 877 Wrought Iron and Steel Tubes. SPECIAL JOINT. These Tubes are specially suitable for mines, being both light and strong The Joint, as illustrated, can be easily connected, and a tube can be removed without disturbing the run. Fittings of all kinds supplied. Improved Albion Loose Flange Joint. STEWARTS and LLOYDS LTD., PIT PROPS. We manufacture Tubular Steel Pit Props, which are exceptionally strong and durable. They can be used repeatedly and have a high factor of safety. Lists sent on application. GEASGO"W—41, Oswald Street. BIRMINGHAM—Broad Street Chambers. I^ONDON-Winchester House, Old Broad Street. ORMEROD’S IMPROVED PATENT SAFETY LINKS For the effectual prevention of Accidents from Over- winding. THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE SAFETY DETACHINC HOOK YET INVENTED. Advantages and full particulars on application. Sizes up to 10 Tons working load in Stock or Progress. DIPLOMAS OF HONOUR AWARDED TORONTO, LONDON & OTTAWA, CANADA, August, September and October, 1898. PATENTEE Sf SOLE MANUFACTURER— EDWARD ORMEROD, Atherton, nr. Manchester. “THE SOUTH WALES COAL-FIELD.”—PART III. By HENRY K. JORDAN, F.G.S (Past President and First Gold Medallist of the South Wales Institute of Engineers ■. rpHIS Paper completes the author’s monograph on the South Wales A Coal-Field, and is published by the South Wales Institute of Enginers. It comprises 89 pages of printed matter, with a number of Sections inter- leaved, and the following large drawings which are issued separately:— 1. A Horizontal Section across the Carmarthenshire Coal-Field from Pontyberem to the Sea near Llanelly, i he Section is fiv-i feet in length mounted on lin^n. and geologic *l'y co'oured. 2. A Map on the Six-inch Scale of the Anthracite Area of Llan- non, Mynydd-Sylen, and Pontyberem. It al»o illustrates the Outer ps of the Seams, F ults, &c. Three Sheets of Vertical Sections of the Deep and Important New Collieries that have been Sunk throughout the Coal- Field during* the Past Six Years. The ections drawn to a scale of 100 ft. to 1 in., and the sheets are 40x27 in., mounted on linen. The first portion of the text deals with the anthracite area and with the Pennant seams to the north and west of Llanelly and Burry Port. The remaining portion discusses the new collieries in Glamorganshire and Monmouthshire, with much additional information which brings the subject up to date. A limited number of the above are for sale, price £2 2s. (postage extra), and may be obtained from THE SECRETARY, The South Wales Institute of Engineers, Cardiff. “The South Wales Coal-Field,” Part I., by Mr. H. K. Jordan, price <62 2s., dealing with the eastern half of the Coal-Field; and “ The S< uth Wales Coal-Field ” Part II., by Mr. H. K. Jordan, price <61 Is., dealing with the western half of the Coal-Field, may be obtained from the Secretary fHT. E. TEALE & Co. Ltd., SWINTON, LANCS. --- APPROVED - MINERS’ SAFETY LAMPS, GLASSES. COLLIERY STORES, &c. SUTCLIFFES Patent Universal CONVEYOR For Underground or Surface. SIMPLE, EFFICIENT a.nd UNIQUE -- Illustrated in next Issue. - RICHARD SUTCLIFFE, Universal Conveyor Works, HORBURY, WAKEFIELD BEYER'S PATENT ATTACHMENT ® TO PREVENT OVERWINDING, EXCESSIVE SPEED, OR STARTING IN WRONG DIRECTION. ABSOLUTE AUTOMATIC CONTROL DURING FULL PERIOD OF WIND. CAN BE FITTED TO ANY ENGINE. BEVER, DORLINGsCO. L" Makers of all kinds of COLLIERY PLANT. Telegrams—“Foundry, Bradford.” Bowling Ironworks, BRADFORD. Telephone—1644 Bradford. AGENTS- Northumberland & Durham—Mr. W. E. COWENS, Scottish Union Bldgs., 90, Pilgrim St., NEWCA8TLE-ON-TYNE. South Yorkshire, Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire- Mr. E. L. ROUSSETT, Calow Close, Old Brampton, nr. CHESTERFIELD, South Wales—Mr. D. LLE WELKIN EVANS, 120, Bute Street, CARDIFF. Pumps for all Duties. -- ■ 1 a ---- MIT Our Pumps jj embody . . several special features, all making for EFFICIENCY, RELIABILITY. •r’M ? K i - ii Series Pumping Set for 20,000 g.p.h., 1,600 feet head at 1,475 r.p.m. MTT Our staff of JU Engineers is at your service to advise on any pumping proposals. Pumps for High, Low, and Medium Lifts. ANY CAPACITY, ANY HEAD, ANY SPEED. Park Works, /vlr^TTl iWV tl - Queen Anne’s Chambers, MANCHESTER. £ ■ /Jlllr'I ”1/111 P LONDON.